nan in forceset

OpenSim Moco is a software toolkit to solve optimal control problems with musculoskeletal models defined in OpenSim using the direct collocation method.
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Pagnon David
Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:13 am

nan in forceset

Post by Pagnon David » Mon Nov 20, 2023 3:33 am

Hi there,

I am trying to build up something more complex from as simple of a start as I can. I converted the example2DWalking.m file to python, and made it a torque-drive problem.

The problem converges quite fast, but I get nan for all /forceset. The first tracking simulation does not have this issue though. In spite of this, my extracted ground reaction forces look okay.

Please find attached the output, and the code.
Thanks in advance!

Code: Select all

[info] Loaded model 2D_gait from file D:\softs\github_david\Openpose-to-Opensim\Pose_from_simu_draft\Simulations\Models\2D_model.osim
[info] Adding reserve actuators with an optimal force of 250.0...
[info] Added 10 reserve actuator(s), for each of the following coordinates:
[info]   /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt
[info]   /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx
[info]   /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty
[info]   /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l
[info]   /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r
[info]   /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l
[info]   /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r
[info]   /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l
[info]   /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r
[info]   /jointset/lumbar/lumbar
[info] Loaded model 2D_gait from file D:\softs\github_david\Openpose-to-Opensim\Pose_from_simu_draft\Simulations\Models\2D_model_000.osim
[info] ========================================================================
[info] MocoCasADiSolver starting.
[info] Sat Nov 18 01:44:24 2023
[info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Costs: (total: 1)
  effort. MocoControlGoal, enabled: true, mode: cost, weight: 10.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_tilt, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_tx, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_ty, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_l_hip_flexion_l, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_r_hip_flexion_r, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_l_knee_angle_l, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_r_knee_angle_r, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_l_ankle_angle_l, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_r_ankle_angle_r, weight: 1.0
        control: /forceset/reserve_jointset_lumbar_lumbar, weight: 1.0
Endpoint constraints: (total: 2)
  symmetryGoal. MocoPeriodicityGoal, enabled: true, mode: endpoint_constraint
        state periodicity pairs:
                initial: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/value, final: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/value
                initial: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/speed, final: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/speed
                initial: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx/speed, final: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx/speed
                initial: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/value, final: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/value
                initial: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/speed, final: /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/speed
                initial: /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/value, final: /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/value
                initial: /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/speed, final: /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/speed
                initial: /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/value, final: /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/value
                initial: /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/speed, final: /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/speed
                initial: /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/value, final: /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/value
                initial: /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/speed, final: /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/speed
                initial: /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/value, final: /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/value
                initial: /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/speed, final: /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/speed
                initial: /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/value, final: /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/value
                initial: /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/speed, final: /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/speed
                initial: /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/value, final: /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/value
                initial: /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/speed, final: /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/speed
                initial: /jointset/lumbar/lumbar/value, final: /jointset/lumbar/lumbar/value
                initial: /jointset/lumbar/lumbar/speed, final: /jointset/lumbar/lumbar/speed
        control periodicity pairs:
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_l_hip_flexion_l, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_r_hip_flexion_r
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_r_hip_flexion_r, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_l_hip_flexion_l
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_l_knee_angle_l, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_r_knee_angle_r
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_r_knee_angle_r, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_l_knee_angle_l
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_l_ankle_angle_l, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_r_ankle_angle_r
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_r_ankle_angle_r, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_l_ankle_angle_l
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_tilt, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_tilt
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_ty, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_ty
                initial: /forceset/reserve_jointset_lumbar_lumbar, final: /forceset/reserve_jointset_lumbar_lumbar
  speed. MocoAverageSpeedGoal, enabled: true, mode: endpoint_constraint
Kinematic constraints: none
Path constraints: none
States: (total: 20)
  /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/value. bounds: [-0.349066, -0.174533]
  /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx/value. bounds: [0, 1]
  /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/value. bounds: [0.75, 1.25]
  /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/value. bounds: [-0.174533, 1.0472]
  /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/value. bounds: [-0.261799, 0.436332]
  /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/value. bounds: [-0.174533, 1.0472]
  /jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/value. bounds: [-0.872665, 0]
  /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/value. bounds: [-0.872665, 0]
  /jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/value. bounds: [-0.261799, 0.436332]
  /jointset/lumbar/lumbar/value. bounds: [0, 0.349066]
  /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
  /jointset/lumbar/lumbar/speed. bounds: [-50, 50]
Controls: (total: 10)
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_tilt. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_r_hip_flexion_r. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_tx. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_groundPelvis_pelvis_ty. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_hip_l_hip_flexion_l. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_l_knee_angle_l. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_knee_r_knee_angle_r. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_l_ankle_angle_l. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_ankle_r_ankle_angle_r. bounds: [-inf, inf]
  /forceset/reserve_jointset_lumbar_lumbar. bounds: [-inf, inf]
Parameters: none
[info] Number of threads: 12

List of user-set options:

                                    Name   Value                used
                acceptable_compl_inf_tol = 0.0001                yes
              acceptable_constr_viol_tol = 0.0001                yes
                 acceptable_dual_inf_tol = 0.0001                yes
                          acceptable_tol = 0.0001                yes
                           compl_inf_tol = 0.0001                yes
                         constr_viol_tol = 0.0001                yes
                            dual_inf_tol = 0.0001                yes
                   hessian_approximation = limited-memory        yes
                                max_iter = 1000                  yes
                      print_user_options = yes                   yes
                                     tol = 0.0001                yes

This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

This is Ipopt version 3.12.8, running with linear solver mumps.
NOTE: Other linear solvers might be more efficient (see Ipopt documentation).

Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...:    85769
Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.:        0
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:        0

Total number of variables............................:     3031
                     variables with only lower bounds:        0
                variables with lower and upper bounds:     2021
                     variables with only upper bounds:        0
Total number of equality constraints.................:     2529
Total number of inequality constraints...............:        0
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:        0
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

Warning: intermediate_callback is disfunctional in your installation. You will only be able to use stats(). See to enable it.
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
   0  1.4536627e-01 3.69e+00 4.69e-03   0.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0
   1  4.6156915e-01 7.55e+01 1.05e+03  -0.5 2.74e+00    -  9.43e-01 7.66e-01f  1
   2  2.0263136e+00 8.70e+01 1.30e+03   0.1 1.66e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
   3  1.8334886e+00 5.09e+01 5.97e+02   0.1 1.23e+00    -  3.50e-01 5.00e-01f  2
   4  1.9776751e+00 1.19e+01 5.32e+02   0.1 8.94e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
   5  3.6618817e+00 3.17e+00 1.01e+02   0.1 9.61e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
   6  1.7087051e+00 7.77e+00 2.76e+01  -1.1 1.16e+00    -  9.96e-01 1.00e+00h  1
   7  5.5687771e-01 2.35e+01 4.01e+01  -1.8 6.84e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   8  4.0238651e-01 3.60e+00 8.29e+00  -3.1 1.31e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
   9  2.7601157e-01 2.07e+00 5.44e+00  -2.8 6.94e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  10  2.1717293e-01 4.12e-01 3.36e+00  -3.4 2.90e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  11  1.6119098e-01 2.18e+01 2.54e+00  -4.4 9.40e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  12  1.8417969e-01 5.86e+00 2.20e+00  -3.9 1.39e+00    -  1.00e+00 8.87e-01H  1
  13  1.3498169e-01 1.27e+00 1.10e+00  -4.1 7.63e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  14  1.2960389e-01 5.29e-02 2.08e-01  -5.4 5.52e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  15  1.1892868e-01 5.04e+00 2.68e-01  -6.3 4.40e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  16  1.1245441e-01 4.79e+00 2.94e-01  -4.3 1.16e+00    -  1.00e+00 8.55e-02h  1
  17  1.6985026e-01 3.14e+00 3.54e-01  -3.7 6.57e-01    -  1.14e-01 9.93e-01h  1
  18  9.8011791e-02 9.84e-01 1.56e-01  -4.3 6.07e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  19  9.1188473e-02 3.64e-01 8.51e-02  -5.1 1.15e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  20  8.8584022e-02 2.54e-01 3.38e-02  -4.5 1.47e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  21  8.7843518e-02 7.09e-01 5.27e-02  -4.8 3.36e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  22  8.7272286e-02 6.58e-01 7.61e-02  -5.5 4.37e-01    -  3.17e-01 6.73e-01H  1
  23  1.0139158e-01 3.30e-01 5.02e-02  -5.8 2.84e-01    -  9.90e-01 1.00e+00H  1
  24  8.0335388e-02 2.44e-01 6.57e-02  -5.9 2.91e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  25  7.8477111e-02 5.65e-02 6.81e-03  -5.1 9.86e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  26  7.7692165e-02 3.02e-01 2.01e-02  -5.9 3.75e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  27  7.5792240e-02 3.65e-01 4.33e-02  -4.2 1.49e+00    -  4.01e-01 2.18e-01h  3
  28  7.3634520e-02 4.97e-01 7.25e-02  -4.6 1.67e+00    -  2.95e-01 2.22e-01h  3
  29  2.2111217e-01 3.70e+00 2.67e-01  -5.2 1.17e+00    -  9.99e-01 1.00e+00H  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  30  7.2816453e-02 2.40e+00 1.28e-01  -5.3 1.05e+00    -  5.44e-01 1.00e+00h  1
