AnalyticGeometry.h [code] | This is the client-side interface to analytic geometry suitable for using to generate mass properties, collisions, etc |
Array.h [code] | |
AtomicInteger.h [code] | |
basics.h [code] | Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes |
BigMatrix.h [code] | This file defines the client side of the SimTK::Matrix classes, which hold large, variable-sized matrices whose elements are packed SimTK "Composite Numerical Types" (CNTs) |
Biotype.h [code] | |
Body.h [code] | This defines the Body class, which represents a reference frame which can be used to describe mass properties and geometry |
bondGeometry.h [code] | |
Clonable.h [code] | |
CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.h [code] | |
simtkcommon/trunk/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h [code] | Mandatory first inclusion for any SimTK source or header file |
simmath/trunk/include/simmath/internal/common.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical differentiation tools |
simbody/trunk/include/simbody/internal/common.h [code] | Every Simbody header and source file should include this header before any other Simbody header |
molmodel/trunk/include/molmodel/internal/common.h [code] | Every Molmodel header and source file should include this header before any other Molmodel header |
CompositeNumericalTypes.h [code] | The purpose of the CNT<T> class is to hide the differences between built-in numerical types and composite ones like Vec<3> |
Compound.h [code] | |
CompoundSystem.h [code] | |
Concretize.h [code] | |
conf-explorer.2008.07.23.cpp | |
configall_system.h [code] | |
configall_system_msc.h [code] | |
conjugate.h [code] | This file defines the conjugate<R> template class, where R is one of the three built-in real types |
Constants.h [code] | This header is the common gathering place for numerical, *machine-independent* constants in SimTK |
ConstrainedNumericalDiffOptimization.cpp | |
ConstrainedOptimization.cpp | |
Constraint.h [code] | This defines the Constraint class, which is used to specify limitations on the mobility of the MobilizedBodies in a MatterSubsystem |
Contact.h [code] | |
ContactGeometry.h [code] | |
ContactGeometryImpl.h [code] | |
ContactImpl.h [code] | |
CoordinateAxis.h [code] | |
cpodes.h [code] | |
cpodes_band.h [code] | |
cpodes_bandpre.h [code] | |
cpodes_bbdpre.h [code] | |
cpodes_dense.h [code] | |
cpodes_direct.h [code] | |
cpodes_lapack.h [code] | |
cpodes_lapack_exports.h [code] | |
cpodes_spbcgs.h [code] | |
cpodes_spgmr.h [code] | |
cpodes_spils.h [code] | |
cpodes_sptfqmr.h [code] | |
CPodesIntegrator.h [code] | |
cpsadamsx.c | |
cpsAdvDiff_bnd.c | |
cpsAdvDiff_bndL.c | |
cpsAdvDiff_non.c | |
cpsbanx.c | |
cpsbanx_lap.c | |
cpsdenx.c | |
cpsdenx_lap.c | |
cpsNewtCrd_dns.c | |
cpsPend_dns.c | |
cpsPend_dnsL.c | |
cpsRoberts_dns.c | |
cpsRoberts_dnsL.c | |
cpsVanDPol_non.c | |
cvbanx.c | |
cvbanx_lap.c | |
cvdenx.c | |
cvdenx_lap.c | |
cvdenx_uw.c | |
cvdirectdem.c | |
cvkrydem_lin.c | |
cvkrydem_pre.c | |
cvkryx.c | |
cvkryx_bbd_p.c | |
cvkryx_bp.c | |
cvkryx_p.c | |
cvnonx_p.c | |
cvode.h [code] | |
cvode_band.h [code] | |
cvode_bandpre.h [code] | |
cvode_bbdpre.h [code] | |
cvode_dense.h [code] | |
cvode_diag.h [code] | |
cvode_direct.h [code] | |
cvode_lapack.h [code] | |
cvode_spbcgs.h [code] | |
cvode_spgmr.h [code] | |
cvode_spils.h [code] | |
cvode_sptfqmr.h [code] | |
