ForceField Class Reference

A ForceField constructs OpenMM System objects based on a Topology. More...

List of all members.


class  _BondData
 Inner class used to encapsulate data about a bond.
class  _SystemData
 Inner class used to encapsulate data about the system being created.
class  _TemplateAtomData
 Inner class used to encapsulate data about an atom in a residue template definition.
class  _TemplateData
 Inner class used to encapsulate data about a residue template definition.
class  _VirtualSiteData
 Inner class used to encapsulate data about a virtual site.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Load one or more XML files and create a ForceField object based on them.
def createSystem
 Construct an OpenMM System representing a Topology with this force field.

Detailed Description

A ForceField constructs OpenMM System objects based on a Topology.

Member Function Documentation

def __init__ (   self,

Load one or more XML files and create a ForceField object based on them.

files A list of XML files defining the force field. Each entry may be an absolute file path, a path relative to the current working directory, or a path relative to this module's data subdirectory (for built in force fields).
def createSystem (   self,
  nonbondedMethod = NoCutoff,
  nonbondedCutoff = 1.0*unit.nanometer,
  constraints = None,
  rigidWater = True,
  removeCMMotion = True,

Construct an OpenMM System representing a Topology with this force field.

topology (Topology) The Topology for which to create a System
nonbondedMethod (object=NoCutoff) The method to use for nonbonded interactions. Allowed values are NoCutoff, CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, Ewald, or PME.
nonbondedCutoff (distance=1*nanometer) The cutoff distance to use for nonbonded interactions
constraints (object=None) Specifies which bonds angles should be implemented with constraints. Allowed values are None, HBonds, AllBonds, or HAngles.
rigidWater (boolean=True) If true, water molecules will be fully rigid regardless of the value passed for the constraints argument
removeCMMotion (boolean=True) If true, a CMMotionRemover will be added to the System
args Arbitrary additional keyword arguments may also be specified. This allows extra parameters to be specified that are specific to particular force fields.
the newly created System

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