  31  7.8223313e-02 3.20e+00 3.00e-01  -5.5 3.26e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  32  6.9663547e-02 7.31e-01 1.05e-01  -6.5 1.75e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  33  6.9027863e-02 6.17e-02 6.90e-02  -7.9 9.07e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  34  6.8457065e-02 1.08e-02 1.57e-02  -9.1 5.62e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  35  6.7767402e-02 2.07e-01 8.64e-02  -7.1 5.57e-01    -  1.00e+00 3.10e-01h  2
  36  6.7247049e-02 4.28e-01 1.46e-01  -5.1 8.40e-01    -  1.00e+00 3.04e-01h  1
  37  6.6332557e-02 6.18e-01 1.85e-01  -5.1 1.12e+00    -  8.24e-01 2.50e-01h  3
  38  6.5566855e-02 6.43e-01 1.93e-01  -6.0 1.41e+00    -  7.62e-01 1.60e-01h  1
  39  6.4927229e-02 5.63e-01 1.80e-01  -5.3 7.52e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.25e-01h  4
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  40  6.6385710e-02 2.39e+00 7.48e-02  -6.2 2.67e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  41  6.5133685e-02 6.73e-02 3.24e-02  -7.6 2.79e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  42  6.2957873e-02 3.70e-02 1.21e-02  -6.4 2.67e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  43  6.2202989e-02 1.21e-02 1.01e-02  -6.9 5.66e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  44  6.7169018e-02 8.55e-03 1.27e-02  -5.8 2.58e-01    -  7.60e-01 1.00e+00H  1
  45  6.1492894e-02 2.21e-02 9.17e-03  -6.2 3.06e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  46  6.1178479e-02 1.54e-03 2.55e-03  -7.6 3.02e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  47  6.0972548e-02 3.24e-03 1.02e-03  -8.4 3.81e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  48  6.0871244e-02 2.43e-01 8.95e-03  -6.4 4.87e-01    -  1.00e+00 4.34e-01h  1
  49  9.0944162e-02 1.94e-01 7.34e-02  -6.0 8.63e-01    -  1.21e-01 9.66e-01H  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  50  6.3748785e-02 6.80e-01 2.22e-02  -6.4 6.19e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  51  6.3007126e-02 5.29e-01 1.55e-02  -6.4 3.70e-01    -  5.65e-01 9.00e-01h  1
  52  6.0962206e-02 2.36e-01 1.86e-02  -6.4 2.48e-01    -  3.18e-01 1.00e+00h  1
  53  6.5611607e-02 1.48e-01 1.48e-02  -6.4 3.38e-01    -  1.00e+00 8.68e-01h  1
  54  5.9254349e-02 1.17e-01 7.47e-03  -6.4 3.10e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  55  5.8621506e-02 1.22e-02 4.13e-03  -6.6 9.43e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  56  5.8273634e-02 9.40e-02 2.21e-03  -7.5 3.52e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  57  5.8120499e-02 1.98e-01 2.48e-02  -7.3 7.54e-02    -  4.02e-01 1.00e+00h  1
  58  5.7856002e-02 4.23e-01 9.49e-03  -7.6 1.26e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  59  5.8128230e-02 6.52e-03 1.19e-02  -6.6 2.73e-01    -  7.41e-01 8.91e-01H  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  60  5.7969074e-02 6.29e-03 1.30e-02 -11.0 2.15e-01    -  4.51e-01 4.65e-02h  1
  61  5.6449162e-02 8.84e-01 1.43e-02  -6.7 3.96e-01    -  7.58e-01 8.06e-01h  1
  62  6.2000479e-02 5.34e-01 5.75e-02  -6.8 5.19e-01    -  1.75e-01 1.00e+00H  1
  63  5.9139916e-02 8.41e-02 3.05e-02  -6.8 3.40e-01    -  5.33e-01 1.00e+00h  1
  64  5.6095166e-02 1.23e-01 6.08e-03  -6.8 3.20e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  65  5.4535787e-02 1.39e-01 7.07e-03  -7.3 2.07e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  66  5.4063605e-02 4.40e-02 5.10e-03  -6.1 1.82e-01    -  7.92e-01 8.58e-01h  1
  67  5.4303813e-02 1.03e-01 1.48e-02  -6.4 4.81e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
  68  5.3491128e-02 5.86e-02 2.03e-02  -7.1 7.42e-01    -  9.65e-01 4.60e-01h  1
  69  5.2989959e-02 5.87e-02 2.11e-02  -7.6 6.37e-01    -  8.27e-01 2.92e-01h  2
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  70  5.2418580e-02 1.94e-02 9.86e-03  -7.8 1.40e-01    -  9.89e-01 6.72e-01h  1
