
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
AnalyticGeometry.h [code]This is the client-side interface to analytic geometry suitable for using to generate mass properties, collisions, etc
Array.h [code]This file defines the Array_<T,X> class and related support classes including base classes ArrayViewConst_<T,X> and ArrayView_<T,X>, and helper class ArrayIndexTraits<X>
Assembler.h [code]
AtomicInteger.h [code]
basics.h [code]Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes
BigMatrix.h [code]This file defines the client side of the SimTK::Matrix classes, which hold medium to large, variable-sized matrices whose elements are packed SimTK "Composite Numerical Types" (CNTs)
Body.h [code]This defines the API for the Body base class and concrete Body types like Body::Rigid that are derived from it
CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.h [code]
Simbody/include/simbody/internal/common.h [code]Every Simbody header and source file should include this header before any other Simbody header
SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h [code]Mandatory first inclusion for any SimTK source or header file
SimTKmath/include/simmath/internal/common.h [code]This is the header file that every Simmath compilation unit should include first
CompliantContactSubsystem.h [code]
CompositeNumericalTypes.h [code]The purpose of the CNT<T> class is to hide the differences between built-in numerical types and composite ones like Vec<3>
Concretize.h [code]
conjugate.h [code]This file defines the conjugate<R> template class, where R is one of the three built-in real types
Constants.h [code]High precision mathematical and physical constants
Constraint.h [code]This defines the Constraint class, which is used to specify limitations on the mobility of the MobilizedBodies in a MatterSubsystem
Contact.h [code]
ContactGeometry.h [code]Defines the ContactGeometry class and its API-visible local subclasses for individual contact shapes
ContactGeometryImpl.h [code]
ContactImpl.h [code]
ContactSurface.h [code]Declares ContactMaterial and ContactSurface classes
ContactTrackerSubsystem.h [code]
CoordinateAxis.h [code]Defines the CoordinateAxis and CoordinateDirection classes
CPodesIntegrator.h [code]
DecorationGenerator.h [code]
DecorationSubsystem.h [code]Define the public interface to DecorationSubsystem, a "do nothing" subsystem providing a place for a MultibodySystem Modeler to toss in some visuals which may optionally be displayed by an application which uses that System
DecorativeGeometry.h [code]This is the client-side interface to an implementation-independent representation of "Decorations" suitable for visualization, annotation, logging, or debugging but which cannot have any effect on the behavior of a System or the evolution of a Study
Differentiator.h [code]This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical differentiation tools
ElasticFoundationForce.h [code]
Enumeration.h [code]
Event.h [code]This file declares the types needed for SimTK's support for Events
EventHandler.h [code]
EventReporter.h [code]
Exception.h [code]
ExceptionMacros.h [code]This file contains macros which are convenient to use for sprinkling error checking around liberally in SimTK programs, a practice which is highly encouraged
ExplicitEulerIntegrator.h [code]
Force.h [code]
Force_Gravity.h [code]This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::Gravity and is logically part of Force.h
Force_LinearBushing.h [code]This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::LinearBushing and is logically part of Force.h
Force_Thermostat.h [code]This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::Thermostat and is logically part of Force.h
ForceSubsystem.h [code]
ForceSubsystemGuts.h [code]Define the extendible library-side implementation of the ForceSubsystem
Fortran.h [code]This header defines a set of macros which are useful for making calls to Fortran routines from C++ programs
Function.h [code]
GCVSPLUtil.h [code]
GeneralContactSubsystem.h [code]
GeneralForceSubsystem.h [code]
HuntCrossleyContact.h [code]Define the public interface to HuntCrossleyContact, a subsystem which provides some minimal contact behavior
HuntCrossleyForce.h [code]
Integrator.h [code]This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical integration tools
LinearAlgebra.h [code]This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath linear algebra tools
LocalEnergyMinimizer.h [code]
MassProperties.h [code]These are utility classes for dealing with mass properties, particularly those messy inertias
Mat.h [code]This file declares class Mat<NROWS, NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, COL_SPACING, ROW_SPACING>
MatrixCharacteristics.h [code]Here we declare the classes needed for managing the properties of matrices, which we call Matrix Characteristics
MatrixHelper.h [code]Here we declare the detailed interface to the Simmatrix classes
Measure.h [code]This file declares the base class AbstractMeasure for all derived Measure handle classes, and the handle classes for built-in Measures
MeasureImplementation.h [code]
Mechanics.h [code]This header collects all the Mechanics header files in one place
