Static Optimization - Performance

Provide easy-to-use, extensible software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system.
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Shaun Fickling
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:48 am

Static Optimization - Performance

Post by Shaun Fickling » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:06 am

Hi All

I'm running Static Optimization on a dynamic side-step trial and I get this warning in the message window for certain time-points:

time = 0.204 Performance =1413.67 Constraint violation = 8.84439e-005
Thelen2003Muscle::computeForce, muscle med_gas_r force < 0 at time = 0.204
Thelen2003Muscle::computeForce, muscle lat_gas_r force < 0 at time = 0.204
Thelen2003Muscle::computeForce, muscle soleus_r force < 0 at time = 0.204
Thelen2003Muscle::computeForce, muscle med_gas_r force < 0 at time = 0.208
Thelen2003Muscle::computeForce, muscle lat_gas_r force < 0 at time = 0.208
Thelen2003Muscle::computeForce, muscle soleus_r force < 0 at time = 0.208

The simulation clearly hasn't failed at this time period, so is this a problem that needs to be solved? If so, are my muscles too strong? I have doubled the muscle strength (max isometric force) from the standard Gait_2392 model to assist the model in simulation the dynamic running movement. I'd rather increase the muscle force than have to rely on reserve actuators to create the motion.


Shaun Fickling