Retrieve joint from model in python

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Hao Lee
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Retrieve joint from model in python

Post by Hao Lee » Sun Jan 15, 2023 2:57 am

Hi everyone

I am kind of new in using OpenSim in python. I wonder how can I get the joint, muscles, etc from an existing model.
For instance

Code: Select all

import opensim as osim
model = osim.Model('model_path.osim')
Does there exist any function like GetJoint?
Currently I found getJointList(), but it only returns me an iterator, which I am not 100% sure what it means in python (c++ I suppose I can ++ to advance, but python?)

Also, is there any good API on OpenSim python? I try to google for it but did not really find one.


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Thomas Uchida
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Re: Retrieve joint from model in python

Post by Thomas Uchida » Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:59 am

The following pages in the documentation might be helpful: You can find some example scripts in your local "Resources" directory (e.g., C:\OpenSim4\Resources\Code\Python) as well as on GitHub: The API Guide ( provides information about the capabilities of each class. To answer your specific question, you can call something like "myModel.getJointSet().get("myJointName")"; here's an example: ...