Matlab scripting in Linux

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Kenneth Weiss
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Matlab scripting in Linux

Post by Kenneth Weiss » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:07 pm


I have built Simbody and OpenSim for a user on my Linux system. He would like to use Matlab scripting in a Linux environment. Is this possible?

He sent me the link to the Matlab scripting in Windows but I do not see a parallel directory structure (Matlab script files, org-opensim-modeling.jar file) in my Linux install directory.


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Alex Priamikov
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Re: Matlab scripting in Linux

Post by Alex Priamikov » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:45 am

Got the same problem. I think developers will soon release matlab scripts for linux platform (it was such a discussion on the forum, that this wrapping will be available in new version).
But currently something that you can really do is to use C++ API. Also it's possible to convert this c++ code to mex function and use it in matlab(for example see Elmar Rueckert model, he provided an example of such code).

Best regards,