PrivateImplementation.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This header provides declarations of the user-visible portion of the PIMPLHandle template classes that are used in the SimTK Core to implement the PIMPL (private implementation) design pattern.

The definitions associated with these template method declarations are separated into the companion header file PrivateImplementation_Defs.h with the intent that those definitions will be visible only in library-side code where they need to be instantiated. The definition header file is available for end users as part of the SimTK Core installation, but is not automatically included with SimTKcomon.h as this file is.

SimTK Core client-side headers include this declarations file in order to define the various client side Handle classes, but SimTK Core client-side code never includes the definitions; that is done exclusively in private, library-side code.

#include "SimTKcommon/internal/common.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/ExceptionMacros.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <iosfwd>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  SimTK


class  PIMPLHandle
 This class provides some infrastructure useful in making SimTK Private Implementation (PIMPL) classes. More...
class  PIMPLDerivedHandle
 This class is the parent of derived handle classes. More...
class  PIMPLImplementation
 This class provides some infrastructure useful in creating PIMPL Implementation classes (the ones referred to by Handles). More...


template<class H, class IMPL, bool PTR>
std::ostream & SimTK::operator<< (std::ostream &o, const PIMPLHandle< H, IMPL, PTR > &h)

Generated on Thu Feb 28 01:34:34 2008 for SimTKcommon by  doxygen 1.4.7