  71  5.2027221e-02 1.71e-02 2.48e-03  -7.6 9.43e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  72  5.1877870e-02 7.78e-02 2.58e-03  -6.9 3.09e-01    -  7.61e-01 7.86e-01h  1
  73  5.1721012e-02 1.32e-01 6.91e-03  -5.8 2.67e+00    -  6.65e-02 1.19e-01h  4
  74  5.1827452e-02 1.98e-01 1.23e-02  -5.1 4.46e+00    -  5.97e-02 1.18e-01h  4
  75  5.1681165e-02 1.88e-01 1.33e-02  -6.3 2.14e+00    -  1.00e+00 8.24e-02h  4
  76  6.2653764e-02 3.26e-02 1.89e-02  -6.4 3.38e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
  77  5.1880495e-02 1.20e-01 8.02e-03  -6.5 3.20e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  78  5.4473290e-02 5.74e-03 1.19e-02  -6.5 2.84e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
  79  5.1478519e-02 1.53e-01 5.77e-03  -6.7 3.78e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  80  6.9053937e-02 1.69e-02 3.07e-02  -6.5 2.85e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
  81  5.0984046e-02 1.35e-01 6.78e-03  -6.6 2.77e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  82  5.0815022e-02 1.13e-03 2.13e-03  -7.1 3.98e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  83  5.0785434e-02 7.57e-03 1.18e-03  -7.2 8.52e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  84  5.0692824e-02 1.23e-03 7.42e-04  -8.1 3.79e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  85  5.0658462e-02 2.18e-03 1.01e-03  -8.5 3.96e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  86  5.0608507e-02 2.79e-03 2.07e-03  -7.2 4.57e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
  87  5.0537453e-02 3.08e-03 8.17e-03  -6.5 2.26e-01    -  4.68e-01 9.55e-02h  1
  88  5.0429242e-02 5.01e-03 6.54e-03  -6.4 1.16e+00    -  8.67e-02 5.60e-02h  1
  89  5.0427678e-02 1.11e-02 1.26e-02  -7.4 1.09e+00    -  6.69e-02 1.27e-01h  2
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  90  5.0287410e-02 1.20e-02 1.37e-02  -7.6 8.14e-01    -  6.85e-01 9.94e-02h  1
  91  5.0089669e-02 3.46e-02 1.42e-02  -7.4 3.90e+00    -  3.33e-02 5.15e-02h  1
  92  5.0041185e-02 3.47e-02 1.42e-02 -11.0 3.63e+00    -  2.61e-02 5.47e-03h  1
  93  4.9956254e-02 5.25e-02 1.61e-02  -7.9 1.99e+00    -  1.17e-03 6.26e-02h  1
  94  4.9906496e-02 5.23e-02 1.67e-02  -8.2 1.84e+00    -  7.01e-02 1.09e-02h  1
  95  4.9823508e-02 1.08e-01 2.05e-02  -7.8 7.71e-01    -  1.84e-01 2.99e-01h  1
  96  4.9673022e-02 1.13e-01 2.35e-02  -6.7 3.90e+00    -  6.94e-02 1.67e-02h  1
  97  4.9499671e-02 1.17e-01 2.72e-02  -7.7 3.68e+00    -  2.60e-02 2.07e-02h  1
  98  4.9508035e-02 1.79e-01 7.10e-02  -5.2 2.78e+00    -  6.09e-03 1.14e-01f  3
  99  4.9498240e-02 3.18e-01 6.72e-02  -7.1 8.03e+00    -  8.99e-02 5.37e-02H  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 100  4.9301412e-02 3.40e-01 6.71e-02 -11.0 6.40e+00    -  1.09e-01 3.71e-02h  1
 101  4.9206973e-02 3.89e-01 6.47e-02  -5.2 4.59e+00    -  1.72e-02 3.71e-02f  4
 102  6.8061263e-02 6.23e-01 3.25e-01  -6.1 5.50e-01    -  1.46e-01 9.02e-01H  1
 103  5.2281313e-02 2.51e-01 2.77e-01  -6.6 3.40e-01    -  1.00e+00 6.49e-01h  1
 104  5.1318432e-02 6.05e-01 2.39e-01  -6.6 4.92e-01    -  9.36e-01 6.95e-01h  1
 105  5.0766477e-02 6.75e-01 2.39e-01  -6.6 3.06e-01    -  8.41e-01 5.23e-01h  1
 106  4.9097479e-02 5.66e-02 6.17e-02  -6.6 1.55e-01    -  4.66e-02 1.00e+00h  1
 107  4.8632998e-02 3.67e-02 2.44e-02  -7.2 8.04e-02    -  9.40e-01 5.75e-01h  1
 108  4.8342891e-02 4.57e-02 6.10e-03  -6.9 5.59e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 109  4.8348450e-02 2.34e-03 4.04e-03  -7.3 3.38e-02    -  1.00e+00 9.83e-01H  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 110  4.8232600e-02 1.84e-03 1.43e-03  -7.8 1.83e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 111  4.8207354e-02 6.00e-04 7.67e-04  -8.2 1.52e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 112  4.8164493e-02 2.96e-03 1.50e-03  -8.9 1.88e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 113  4.8090019e-02 4.46e-02 5.39e-03  -9.2 2.18e-01    -  1.00e+00 3.03e-01h  1
