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Function.h File Reference

#include "SimTKcommon/basics.h"
#include "SimTKcommon/Simmatrix.h"
#include <cassert>

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class  SimTK::Function_< T >
 This abstract class represents a mathematical function that calculates a value of arbitrary type based on M real arguments. More...
class  SimTK::Function_< T >::Constant
 This is a Function_ subclass which simply returns a fixed value, independent of its arguments. More...
class  SimTK::Function_< T >::Linear
 This is a Function_ subclass whose output value is a linear function of its arguments: f(x, y, ...) = ax+by+...+c. More...
class  SimTK::Function_< T >::Polynomial
 This is a Function_ subclass whose output value is a polynomial of its argument: f(x) = ax^n+bx^(n-1)+...+c. More...
class  SimTK::Function_< T >::Step
 This is a Function_ subclass whose output value y=f(x) is smoothly stepped from y=y0 to y1 as its input argument goes from x=x0 to x1. More...


namespace  SimTK

This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with other symbols.


typedef Function_< Real > SimTK::Function
 This typedef is used for the very common case that the return type of the Function object is Real.
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