Feet in plantar flexion

A set of OpenSim utilities/plugins written by Tim Dorn to extend the functionality of OpenSim
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Ursula Trinler
Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:33 am

Feet in plantar flexion

Post by Ursula Trinler » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:28 am

Dear OpenSim Team,

I'm a new OpenSim user and in the moment I play around with the different model types you have. I also tried the model including the Plug in Gait marker set. After adjusting the subjects .xml files, everything seems to work, except that the feet of the subject seem to be in plantar flexion the whole movement (see attached video). I tried to adjust the model markers to the experimental markers but nothing changed. Should the heel marker and toe marker be placed in a straight line on the subject? Normally, we do not do that in experimental analysis, because there is a feature in VICON taking that off set into account.
A second small problem occurs. The upper body seems to have a higher range in the frontal plane (see attached video). I'm thinking now, if this occurs because of wrongly placed marker as well?

I would be more than happy for help!
Thank you!