Kinetic energy and Turbulence kinetic energy

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Saeid Talaei
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Kinetic energy and Turbulence kinetic energy

Post by Saeid Talaei » Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:24 pm

Dear SimVascular developers,

I am wondering if you could tell me how to extract kinetic energy (KE) and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in SimVascular.

Kind Regards,

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Adam Updegrove
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Re: Kinetic energy and Turbulence kinetic energy

Post by Adam Updegrove » Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:02 am

Hi Saeid,

Sorry but we do not have any turbulence modeling within SimVascular. Refer to the work of Ken Jansen (CU Boulder) and Yuri Bazilevs (UCSD) for more information on turbulence modeling.


SimVascular Development Team

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Saeid Talaei
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Re: Kinetic energy and Turbulence kinetic energy

Post by Saeid Talaei » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:21 pm

Dear Mr. Updegrove,

I thank you for your response.
As far as I know, firstly, the Kinetic energy is a value that can be used both in laminar and turbulent regimes. Secondly, you mentioned that there is no turbulence modeling in Simvascular. I do not know whether you meant Large Eddy Simulation(LES) or Direct Numerical Simulation(DNS). I know that there is no LES model in Simvascular but if you mean there is no DNS capability; however, I have seen many papers in which they used Simvascular solver in transitional and turbulent regimes. Moreover, since Simvascular has been released as an open source solver, only “Mesh Generation Tools” and the “Linear Solver” replaced by open source ones. On the other hand, the flow solver which is based on the "PHASTA Code" has not been changed ("PHASTA Code" has the capability of turbulence modeling).
I would be so pleased if you could give me your opinion about the aforementioned ideas.

Kind Regards,

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Adam Updegrove
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Re: Kinetic energy and Turbulence kinetic energy

Post by Adam Updegrove » Wed Nov 02, 2016 7:48 am

Hi Saeid,

Yes, by no turbulence modeling I mean there is no LES, RVMS, or other approach to modeling turbulence. SimVascular can and has been used with DNS (as long as spatial and temporal scales are resolved down to the kolmogorov scale).

The mesh generation, linear solver, and the modeling have been replaced by open source components. If you mean with PHASTA, you can do DNS, then yes this is possible, as I've mentioned above. If you mean some other turbulence modeling, then this has not been carried over to SimVascular.


SimVascular Development Team