cvodes.h [code] | |
cvodes_band.h [code] | |
cvodes_bandpre.h [code] | |
cvodes_bbdpre.h [code] | |
cvodes_dense.h [code] | |
cvodes_diag.h [code] | |
cvodes_direct.h [code] | |
cvodes_lapack.h [code] | |
cvodes_spbcgs.h [code] | |
cvodes_spgmr.h [code] | |
cvodes_spils.h [code] | |
cvodes_sptfqmr.h [code] | |
cvsadjbanx.c | |
cvsadjdenx.c | |
cvsadjkryx_int.c | |
cvsadjkryx_p.c | |
cvsadjkryx_pnt.c | |
cvsadjnonx_p.c | |
cvsbanx.c | |
cvsbanx_lap.c | |
cvsdenx.c | |
cvsdenx_lap.c | |
cvsdenx_uw.c | |
cvsdirectdem.c | |
cvsfwddenx.c | |
cvsfwdkryx.c | |
cvsfwdkryx_p.c | |
cvsfwdnonx.c | |
cvsfwdnonx_p.c | |
cvskrydem_lin.c | |
cvskrydem_pre.c | |
cvskryx.c | |
cvskryx_bbd_p.c | |
cvskryx_bp.c | |
cvskryx_p.c | |
cvsnonx_p.c | |
DecorationSubsystem.h [code] | Define the public interface to DecorationSubsystem, a "do nothing" subsystem providing a place for a MultibodySystem Modeler to toss in some visuals which may optionally be displayed by an application which uses that System |
DecorativeGeometry.h [code] | This is the client-side interface to an implementation-independent representation of "Decorations" suitable for visualization, annotation, logging, or debugging but which cannot have any effect on the behavior of a System or the evolution of a Study |
Differentiator.cpp | This is a test program which uses the Differentiator class in various ways |
Differentiator.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical differentiation tools |
DuMMForceFieldSubsystem.h [code] | Define the public interface to DuMMForceFieldSubsystem, a subsystem which provides some minimal molecular mechanics-like capability in a multi-rigid body framework |
ElasticFoundationForce.h [code] | |
Element.h [code] | |
Enumeration.h [code] | |
EventHandler.h [code] | |
EventReporter.h [code] | |
ExampleAdenylateMobilitiesVMD.cpp | |
ExampleAdenylateMobilitiesVTK.cpp | |
ExampleCreatePropane.cpp | |
ExampleLoadPdb.cpp | |
ExampleLoadPdb2.cpp | |
ExampleLoadRNA.cpp | |
ExampleMeasureActualStepSize.cpp | |
ExamplePuckerRibose.cpp | |
ExampleRigidProtein.cpp | |
ExampleSimpleProtein.cpp | |
ExampleSimpleRNA.cpp | |
ExampleSodiumChloride.cpp | |
ExampleTwoArgonAtoms.cpp | |
ExampleTwoEthanes.cpp | |
Exception.h [code] | |
ExceptionMacros.h [code] | This file contains macros which are convenient to use for sprinkling error checking around liberally in SimTK programs, a practice which is highly encouraged |
ExplicitEulerIntegrator.h [code] | |
fcvbanx.f | |
fcvdenx.f | |
fcvdenx_lap.f | |
fcvkryx.f | |
fcvkryx_bbd_p.f | |
fcvkryx_bp.f | |
fcvkryx_p.f | |
fcvnonx_p.f | |
fidadenx.f | |
fidakryx_bbd_p.f | |
fkinkryx.f | |
fkinkryx_p.f | |
Force.h [code] | |
ForceSubsystem.h [code] | |
ForceSubsystemGuts.h [code] | Define the extendible library-side implementation of the ForceSubsystem |
Fortran.h [code] | This header defines a set of macros which are useful for making calls to Fortran routines from C++ programs |
Function.h [code] | |
GCVSPLUtil.h [code] | |
GeneralContactSubsystem.h [code] | |
GeneralForceSubsystem.h [code] | |
GrinPointer.h [code] | |
HuntCrossleyContact.h [code] | Define the public interface to HuntCrossleyContact, a subsystem which provides some minimal contact behavior |
HuntCrossleyForce.h [code] | |
ida.h [code] | |
ida_band.h [code] | |
ida_bbdpre.h [code] | |
ida_dense.h [code] | |
ida_direct.h [code] | |
ida_lapack.h [code] | |