 114  4.8088881e-02 4.45e-02 1.36e-02 -11.0 3.45e-01    -  2.13e-01 1.29e-03h  1
 115  4.8062678e-02 4.26e-02 1.30e-02  -7.9 2.85e-01    -  1.24e-01 4.40e-02h  1
 116  4.8022224e-02 4.14e-02 1.26e-02  -7.8 6.40e-01    -  1.32e-01 2.88e-02h  1
 117  4.7984550e-02 4.09e-02 1.24e-02  -7.0 1.62e+00    -  1.86e-02 1.23e-02h  1
 118  4.7941930e-02 3.98e-02 1.20e-02  -7.2 7.78e-01    -  6.61e-02 3.23e-02h  1
 119  4.7878671e-02 3.88e-02 1.12e-02  -6.4 1.01e+00    -  6.90e-02 4.16e-02h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 120  4.7873363e-02 3.86e-02 1.12e-02 -11.0 6.32e-01    -  3.08e-02 4.81e-03h  1
 121  4.7787700e-02 3.72e-02 1.10e-02  -6.8 4.35e+00    -  1.78e-02 1.87e-02h  1
 122  4.7768906e-02 3.71e-02 1.07e-02  -6.7 1.69e+00    -  7.83e-02 5.84e-03h  1
 123  4.7709642e-02 3.84e-02 1.00e-02  -6.8 1.31e+00    -  1.17e-02 8.47e-02h  1
 124  4.7680911e-02 3.82e-02 9.90e-03  -9.0 2.53e+00    -  2.18e-02 8.30e-03h  1
 125  4.7617532e-02 3.74e-02 9.73e-03  -8.5 3.53e+00    -  2.11e-02 1.69e-02h  1
 126  4.7604517e-02 3.47e-02 8.75e-03  -6.8 3.19e+00    -  1.44e-01 6.30e-02h  1
 127  4.7677665e-02 3.71e-02 1.79e-02  -5.3 1.80e+00    -  6.35e-03 4.96e-02h  5
 128  4.7501139e-02 3.18e-02 1.09e-02  -7.1 4.09e-01    -  5.31e-01 4.10e-01h  1
 129  4.7690621e-02 3.40e-02 1.03e-02  -5.2 8.26e-01    -  8.61e-02 5.42e-02f  4
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 130  4.7384047e-02 2.24e-03 6.98e-04  -6.3 5.31e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 131  4.7360173e-02 2.58e-03 5.90e-04  -6.6 1.89e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 132  4.7318588e-02 6.22e-04 6.55e-04  -7.1 4.18e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 133  4.7321654e-02 1.98e-03 6.02e-03  -6.3 1.74e-01    -  1.00e+00 2.76e-01h  2
 134  4.7412323e-02 7.19e-05 2.32e-03  -6.4 5.26e-02    -  7.76e-01 1.00e+00H  1
 135  4.7237805e-02 8.61e-04 2.24e-03  -7.7 4.23e-02    -  1.00e+00 7.12e-01h  1
 136  4.7246758e-02 1.01e-05 1.20e-03  -7.1 2.80e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
 137  4.7196873e-02 7.09e-05 5.83e-03  -7.8 3.09e-02    -  1.00e+00 2.94e-01h  1
 138  4.7141307e-02 2.60e-03 1.84e-03  -7.5 1.12e-01    -  1.00e+00 4.76e-01h  2
 139  4.7076268e-02 7.66e-03 2.73e-03  -8.0 4.97e-01    -  4.34e-01 1.57e-01h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 140  4.7051576e-02 8.43e-03 5.85e-03  -7.0 6.18e-01    -  8.93e-02 5.24e-02h  5
 141  4.7360710e-02 8.02e-04 2.27e-03  -7.3 1.26e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
 142  4.7035842e-02 2.17e-03 2.77e-03  -7.4 6.43e-02    -  8.04e-01 6.21e-01h  1
 143  4.7518686e-02 4.74e-03 4.39e-03  -7.5 7.54e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
 144  4.6797538e-02 8.23e-02 2.60e-02  -7.6 1.58e-01    -  1.84e-01 1.00e+00h  1
 145  4.6896709e-02 6.66e-02 2.05e-02  -7.1 3.33e-01    -  9.19e-01 2.69e-01h  1
 146  4.6796704e-02 2.46e-02 7.62e-03  -8.2 1.03e-01    -  3.89e-01 6.30e-01h  1
 147  4.6746206e-02 2.30e-02 1.01e-02  -8.1 1.57e-01    -  6.90e-01 6.28e-02h  1
 148  4.6692269e-02 1.47e-02 1.28e-02  -6.9 8.99e-02    -  2.65e-01 6.98e-01h  1
 149  4.6686861e-02 1.45e-02 1.27e-02 -11.0 1.24e-01    -  1.64e-01 1.53e-02h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 150  4.6843005e-02 8.94e-05 4.74e-03  -6.8 1.71e-01    -  6.79e-01 1.00e+00H  1
 151  4.6764553e-02 4.79e-04 1.18e-02 -11.0 3.07e-01    -  5.50e-01 1.45e-01h  1
 152  4.7137063e-02 3.87e-05 4.72e-03  -7.0 6.55e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
 153  4.6524071e-02 5.41e-03 6.95e-04  -7.5 5.25e-02    -  1.00e+00 9.62e-01h  1
 154  4.6499241e-02 5.61e-03 8.19e-04  -7.9 6.08e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 155  4.6461127e-02 7.41e-03 3.79e-03  -9.2 3.79e-01    -  4.74e-01 2.18e-01h  1
