Weld joint mismatched after combined 2 models

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Hao Lee
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Weld joint mismatched after combined 2 models

Post by Hao Lee » Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:51 pm

Dear Sir
I try to build my exoskeleton in opensim with c++, which looks fine after I compile it.
However, after I try to combine it with gait2392, all the weld joint mismatched.
As you can see the half circle bar and few segments moved.
The way I combined it is directly copy the xml file's body part of exoskeleton and paste it into gait2392.
Is there any way I can solve it?
Or is there any c++ code that I can add into mine to combine 2 models?

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Hao Lee
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Re: Weld joint mismatched after combined 2 models

Post by Hao Lee » Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:07 pm

I kind of solve it by instead of adding my exoskeleton's xml code into the gait2392, I add gait2392 into my exoskeleton. Not sure why after that the dismatch problem disappeared.

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Ayman Habib
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Re: Weld joint mismatched after combined 2 models

Post by Ayman Habib » Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:12 pm

Hi Hao Lee,

It is possible that there's an order issue where the second method generates a model where objects (e.g. Joints) refer only to other objects that appear earlier in the same file while the model created using the first method doesn't meet this criteria. Ideally we don't rely on the XML order so if you can simplify your models and reproduce the issue then please file a bug and attach the model files.

Best regards,