ida_spbcgs.h [code] | |
ida_spgmr.h [code] | |
ida_spils.h [code] | |
ida_sptfqmr.h [code] | |
idabanx1.c | |
idabanx2.c | |
idadenx.c | |
idakrydem_lin.c | |
idakryx.c | |
idakryx1_bbd_p.c | |
idakryx1_p.c | |
idakryx2_bbd_p.c | |
idakryx2_p.c | |
imd.h [code] | |
initroot1.c | |
Integrator.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical integration tools |
Ions.h [code] | |
IpAdaptiveMuUpdate.cpp | |
IpAdaptiveMuUpdate.hpp [code] | |
IpAlgBuilder.cpp | |
IpAlgBuilder.hpp [code] | |
IpAlgorithmRegOp.cpp | |
IpAlgorithmRegOp.hpp [code] | |
IpAlgStrategy.hpp [code] | |
IpAlgTypes.hpp [code] | |
IpAugRestoSystemSolver.cpp | |
IpAugRestoSystemSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpAugSystemSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpBacktrackingLineSearch.cpp | |
IpBacktrackingLineSearch.hpp [code] | |
IpBacktrackingLSAcceptor.hpp [code] | |
IpBlas.cpp | |
IpBlas.hpp [code] | |
IpCachedResults.hpp [code] | |
IpCompoundMatrix.cpp | |
IpCompoundMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpCompoundSymMatrix.cpp | |
IpCompoundSymMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpCompoundVector.cpp | |
IpCompoundVector.hpp [code] | |
IpConvCheck.hpp [code] | |
IpDebug.cpp | |
IpDebug.hpp [code] | |
IpDefaultIterateInitializer.cpp | |
IpDefaultIterateInitializer.hpp [code] | |
IpDenseGenMatrix.cpp | |
IpDenseGenMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpDenseSymMatrix.cpp | |
IpDenseSymMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpDenseVector.cpp | |
IpDenseVector.hpp [code] | |
IpDiagMatrix.cpp | |
IpDiagMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpEqMultCalculator.hpp [code] | |
IpExactHessianUpdater.cpp | |
IpExactHessianUpdater.hpp [code] | |
IpException.hpp [code] | |
IpExpansionMatrix.cpp | |
IpExpansionMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpFilter.cpp | |
IpFilter.hpp [code] | |
IpFilterLSAcceptor.cpp | |
IpFilterLSAcceptor.hpp [code] | |
IpGenTMatrix.cpp | |
IpGenTMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpGradientScaling.cpp | |
IpGradientScaling.hpp [code] | |
IpHessianUpdater.hpp [code] | |
IpIdentityMatrix.cpp | |
IpIdentityMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpInterfacesRegOp.cpp | |
IpInterfacesRegOp.hpp [code] | |
IpIpoptAlg.cpp | |
IpIpoptAlg.hpp [code] | |
IpIpoptApplication.cpp | |
IpIpoptApplication.hpp [code] | |
IpIpoptCalculatedQuantities.cpp | |
IpIpoptCalculatedQuantities.hpp [code] | |
IpIpoptData.cpp | |
IpIpoptData.hpp [code] | |
IpIpoptNLP.hpp [code] | |
IpIterateInitializer.hpp [code] | |
IpIteratesVector.cpp | |
IpIteratesVector.hpp [code] | |
IpIterationOutput.hpp [code] | |
IpJournalist.cpp | |
IpJournalist.hpp [code] | |
IpLapack.cpp | |
IpLapack.hpp [code] | |
IpLapackSolverInterface.cpp | |
IpLapackSolverInterface.hpp [code] | |
IpLeastSquareMults.cpp | |
IpLeastSquareMults.hpp [code] | |
IpLimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater.cpp | |
IpLimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater.hpp [code] | |
IpLinearSolversRegOp.cpp | |
IpLinearSolversRegOp.hpp [code] | |
IpLineSearch.hpp [code] | |
IpLoqoMuOracle.cpp | |
IpLoqoMuOracle.hpp [code] | |
IpLowRankAugSystemSolver.cpp | |
IpLowRankAugSystemSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpLowRankUpdateSymMatrix.cpp | |
IpLowRankUpdateSymMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpMatrix.cpp | |
IpMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpMonotoneMuUpdate.cpp | |
IpMonotoneMuUpdate.hpp [code] | |
IpMultiVectorMatrix.cpp | |
IpMultiVectorMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpMuOracle.hpp [code] | |
IpMuUpdate.hpp [code] | |
IpNLP.hpp [code] | |
IpNLPScaling.cpp | |
IpNLPScaling.hpp [code] | |
IpObserver.cpp | |
IpObserver.hpp [code] | |
IpoptConfig.h [code] | |
IpOptErrorConvCheck.cpp | |
IpOptErrorConvCheck.hpp [code] | |
IpOptionsList.cpp | |
IpOptionsList.hpp [code] | |
IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp | |
IpOrigIpoptNLP.hpp [code] | |
IpOrigIterationOutput.cpp | |
IpOrigIterationOutput.hpp [code] | |
IpPDFullSpaceSolver.cpp | |
IpPDFullSpaceSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpPDPerturbationHandler.cpp | |
IpPDPerturbationHandler.hpp [code] | |
IpPDSystemSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpProbingMuOracle.cpp | |
IpProbingMuOracle.hpp [code] | |
IpQualityFunctionMuOracle.cpp | |
IpQualityFunctionMuOracle.hpp [code] | |
IpReferenced.hpp [code] | |
IpRegOptions.cpp | |
IpRegOptions.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoFilterConvCheck.cpp | |
IpRestoFilterConvCheck.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoIpoptNLP.cpp | |
IpRestoIpoptNLP.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoIterateInitializer.cpp | |
IpRestoIterateInitializer.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoIterationOutput.cpp | |
IpRestoIterationOutput.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoMinC_1Nrm.cpp | |
IpRestoMinC_1Nrm.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoPhase.hpp [code] | |
IpRestoRestoPhase.cpp | |
IpRestoRestoPhase.hpp [code] | |
IpReturnCodes.h [code] | |
IpReturnCodes.hpp [code] | | | |
IpReturnCodes_inc.h [code] | |
IpScaledMatrix.cpp | |
IpScaledMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpSmartPtr.hpp [code] | |
IpSolveStatistics.cpp | |
IpSolveStatistics.hpp [code] | |
IpSparseSymLinearSolverInterface.hpp [code] | |
IpStdAugSystemSolver.cpp | |
IpStdAugSystemSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpStdCInterface.cpp | |
IpStdCInterface.h [code] | |
IpStdFInterface.c | |
IpStdInterfaceTNLP.cpp | |
IpStdInterfaceTNLP.hpp [code] | |
IpSumMatrix.cpp | |
IpSumMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpSumSymMatrix.cpp | |
IpSumSymMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpSymLinearSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpSymMatrix.cpp | |
IpSymMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpSymScaledMatrix.cpp | |
IpSymScaledMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpSymTMatrix.cpp | |
IpSymTMatrix.hpp [code] | |
IpTaggedObject.cpp | |
IpTaggedObject.hpp [code] | |
IpTimedTask.hpp [code] | |
IpTimingStatistics.cpp | |
IpTimingStatistics.hpp [code] | |
IpTNLP.hpp [code] | |
IpTNLPAdapter.cpp | |
IpTNLPAdapter.hpp [code] | |
IpTripletHelper.cpp | |
IpTripletHelper.hpp [code] | |
IpTripletToCSRConverter.cpp | |
IpTripletToCSRConverter.hpp [code] | |
IpTripletToDenseConverter.cpp | |
IpTripletToDenseConverter.hpp [code] | |
IpTSymLinearSolver.cpp | |
IpTSymLinearSolver.hpp [code] | |
IpTSymScalingMethod.hpp [code] | |
IpTypes.hpp [code] | |
IpUserScaling.cpp | |
IpUserScaling.hpp [code] | |
IpUtils.cpp | |
IpUtils.hpp [code] | |
IpVector.cpp | |
IpVector.hpp [code] | |
IpWarmStartIterateInitializer.cpp | |
