
SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >, including all inherited members.
abs() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
append1(const EE &v) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
ArgDepth enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
castAwayNegatorIfAny() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
ColSpacing enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
conformingAdd(const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
conformingMultiply(const Row< M, EE, SS > &r) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
conformingSubtract(const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
drop1(int p) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
getAs(const ELT *p)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, static]
getDefaultTolerance()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, static]
getNaN()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, static]
getSubVec(int i) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
getSubVec(const Vec< MM, ELT, STRIDE > &v, int i)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, static]
imag() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
imag()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
ImagOffset enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
insert1(int p, const EE &v) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
invert() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
isFinite() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
isInf() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
isNaN() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
IsNumber enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
isNumericallyEqual(const Vec< M, E2, RS2 > &v, double tol) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
isNumericallyEqual(const Vec< M, E2, RS2 > &v) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
isNumericallyEqual(const ELT &e, double tol=getDefaultTolerance()) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
IsPrecision enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
IsScalar enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
IsStdNumber enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
IsULessScalar enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
NActualElements enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
NActualScalars enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
ncol() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
NCols enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
negate() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
norm() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
normalize() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
normSqr() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
NPackedElements enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
nrow() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
NRows enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
Number typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
operator()(int i) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator()(int i)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator*=(const EE &e)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator+() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator+=(const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator+=(const Vec< M, negator< EE >, SS > &r)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator+=(const EE &e)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator-() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator-()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator-=(const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator-=(const Vec< M, negator< EE >, SS > &r)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator-=(const EE &e)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator/=(const EE &e)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator=(const Vec &src)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator=(const EE *p)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator=(const Vec< M, EE, SS > &vv)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator=(const EE &e)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator[](int i) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator[](int i)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator~() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
operator~()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
positionalTranspose() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Precision typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
real() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
real()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
RealStrideFactor enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
RowSpacing enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
Scalar typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
scalarAdd(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarDivide(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarDivideEq(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarDivideEqFromLeft(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarDivideFromLeft(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarEq(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarMinusEq(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarMinusEqFromLeft(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarMultiply(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarMultiplyFromLeft(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
ScalarNormSq typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
scalarNormSqr() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarPlusEq(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarSubtract(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarSubtractFromLeft(const EE &e) const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarTimesEq(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
scalarTimesEqFromLeft(const EE &ee)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
setToNaN()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
setToZero()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
SignInterpretation enum valueSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
size() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
sqrt() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
standardize() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
StdNumber typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
sum() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
T typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TAbs typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TCol typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TComplex typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TElement typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
THerm typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TImag typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TInvert typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TNeg typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TNormalize typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TPosTrans typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
transpose() const SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
TReal typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TRow typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TSqHermT typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TSqrt typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TSqTHerm typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TStandard typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
TWithoutNegator typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
ULessScalar typedefSimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
updAs(ELT *p)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, static]
updCastAwayNegatorIfAny()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
updNegate()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
updPositionalTranspose()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
updSubVec(int i)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
updSubVec(Vec< MM, ELT, STRIDE > &v, int i)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, static]
updTranspose()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec()SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const Vec &src)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const Vec< M, E, SS > &src)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const Vec< M, ENeg, SS > &src)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const Vec< M, EE, SS > &vv)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, explicit]
Vec(const E &e)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, explicit]
Vec(const ENeg &ne)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, explicit]
Vec(int i)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, explicit]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline]
Vec(const EE *p)SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE > [inline, explicit]
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