 156  4.6425448e-02 8.00e-03 3.23e-03  -7.9 9.71e+00    -  6.63e-02 5.81e-03h  1
 157  4.6401887e-02 7.93e-03 1.44e-02 -11.0 1.01e+01    -  4.38e-02 3.80e-03h  1
 158  4.6394269e-02 3.34e-02 1.40e-02  -6.4 2.67e+01    -  1.82e-03 1.40e-02h  1
 159  4.6389025e-02 3.33e-02 1.40e-02 -11.0 8.07e+00    -  3.72e-02 9.27e-04h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 160  4.6353695e-02 3.76e-01 1.35e-02  -6.3 1.18e+01    -  1.06e-01 2.86e-02h  2
 161  4.6290417e-02 3.66e-01 1.27e-02  -7.6 4.81e+00    -  2.65e-01 2.56e-02h  1
 162  4.6341577e-02 3.14e-01 2.31e-02  -5.3 2.61e+00    -  2.14e-02 1.43e-01h  1
 163  4.6326195e-02 3.13e-01 2.24e-02  -6.9 2.28e+00    -  1.61e-01 2.74e-03h  1
 164  4.6486544e-02 1.68e-01 1.66e-02  -6.9 2.79e-01    -  1.00e+00 4.67e-01h  1
 165  4.6079935e-02 1.25e-01 1.04e-02  -6.9 8.08e-02    -  3.76e-01 3.88e-01h  1
 166  4.5941491e-02 6.06e-02 7.48e-03  -6.4 6.54e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
 167  4.5857703e-02 1.50e-03 2.47e-03  -6.7 2.35e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 168  4.5824240e-02 6.67e-04 2.68e-04  -7.0 1.24e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 169  4.5810729e-02 1.71e-04 3.73e-04  -7.1 7.55e-03    -  1.00e+00 9.79e-01h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 170  4.5777110e-02 2.55e-03 1.05e-03  -6.8 3.03e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 171  4.5749438e-02 6.06e-03 5.75e-03  -6.6 2.60e-01    -  5.81e-01 1.50e-01h  2
 172  4.5749988e-02 5.41e-03 1.46e-02  -7.0 1.30e-01    -  9.96e-01 2.75e-01H  1
 173  4.5797296e-02 1.23e-02 5.83e-03  -7.1 6.38e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 174  4.5794958e-02 7.21e-03 4.91e-03  -7.2 4.88e-02    -  7.67e-01 7.39e-01h  1
 175  4.5693237e-02 1.35e-02 1.44e-03  -7.2 3.82e-02    -  5.17e-01 6.74e-01f  1
 176  4.5736632e-02 9.83e-04 1.28e-03  -7.8 2.08e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 177  4.5660372e-02 7.93e-04 1.37e-04  -7.8 1.64e-02    -  1.00e+00 9.95e-01h  1
 178  4.5654538e-02 1.85e-04 1.01e-03  -7.8 1.28e-02    -  9.39e-01 7.98e-01h  1
 179  4.5635220e-02 1.52e-03 1.96e-03  -7.4 9.65e-02    -  7.11e-01 3.96e-01h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 180  4.5605863e-02 8.78e-03 4.89e-03  -6.7 2.13e+00    -  1.18e-01 3.53e-02h  1
 181  4.5595881e-02 9.10e-03 4.95e-03  -6.6 1.27e+00    -  1.88e-02 2.72e-02h  4
 182  4.5585725e-02 8.49e-03 4.49e-03  -7.4 4.66e-01    -  4.73e-01 8.63e-02h  3
 183  4.5581283e-02 1.50e-02 6.47e-03  -6.6 7.75e-01    -  2.23e-01 1.27e-01h  2
 184  4.5579238e-02 1.93e-02 7.98e-03  -6.8 1.16e+00    -  3.77e-01 7.47e-02h  2
 185  4.5573314e-02 2.91e-02 9.66e-03  -6.9 1.04e+00    -  3.55e-01 1.28e-01h  1
 186  5.5481281e-02 8.00e-03 1.15e-01  -6.3 5.75e-01    -  1.01e-01 1.00e+00H  1
 187  4.9264247e-02 3.40e-02 7.61e-02  -6.9 5.19e-01    -  5.81e-01 3.55e-01h  1
 188  4.8400350e-02 9.10e-02 4.53e-02  -6.9 8.16e-01    -  5.75e-02 2.88e-01f  2
 189  4.6960019e-02 7.65e-02 2.05e-02  -6.9 2.27e-01    -  6.33e-01 5.26e-01h  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
 190  4.6632686e-02 2.36e-02 3.72e-03  -6.9 1.93e-01    -  1.00e+00 9.50e-01h  1
 191  4.5551938e-02 4.81e-03 1.28e-01  -6.9 7.25e-02    -  9.51e-02 1.00e+00f  1
 192  4.5473585e-02 5.46e-04 5.50e-04  -7.1 3.33e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 193  4.5447623e-02 9.32e-05 2.95e-04  -7.5 8.20e-03    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1
 194  4.5430989e-02 4.30e-04 1.54e-03  -7.2 1.66e-02    -  1.00e+00 9.10e-01h  1
 195  4.5435088e-02 1.61e-06 6.02e-04  -7.2 2.20e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00H  1
 196  4.5420569e-02 3.75e-05 8.58e-03 -11.0 1.56e-02    -  9.77e-01 4.33e-01h  1
 197  4.5408981e-02 7.25e-05 9.88e-05  -7.8 1.17e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1

