Force Plate Info and Data

Provide a comprehensive data set with associated models that will enable researchers to validate musculoskeletal model estimates of muscle and joint contact forces in the knee.
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kurt manal
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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:55 am

Force Plate Info and Data

Post by kurt manal » Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:28 pm

It would be helpful if you posted a description of the contents of the file. Also, can you please post the Mx, My, Mz plate data (Raw and Synched)? Hope it is possible and not too much of a hassle.

thanks in advance,


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B.J. Fregly
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Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:55 am

RE: Force Plate Info and Data

Post by B.J. Fregly » Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:07 pm


Per your recent message, it appears you have figured out how to convert the .forces files into the format that you need. As you probably now realize, the three moments can be calculated about any specified point starting from the one moment calculated about the center of pressure using the engineering mechanics concept of "replacement" (see, for example, Kane and Levinson, "Dynamics: Theory and Application," McGraw Hill, 1985).

Glad you are able to push forward with developing predictions for the competition!

B.J. Fregly