<%=h @resource.name %>

<%= @resource.orgs.collect {|org| link_to h(org.name), :controller => 'org', :action => 'show', :id => org}.join(', ') %>

<%=h @resource.byline %>

<%= link_to(@resource.project_url, {:action => 'goto', :id => @resource }, {:target => '_blank'}) %>

<% if @resource.superceded_by %>

This entry is superceded by by <%= link_to @resource.superceded_by.name, :action =>'show', :id =>@resource.superceded_by %>. We suggest you to use this instead.

<% end %> <% if permit? "site_admin or owner of :resource" %>

<%= link_to "Edit This Entry", :controller => 'resource', :action => 'edit', :id=>@resource %>

<% end %>
Summary Assembled by Curation Team
<%if @resource.stage %> <% end %> <%if @resource.tags %> <% end %> <%if @resource.contact_name_public or @resource.contact_email_public or @resource.contact_other_public %> <% end %> <% # this whole section could use a loop - FIX %> <% if @resource.size_scale %> <% end %> <% if @resource.support %> <% end %> <% if @resource.userbase %> <% end %> <% if @resource.developers %> <% end %> <% if @resource.license %> <% end %> <% if @resource.os_support %> <% end %> <% if @resource.publications %> <% end %> <% if @resource.tech_publications and not @resource.tech_publications.empty? %> <% end %> <% if @resource.appl_publications and not @resource.appl_publications.empty?%> <% end %> <% if @resource.mailing_list_url and not @resource.mailing_list_url.empty? %> <% end %> <% if @resource.documentation_url and not @resource.documentation_url.empty? %> <% end %> <% if @resource.commercial and not @resource.commercial.empty? %> <% end %> <% if @resource.commercial_url and not @resource.commercial_url.empty? %> <% end %> <% if @resource.cost and not @resource.cost.empty? %> <% end %> <% if @resource.year_started %> <% end %>
<%= @resource.resource_type.name || " " %>

<%= @resource.description %>

<%= @resource.human_title(:stage) %> <%= @resource.stage.name %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:tags) %> <%=h @resource.tags.collect {|tag| tag.name}.join(', ') %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:contact) %> <%if @resource.contact_name_public %> <%= @resource.contact_name %>
<% end %> <%if @resource.contact_email_public %> <%= @resource.contact_email %>
<% end %> <%if @resource.contact_other_public %>
<%= @resource.contact_other if @resource.contact_other %>
<% end %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:size_scale) %> <%=h @resource.size_scale.name %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:support) %> <%=h @resource.support.name %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:userbase) %> <%=h @resource.userbase %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:developers) %> <%=h @resource.developers %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:license) %> <%=h @resource.license.name if @resource.license %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:os_support) %> <%=h @resource.os_support.name if @resource.os_support %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:publications) %> <%=h @resource.publications %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:tech_publications) %> <%=h @resource.tech_publications %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:appl_publications) %> <%=h @resource.appl_publications %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:mailing_list_url) %> <%=h @resource.mailing_list_url %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:documentation_url) %> <%=h @resource.documentation_url %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:commercial) %> <%=h @resource.commercial %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:commercial_url) %> <%=h @resource.commercial_url %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:cost) %> <%=h @resource.cost %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:year_started) %> <%=h @resource.year_started.year %>
<%= @resource.human_title(:similar) %> <% @resource.similar.each do |resource| -%> <%= link_to(resource.name, :action => :show, :id => resource) %>   <% end -%>
<%= @resource.human_title(:related) %> <% @resource.related.each do |resource| -%> <%= link_to(resource.name, :action => :show, :id => resource) %>   <% end -%>    <%= link_to 'Search Google', "http://www.google.com/search?q=related%3A#{@resource.project_url}" , {:class => 'btn'} %>
Last Updated on: <%=h @resource.updated_at %> Page hits <%=h @resource.hits %>, Clicks <%=h @resource.outclicks %>, Version <%=h @resource.version %> (<%= @resource.versions.size %>) <% if not @resource.viewable? %> , HIDDEN <% end %>

<%= link_to 'Suggest Update', {:action => 'flag', :id => @resource, :flag_type=>"Update"}, :class => "btn", :title=>"This entry is out of date and needs to be updated" %>
Send the Curation Team a suggestion.

<%= render :partial => 'ratings_bar' %>


<% if @resource.reviews and not @resource.reviews.empty? %> <% @resource.reviews.each do |rating| %> <%= render :partial => 'review', :locals => { :rating => rating } %> <% end %> <% end %>