IpWarmStartIterateInitializer.hpp [code] | |
IpZeroMatrix.cpp | |
IpZeroMatrix.hpp [code] | |
kinbanx.c | |
kindenx1.c | |
kindenx2.c | |
kinkrydem_lin.c | |
kinkryx.c | |
kinkryx_bbd_p.c | |
kinkryx_p.c | |
kinsol.h [code] | |
kinsol_band.h [code] | |
kinsol_bbdpre.h [code] | |
kinsol_dense.h [code] | |
kinsol_direct.h [code] | |
kinsol_lapack.h [code] | |
kinsol_spbcgs.h [code] | |
kinsol_spgmr.h [code] | |
kinsol_spils.h [code] | |
kinsol_sptfqmr.h [code] | |
LigandDroplet.h [code] | |
Ligands.h [code] | |
LinearAlgebra.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath linear algebra tools |
List.h [code] | |
LocalEnergyMinimizer.h [code] | |
MassProperties.h [code] | These are utility classes for dealing with mass properties, particularly those messy inertias |
Mat.h [code] | This file declares class Mat<NROWS, NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, COL_SPACING, ROW_SPACING> |
MatrixHelper.h [code] | Here we define class MatrixHelper<S>, the scalar-type templatized helper class for the more general, composite numerical type-templatized class MatrixBase<ELT> |
Mechanics.h [code] | This header collects all the Mechanics header files in one place |
MobilizedBody.h [code] | This defines the MobilizedBody class, which associates a body (the "outboard" body) with a mobilizer and a reference frame (the parent or "inboard" body), already present in a MatterSubsystem |
MolecularMechanicsSystem.h [code] | |
MultibodySystem.h [code] | |
negator.h [code] | This file defines the negator<N> template which is an adaptor for the numeric types N (Real, Complex, conjugate) |
newton.c | |
NTraits.h [code] | This file contains classes and typedefs needed to provide uniform handling of floating point numeric values |
NumericalMethods.h [code] | |
nvector_parallel.h [code] | |
nvector_serial.h [code] | |
nvector_SimTK.h [code] | This header defines a Sundials N_Vector implementation which uses SimTK's Vector class internally |
ObservedPointFitter.h [code] | |
Optimizer.h [code] | |
Orientation.h [code] | These are numerical utility classes for dealing with the relative orientations of geometric objects |
OrientedBoundingBox.h [code] | |
Parallel2DExecutor.h [code] | |
ParallelExecutor.h [code] | |
ParameterConstrainedOptimization.cpp | |
Pdb.h [code] | |
PDBReader.h [code] | |
pend.c | |
pend_test.c | |
pendEs.c | |
pendLr.c | |
PeriodicPdbWriter.h [code] | |
PeriodicVmdReporter.h [code] | |
PolygonalMesh.h [code] | |
PolynomialRootFinder.h [code] | |
PrivateImplementation.h [code] | This header provides declarations of the user-visible portion of the PIMPLHandle template classes that are used in the SimTK Core to implement the PIMPL (private implementation) design pattern |
PrivateImplementation_Defs.h [code] | This header provides the definitions of the PIMPLHandle template methods as declared in PrivateImplementation.h, and also the declaration and definition of the template classes used for creating well- behaved implementation classes |
Protein.h [code] | |
Quaternion.h [code] | |
Random.h [code] | |
RiboseMobilizer.h [code] | |
RNA.h [code] | |
Rotation.h [code] | |
Row.h [code] | This file declares class Row<NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE> |
RungeKuttaFeldbergIntegrator.h [code] | |
RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator.h [code] | |
