Post processing with command line in linux

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Yikai Kan
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Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:10 pm

Post processing with command line in linux

Post by Yikai Kan » Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:07 pm

Dear all,

Does anyone know how to post process simulation outputs with command line?
I build svSolver on my Cluster, and I found that svpre, svpost and svsolver were provided in /svSolver/build/svSolver-build/bin.
I was wondering that if we can use svpost to process files in command directly without GUI. What arguments should I give to svpost?

Yikai Kan

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Justin Tran
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Re: Post processing with command line in linux

Post by Justin Tran » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:36 am

Hi Yikai,

Thank you for your question! You certainly can run svpost from the command line. You can check the input arguments by running svpost with the '-h' flag. But briefly, you will likely want to include the following flags:

-start X: starting step number for post-processing
-stop Y: last step number for post-processing
-incr Z: increment of files to post-process. Typically best to set this equal to the "Number of timesteps between restarts" option in solver.inp
-vtu [name]: indicates the name for the .vtu (volumetric) output file
-vtp [name]: indicates name for the .vtp (surface) output file
-vtkcombo: aggregates all results from all timesteps into single files. This will also enable computation of time-averaged quantities like time-averaged wall shear stress and OSI. Note that if you indicate step 0 as your starting timestep, the time-averaged quantities will not be output since the wall shear stress is not defined at step 0.

Additional options for post-processing can be found by running it with the -h flag. Hope that helps!