Number of Iterations....: 197

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   4.5408981029913309e-02    4.5408981029913309e-02
Dual infeasibility......:   9.8764006569054591e-05    9.8764006569054591e-05
Constraint violation....:   4.4577046783799086e-06    7.2468183165641520e-05
Complementarity.........:   1.7646130473460861e-08    1.7646130473460861e-08
Overall NLP error.......:   9.8764006569054591e-05    9.8764006569054591e-05

Number of objective function evaluations             = 330
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 198
Number of equality constraint evaluations            = 330
Number of inequality constraint evaluations          = 0
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations   = 198
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 0
Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations)   =     13.542
Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations           =     66.006

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
         nlp  :   t_proc      (avg)   t_wall      (avg)    n_eval
callback_fun  |  18.00ms ( 90.91us)  20.03ms (101.17us)       198
       nlp_f  | 717.00ms (  2.17ms) 706.89ms (  2.14ms)       330
       nlp_g  |   1.61 s (  4.87ms)   1.62 s (  4.90ms)       330
  nlp_grad_f  |   6.70 s ( 33.69ms)   6.71 s ( 33.70ms)       199
   nlp_jac_g  |  57.29 s (287.88ms)  57.29 s (287.88ms)       199
       total  |  79.55 s ( 79.55 s)  79.55 s ( 79.55 s)         1

Breakdown of objective (including weights):
  effort: 0.045409
[info] Set log level to Info.
[info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[info] Elapsed real time: 80 second(s) (1 minute(s), 20 second(s)).
[info] Sat Nov 18 01:45:44 2023
[info] MocoCasADiSolver succeeded!
[info] ========================================================================

Code: Select all

def gen_guess():
    model = osim.Model(ref_model_path)
    if not muscle_driven: 
        # Remove actuators, muscles, and groups and add reserve actuators
        modelProcessor = osim.ModelProcessor(model)
        model = modelProcessor.process()

    tableProcessor = osim.TableProcessor(ref_coords_path)

    track = osim.MocoTrack()
    track.setName(os.path.join(project_dir, 'Guess', mocoTrackName))

    study = track.initialize() # save joint angles *and speeds* to mocoTrackName_tracked_states.sto
    problem = study.updProblem()

    # Symmetry goals
    symmetryGoal = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoal('symmetryGoal')

    # Symmetric coordinate values (except for pelvis_tx) and speeds
    for i in range(model.getNumStateVariables()):
        currentStateName = model.getStateVariableNames().getitem(i)
        if currentStateName.startswith('/jointset'):
            if '_r' in currentStateName:
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentStateName, currentStateName.replace('_r', '_l'))
            if '_l' in currentStateName:
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentStateName, currentStateName.replace('_l', '_r'))
            if not np.array([s in currentStateName for s in ['_r','_l','pelvis_tx/value','/activation']]).any():

    # Symmetric controls: actuator
    for i in range(model.getForceSet().getSize()):
        currentForceName = '/forceset/' + model.getForceSet().get(i).getName()
        if currentForceName.startswith('/forceset/reserve'):
            if currentForceName.endswith('_r'):
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentForceName, currentForceName.replace('_r', '_l'))
            if currentForceName.endswith('_l'):
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentForceName, currentForceName.replace('_l', '_r'))

    # Effort goal
    effort = osim.MocoControlGoal.safeDownCast(problem.updGoal('control_effort'))

    # Contact tracking goal
    contactTracking = osim.MocoContactTrackingGoal('contact', GRFTrackingWeight)
    forceNamesRightFoot = osim.StdVectorString()
    contactTracking.addContactGroup(forceNamesRightFoot, 'Right_GRF')
    forceNamesLeftFoot = osim.StdVectorString()
    contactTracking.addContactGroup(forceNamesLeftFoot, 'Left_GRF')
    contactTracking.setProjectionVector(osim.Vec3(0, 0, 1))

    # Bounds
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/value', [-20*np.pi/180, -10*np.pi/180])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx/value', [0, 1])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/value', [0.75, 1.25])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/value', [-10*np.pi/180, 60*np.pi/180])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/value', [-10*np.pi/180, 60*np.pi/180])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/value', [-50*np.pi/180, 0])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/value', [-50*np.pi/180, 0])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/value', [-15*np.pi/180, 25*np.pi/180])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/value', [-15*np.pi/180, 25*np.pi/180])
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/lumbar/lumbar/value', [0, 20*np.pi/180])

    # Solve
    gaitTrackingSolution = study.solve()
    fullStride = osim.createPeriodicTrajectory(gaitTrackingSolution)
    add_name_to_sto(tracked_coord_path, os.path.basename(tracked_coord_path)[:-4])

    fullStride_out = multiple_strides(fullStride, stride_number) # make it 4 strides
    tracked_coord_path_morestrides = tracked_coord_path[:-4]+'_morestrides.sto'
    add_name_to_sto(tracked_coord_path_morestrides, os.path.basename(tracked_coord_path_morestrides)[:-4])

