Transform.h File Reference

#include "SimTKcommon/SmallMatrix.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/BigMatrix.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/UnitVec.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/Quaternion.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/internal/Rotation.h"
#include <iosfwd>

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namespace  SimTK


class  Transform
 This class represents the rotate-and-shift transform which gives the location and orientation of a new frame F in a base (reference) frame B. More...
class  InverseTransform
 Transform from frame B to frame F, but with the internal representation inverted. More...


Vec3 operator* (const Transform &X_BF, const Vec3 &s_F)
 If we multiply a transform by a 3-vector, we treat it as though it had a 4th element "1" appended, that is, it is treated as a *station* rather than a *vector*.
Vec3 operator* (const InverseTransform &X_BF, const Vec3 &s_F)
Transform operator* (const Transform &X1, const Transform &X2)
Transform operator* (const Transform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
Transform operator* (const InverseTransform &X1, const Transform &X2)
Transform operator* (const InverseTransform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
bool operator== (const Transform &X1, const Transform &X2)
bool operator== (const InverseTransform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
bool operator== (const Transform &X1, const InverseTransform &X2)
bool operator== (const InverseTransform &X1, const Transform &X2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Transform &)
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator* (const Transform &T, const VectorBase< E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
Vector_< E > operator* (const VectorBase< E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator* (const Transform &T, const RowVectorBase< E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
RowVector_< E > operator* (const RowVectorBase< E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator* (const Transform &T, const MatrixBase< E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<class E>
Matrix_< E > operator* (const MatrixBase< E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Vec< N, E > operator* (const Transform &T, const Vec< N, E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Vec< N, E > operator* (const Vec< N, E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Row< N, E > operator* (const Transform &T, const Row< N, E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int N, class E>
Row< N, E > operator* (const Row< N, E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int M, int N, class E>
Mat< M, N, E > operator* (const Transform &T, const Mat< M, N, E > &v)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.
template<int M, int N, class E>
Mat< M, N, E > operator* (const Mat< M, N, E > &v, const Transform &T)
 Multiplying a matrix or vector by a Transform applies it to each element individually.

Generated on Fri Sep 26 07:44:22 2008 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.5.6