Reverse engineering - muscle force

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Julia Wilk
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Reverse engineering - muscle force

Post by Julia Wilk » Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:22 am

I have a question about the functionalities of OpenSim because I have a specific case of the need to use "reverse engineering". : )

I found an interesting dataset available in open source. Here are the specifications for the article: Wei, W., Tan, F., Zhang, H. et al. Surface electromyogram, kinematic, and kinetic dataset of lower limb walking for movement intent recognition. Sci Data 10, 358 (2023).

The dataset related to this article contains EMG readings of 9 muscles of lower extremity (tensor fascia lata, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, semimembranosus, upper tibialis anterior, lower tibialis anterior, lateral gastrocnemius, medial gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles), kinetic data (the joint angle of left hip adduction, left hip flexion, left knee flexion, left ankle flexion, right hip adduction, right hip flexion, right knee flexion, and right ankle flexion) and dynamic data (the joint torque of left hip adduction, left hip flexion, left knee flexion, left ankle flexion, right hip adduction, right hip flexion, right knee flexion, and right ankle flexion, respectively). The researchers used your models ("This set of markers was used in the "Gait 2392" OpenSim") to get the data. I also have the information about the subject's Sex, Age, Weight, Height, Thigh length, Calf length, and Foot length.

Can you please provide me with the information on whether it is possible to get the force data from the data I already have (for the dataset I mentioned in this post) via OpenSim?

Here is the dataset, if this is interesting for you. ... 22776389/1
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Lower Limb Motion Dataset (SIAT-LLMD)

Kind regards,
Julia Wilk


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Mohammadreza Rezaie
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Re: Reverse engineering - muscle force

Post by Mohammadreza Rezaie » Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:41 pm

Hi, the two commonly used OpenSim tools for calculating muscles force from motion data, i.e., static optimization and computed muscle control, require scaled model, kinematics and GRF. One alternative is to use custom static optimization or CEINMS, but kinematics, kinetics, muscle-tendon length and moment arm are required in this case. Please see Overview of OpenSim Workflows.

Here is another publicly available dataset with all pre-processed data that you might be interested: