#1: Possible bug in AmoebaMultipoleForce xml file
I'd like to test the effect of 1-4 scaling factors on my force field, as the defaults from AMOEBA may not be the best accuracy for my model. As far as I can tell, the permanent multipole and induced dipole scaling factors should be in the header of the xml file:
Code: Select all
<AmoebaMultipoleForce direct11Scale="0.0" direct12Scale="1.0" direct13Scale="1.0" direct14Scale="1.0" mpole12Scale="0.0" mpole13Scale="0.0" mpole14Scale="0.4" mpole15Scale="0.8" mutual11Scale="1.0" mutual12Scale="1.0" mutual13Scale="1.0" mutual14Scale="1.0" polar12Scale="0.0" polar13Scale="0.0" polar14Intra="0.5" polar14Scale="1.0" polar15Scale="1.0" >
#2: Clarification question on polarization groups
I parameterized the induced dipoles to already account for intramolecular polarization, and want to make sure that I choose the correct scale factors and polarization groups such that, for each water molecule, the permanent multipole moments on the molecule *do not* polarize induced dipoles on the same water molecule, but *do* polarize induced dipoles on other water molecules. If I'm understanding the language of the AMOEBA2013 model correctly, (doi:10.1021/ct4003702) this means that both the hydrogen and oxygen atomtypes should be in the same polarization group, and I wanted to check (since there's no documentation on this in the OpenMM manual) that I achieve this by setting up my polarization groups like in the amoeba2013.xml file (type 247 is oxygen on water, type 248 is hydrogen on water):
Code: Select all
<Polarize type="247" polarizability="0.000837" thole="0.3900" pgrp1="248" />
<Polarize type="248" polarizability="0.000496" thole="0.3900" pgrp1="247" />
<Polarize type="85" polarizability="0.00175" thole="0.3900" pgrp1="83" pgrp2="86" pgrp3="87" />
<Polarize type="86" polarizability="0.000696" thole="0.3900" pgrp1="85" />
<Polarize type="87" polarizability="0.00175" thole="0.3900" pgrp1="85" pgrp2="88" />
This one's part coding, part science question, and I'll try and ask the AMOEBA folks directly about any parts where the OpenMM team can't help. In line with the findings of the recent AMOEBA papers, the 2-body water energies are supposed to be relatively insensitive to the choice of Thole damping factors, whereas the choice of damping factor should matter for the many-body (3-body and up) energies. In manually testing a variety of Thole damping factors (from 0.01 to 1.0), however, I see that the 3-body energies can vary by over 100 kJ/mol, which seems highly unusual to me. This leads me to the following questions:
1. Is this magnitude of variance in the 3-body energies (as a function of Thole screening factor) normal??
2. Is there a way to test (preferably with minimal changes to the OpenMM code) whether or not a polarization catastrophe is occurring for a particular choice of damping factor?
3. Is there a known upper limit to the damping factor that will ensure (for normal molecular systems) no polarization catastrophe occurs?
4. (I'll probably have to ask the AMOEBA people this) Assuming that the many-body energies are this sensitive to the Thole damping factors, and other than comparing against benchmark 3-body energies, is there a way to determine optimal Thole damping factors for a particular system?
As always, many thanks to the OpenMM team for your help on these issues.