Scalar.h [code] | This is a user-includable header which includes everything needed to make use of SimMatrix Scalar code |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem.h [code] | |
SimbodyMatterSubtree.h [code] | |
Simmatrix.h [code] | This is the header which should be included in user programs that would like to make use of all the Simmatrix facilities, but none of the other parts of SimTKcommon |
SimpleDifferentiator.cpp | This is a test program which uses the Differentiator class in various ways |
SimTKcommon.h [code] | Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes, including Simmatrix |
SimTKcpodes.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK C++ interface to the Sundials CPODES coordinate-projection integrator |
SimTKmath.h [code] | |
SimTKmolmodel.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up all Molmodel capabilities |
SimTKsimbody.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up all Simbody capabilities |
SimTKsimbody_aux.h [code] | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up all Simbody capabilities |
SmallDefsThatNeedBig.h [code] | This file defines leftover SmallMatrix implementations which need to know about Lapack |
SmallMatrix.h [code] | This file is the user-includeable header to be included in user programs to provide fixed-length Vec & Mat classes |
SmallMatrixMixed.h [code] | This file defines globals which use a mix of Vec, Row, and Mat types and hence need to wait until everything is defined |
SpatialAlgebra.h [code] | These are declarations for special matrices and vectors of use in implementing Rodriguez and Jain's Spatial Operator Algebra |
Spline.h [code] | |
SplineFitter.h [code] | |
StableArray.h [code] | |
Stage.h [code] | |
State.h [code] | |
String.h [code] | |
Study.h [code] | |
StudyGuts.h [code] | |
Subsystem.h [code] | |
SubsystemGuts.h [code] | |
sundials_band.h [code] | |
sundials_config.h [code] | |
sundials_dense.h [code] | |
sundials_direct.h [code] | |
sundials_fnvector.h [code] | |
sundials_iterative.h [code] | |
sundials_lapack.h [code] | |
sundials_math.h [code] | |
sundials_nvector.h [code] | |
sundials_spbcgs.h [code] | |
sundials_spgmr.h [code] | |
sundials_sptfqmr.h [code] | |
sundials_types.h [code] | |
Superpose.h [code] | Kabsch superposition algorithm implementation |
SymMat.h [code] | This file declares class SymMat<M, ELEMENT_TYPE, ROW_SPACING> |
System.h [code] | |
SystemGuts.h [code] | |
TemplatizedLapack.h [code] | These is a templatized, C++ callable interface to LAPACK and BLAS |
TextDataEventReporter.h [code] | |
ThreadLocal.h [code] | |
TimeStepper.h [code] | |
TinkerDuMMForceFieldSubsystem.h [code] | |
Transform.h [code] | |
UnconstrainedNumericalDiffOptimization.cpp | |
UnconstrainedOptimization.cpp | |
units.h [code] | |
UnitVec.h [code] | |
UserFunction.h [code] | |
UserGuide.cpp | |
UserGuideLimits.cpp | |
Value.h [code] | |
VanderWallSphere.h [code] | |
Vec.h [code] | Declaration of class Vec<NROWS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE> |
VectorMath.h [code] | |
VelocityRescalingThermostat.h [code] | |
VerletIntegrator.h [code] | |
VmdConnection.h [code] | |
vmdsock.h [code] | |
VoxelHash.h [code] | |
VTKEventReporter.h [code] | |
VTKVisualizer.h [code] | This is the user-visible handle class for the VTK Reporter which provides a 3d animation window for viewing MultibodySystem simulations |
Water.h [code] | |
WaterDroplet.h [code] | |