MobilizedBody.h [code]This defines the MobilizedBody class, which associates a new body (the "child", "outboard", or "successor" body) with a Mobilizer and a reference frame on an existing body (the "parent", "inboard", or "predecessor" body) that is already part of a MatterSubsystem
Motion.h [code]This defines the Motion class, which is used to specify how the mobilities associated with a particular mobilizer are to be calculated
MultibodySystem.h [code]
negator.h [code]This file defines the negator<N> template which is an adaptor for the numeric types N (Real, Complex, conjugate)
NTraits.h [code]This file contains classes and typedefs needed to provide uniform handling of floating point numeric values
ObservedPointFitter.h [code]
Optimizer.h [code]
Orientation.h [code]These are numerical utility classes for dealing with the relative orientations of geometric objects
OrientedBoundingBox.h [code]
Parallel2DExecutor.h [code]
ParallelExecutor.h [code]
ParallelWorkQueue.h [code]
Plugin.h [code]
PolygonalMesh.h [code]
PolynomialRootFinder.h [code]
PrivateImplementation.h [code]This header provides declarations of the user-visible portion of the PIMPLHandle template classes that are used in the SimTK Core to implement the PIMPL (private implementation) design pattern
PrivateImplementation_Defs.h [code]This header provides the definitions of the PIMPLHandle template methods as declared in PrivateImplementation.h, and also the declaration and definition of the template classes used for creating well- behaved implementation classes
Quaternion.h [code]
Random.h [code]
Rotation.h [code]
Row.h [code]This file declares class Row<NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE>
RungeKutta3Integrator.h [code]
RungeKuttaFeldbergIntegrator.h [code]
RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator.h [code]
Scalar.h [code]This is a user-includable header which includes everything needed to make use of SimMatrix Scalar code
Simbody.h [code]This is the header file that user code should include to pick up all Simbody capabilities. Note that all symbols defined here will be in the SimTK namespace, or (where a namespace can't be used) prefixed by "SimTK_"
SimbodyMainpage.h [code]This "header" file is actually just the source for Simbody's Doxygen Mainpage, the first page that a user sees when entering the Doxygen- generated API documentation
SimbodyMatterSubsystem.h [code]
SimbodyMatterSubtree.h [code]
Simmatrix.h [code]This is the header which should be included in user programs that would like to make use of all the Simmatrix facilities, but none of the other parts of SimTKcommon
SimTKcommon.h [code]Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes, including Simmatrix
SimTKcpodes.h [code]This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK C++ interface to the Sundials CPODES coordinate-projection integrator
SimTKlapack.h [code]
SimTKmath.h [code]
SimTKsimbody.h [code]This header file includes all the Simbody header files that need to be visible to a compiler processing a Simbody-using compilation unit. However, user programs should included only the top-level Simbody.h header (which will include this one)
SimTKsimbody_aux.h [code]Obsolete -- this header file is obsolete as of Simbody 2.2
SmallDefsThatNeedBig.h [code]This file defines leftover SmallMatrix implementations which need to know about our BigMatrix classes
SmallMatrix.h [code]This file is the user-includeable header to be included in user programs to provide fixed-length Vec & Mat classes
SmallMatrixMixed.h [code]This file defines global functions and class members which use a mix of Vec, Row, and Mat types and hence need to wait until everything is defined
SpatialAlgebra.h [code]These are declarations for special matrices and vectors of use in implementing Rodriguez and Jain's Spatial Operator Algebra
Spline.h [code]
SplineFitter.h [code]
StableArray.h [code]
Stage.h [code]
State.h [code]
String.h [code]
Study.h [code]
StudyGuts.h [code]
Subsystem.h [code]
SubsystemGuts.h [code]
SymMat.h [code]This file declares class SymMat<M, ELEMENT_TYPE, ROW_SPACING>
System.h [code]
SystemGuts.h [code]
TemplatizedLapack.h [code]These is a templatized, C++ callable interface to LAPACK and BLAS
Testing.h [code]This file defines a SimTK::Test class and some related macros which provide functionality useful in regression tests
TextDataEventReporter.h [code]
ThreadLocal.h [code]
TimeStepper.h [code]
Timing.h [code]This file ensures that we have access to the Posix time functions clock_getttime() and nanosleep(), and also provides some convenient methods for use in common timing situations
Transform.h [code]
UnitVec.h [code]Declares and defines the UnitVec and UnitRow classes
Value.h [code]
Vec.h [code]Declaration of class Vec<NROWS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE>
VectorMath.h [code]This file defines a large number of standard math functions that can be applied to vectors and matrices (both the large matrix and small matrix classes)
VerletIntegrator.h [code]
Visualizer.h [code]Declares the Visualizer class used for collecting Simbody simulation results for display and interaction through the VisualizerGUI
Visualizer_InputListener.h [code]This defines the InputListener class that is internal to the Visualizer, and the InputSilo class derived from it
Visualizer_Reporter.h [code]
Xml.h [code]
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