    # Extract ground reaction forces
    contact_r = osim.StdVectorString()
    contact_l = osim.StdVectorString()

    externalForcesTableFlat = osim.createExternalLoadsTableForGait(model, fullStride_out, contact_r, contact_l)
    tracked_grf_path_morestrides = tracked_grf_path[:-4]+'_morestrides.sto'
    osim.STOFileAdapter.write(externalForcesTableFlat, tracked_grf_path_morestrides)
    add_name_to_sto(tracked_grf_path_morestrides, os.path.basename(tracked_grf_path_morestrides)[:-4])

def gen_models():
    model = osim.Model(ref_model_path)
    if not muscle_driven: 
        model.updForceSet().clearAndDestroy() # Remove actuators, muscles, and groups
        modelProcessor = osim.ModelProcessor(model)
        model = modelProcessor.process()

def gen_simulations():
    study = osim.MocoStudy()
    problem = study.updProblem()
    modelProcessor = osim.ModelProcessor(pred_model_path)

    # Symmetry goals
    symmetryGoal = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoal('symmetryGoal')
    model = modelProcessor.process()

    # Symmetric states: coordinate values (except for pelvis_tx) and speeds
    for i in range(model.getNumStateVariables()):
        currentStateName = model.getStateVariableNames().getitem(i)
        if currentStateName.startswith('/jointset'):
            if '_r' in currentStateName:
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentStateName, currentStateName.replace('_r', '_l'))
            if '_l' in currentStateName:
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentStateName, currentStateName.replace('_l', '_r'))
            if not np.array([s in currentStateName for s in ['_r','_l','pelvis_tx/value','/activation']]).any():

    # Symmetric controls: actuator
    for i in range(model.getForceSet().getSize()):
        currentForceName = '/forceset/' + model.getForceSet().get(i).getName()
        if currentForceName.startswith('/forceset/reserve'):
            if currentForceName.endswith('_r'):
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentForceName, currentForceName.replace('_r', '_l'))
            if currentForceName.endswith('_l'):
                pair = osim.MocoPeriodicityGoalPair(currentForceName, currentForceName.replace('_l', '_r'))

    # Prescribed average gait speed
    speedGoal = osim.MocoAverageSpeedGoal('speed')

    # Effort over distance
    effortGoal = osim.MocoControlGoal('effort', controlEffortWeight)
    effortGoal.setDivideByDisplacement(True) # Costs less to do long distance

    # Bounds
    problem.setTimeBounds(0, time_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tilt/value', pelvis_tilt_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_tx/value', pelvis_tx_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/groundPelvis/pelvis_ty/value', pelvis_ty_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/hip_l/hip_flexion_l/value', hip_flexion_l_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/hip_r/hip_flexion_r/value', hip_flexion_r_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/knee_l/knee_angle_l/value', knee_angle_l_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/knee_r/knee_angle_r/value', knee_angle_r_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/ankle_l/ankle_angle_l/value', ankle_angle_l_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/ankle_r/ankle_angle_r/value', ankle_angle_r_bounds)
    problem.setStateInfo('/jointset/lumbar/lumbar/value', lumbar_bounds)

    # Configure the solver
    solver = study.initCasADiSolver()
    solver.setGuessFile(tracked_coord_path) # Use tracking solution as initial guess

    # Solve 
    # study = osim.MocoStudy(pred_omoco_file)
    gaitPredictionSolution = study.solve()

    # Save trajectory
    fullStride = osim.createPeriodicTrajectory(gaitPredictionSolution)
    fullStride_out = multiple_strides(fullStride, stride_number) # make it 4 strides
    add_name_to_sto(pred_coord_path, os.path.basename(pred_coord_path)[:-4])

    # Extract ground reaction forces
    contact_r = osim.StdVectorString()
    contact_l = osim.StdVectorString()
    # externalForcesTableFlat = osim.createExternalLoadsTableForGait(model, fullStride_quadruple, contact_r, contact_l)
    externalForcesTableFlat = osim.createExternalLoadsTableForGait(model, fullStride_out, contact_r, contact_l)
    osim.STOFileAdapter.write(externalForcesTableFlat, pred_grf_path)
    add_name_to_sto(pred_grf_path, os.path.basename(pred_grf_path)[:-4])

if __name__ == '__main__':

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Pagnon David
Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:13 am

Re: nan in forceset

Post by Pagnon David » Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:11 am

In case this is better for debugging purposes, here is my .omoco file.
(17.31 KiB) Downloaded 4 times

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Nicholas Bianco
Posts: 1026
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:09 pm

Re: nan in forceset

Post by Nicholas Bianco » Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:52 am

Hi David,

What you mean by getting all NaNs for "/forceset"? If the problem is converging that quickly, I doubt that the actuator controls are NaN.


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Pagnon David
Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:13 am

Re: nan in forceset

Post by Pagnon David » Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:07 am

Thanks Nick for your consistent answers on this forum, I know how much work this represents.

I was talking about the output trajectory (sto file), where all values in my forceset were set to nans. But this was a stupid mistake on my end, which took way too much time to figure out. I wrote a function to create multiple strides from a trajectory (here), but I forgot to integrate controls in it... This is now corrected.

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Nicholas Bianco
Posts: 1026
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Re: nan in forceset

Post by Nicholas Bianco » Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:26 am

Glad you found the issue!