Provides an easy to use toolbox, compatible with OpenSim, for the estimation of the human lower extremity muscle and joint dynamics.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:13 am
by Pierre PUCHAUD » Tue May 10, 2016 1:10 am
I'm currently trying to synthesize some MTU (hallux flexor and extensor) in a problem with flexion-extension of the ankle and the knee. Everything works well in open-loop mode and hybrid mode without any muscle synthesized.
I'm writing these muscles in the execution configuration files :
Code: Select all
<synthMTUs>flex_hal_r ext_hal_r</synthMTUs>
but an error occurs :
Code: Select all
starting consume
Optimizing timeframe 2.01
muscle forces
-0.172003 0.0255988 0.185665 -0.0480982 56.4251 191.626 505.558 3.02682 302.82 210.574 280.415 6.00532 52.1977 32.8996 216.431
Error in RecursiveEMGs_Hybrid: muscle name not found
I didn't see any clue in the CEINMS user guide. Should I add information somewhere to make it work ?
I have a second question. Is there a way to retrieve Static Optimizations Errors from CEINMS hybrid mode ?
I am wondering if someone has already encountered these issues.
I would greatly appreciated your help.
Claudio Pizzolato
- Posts: 48
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:05 am
by Claudio Pizzolato » Tue May 24, 2016 12:42 am
Hi Pierre,
sorry for the late reply, but I haven't received any mail notification from the forum. It must be this new style :/
Regarding the first error: can you double check you have flex_hal_r and ext_hal_r in your subject xml file? Please let me know if this solves the problem, otherwise I'll need a sample of your data to run some debugging.
Regarding the second question do you mean the tracking errors of joint moments and emg? Currently there is no method exposed to get those errors. However, if you feel adventurous you can edit the source code and recompile ceinms. The part you are interested in should be here ... ckEMGs.cpp
in the function
void MinTorqueTrackEMGs<StaticComputationT>::evalFp()