Code: Select all
system = osimModel.initSystem() ;
Pelvis_tx = osimModel.updCoordinateSet().get('Pelvis_tx') ;
Pelvis_tx.setValue(system, pelvis_position_new) ;
Pelvis_tx.setSpeedValue(system, pelvis_velocity_new)
Code: Select all
tool = ForwardTool() ;
tool.setModel(osimModel) ;
tool.setStartTime(0) ;
tool.setFinalTime(5) ;
tool.setName('test_opt2') ; ;
But whenever I view the new motion files, the initial conditions are set to the default pose (as described in the .xml file that contains the entire model).
Any ideas on how to create a handle to the initial conditions such that the forward tool does not revert to the default initial pose?
I am also optimizing the mass distribution of each segment, but that does not seem to give me any problems.