This is the source code repository of the Open Knee(s) project. For licensing of any material in this repository please refer to licensing.txt. High-level folder structure of this repository is: . |-- app: applications illustrating scientific and clinical use cases |-- aux: files and projects to support collaborative work | |-- cld: files and projects to support cloud computing infrastructure | `-- fea: files and projects to support simulation software development |-- doc: general purpose documents | `-- img: general purpose images |-- _gen1: Open Knee - Generation 1 |-- license.txt |-- oks: Open Knee(s) models, Generation 2 development | `-- 001: specimen folder | |-- dat: specimen-specific data | |-- doc: specimen-specific documents | |-- sol: specimen-specific solutions to test simulations | `-- src: specimen-specific models and scripts |-- readme.txt `-- utl: files and projects to support Open Knee(s) utilities For more details on this repository, please refer to