Topology Class Reference

Topology stores the topological information about a system. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Create a new Topology object.
def addChain
 Create a new Chain and add it to the Topology.
def addResidue
 Create a new Residue and add it to the Topology.
def addAtom
 Create a new Atom and add it to the Topology.
def addBond
 Create a new bond and add it to the Topology.
def chains
 Iterate over all Chains in the Topology.
def residues
 Iterate over all Residues in the Topology.
def atoms
 Iterate over all Atoms in the Topology.
def bonds
 Iterate over all bonds (each represented as a tuple of two Atoms) in the Topology.
def getUnitCellDimensions
 Get the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell.
def setUnitCellDimensions
 Set the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell.
def createStandardBonds
 Create bonds based on the atom and residue names for all standard residue types.
def createDisulfideBonds
 Identify disulfide bonds based on proximity and add them to the Topology.

Detailed Description

Topology stores the topological information about a system.

The structure of a Topology object is similar to that of a PDB file. It consists of a set of Chains (often but not always corresponding to polymer chains). Each Chain contains a set of Residues, and each Residue contains a set of Atoms. In addition, the Topology stores a list of which atom pairs are bonded to each other, and the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell.

Atom and residue names should follow the PDB 3.0 nomenclature for all molecules for which one exists.

Member Function Documentation

def __init__ (   self  ) 

Create a new Topology object.

def addAtom (   self,

Create a new Atom and add it to the Topology.

name (string) The name of the atom to add
element (Element) The element of the atom to add
residue (Residue) The Residue to add it to
the newly created Atom
def addBond (   self,

Create a new bond and add it to the Topology.

atom1 (Atom) The first Atom connected by the bond
atom2 (Atom) The second Atom connected by the bond
def addChain (   self  ) 

Create a new Chain and add it to the Topology.

the newly created Chain
def addResidue (   self,

Create a new Residue and add it to the Topology.

name (string) The name of the residue to add
chain (Chain) The Chain to add it to
the newly created Residue
def atoms (   self  ) 

Iterate over all Atoms in the Topology.

def bonds (   self  ) 

Iterate over all bonds (each represented as a tuple of two Atoms) in the Topology.

def chains (   self  ) 

Iterate over all Chains in the Topology.

def createDisulfideBonds (   self,

Identify disulfide bonds based on proximity and add them to the Topology.

positions (list) The list of atomic positions based on which to identify bonded atoms
def createStandardBonds (   self  ) 

Create bonds based on the atom and residue names for all standard residue types.

def getUnitCellDimensions (   self  ) 

Get the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell.

The return value may be None if this Topology does not represent a periodic structure.

def residues (   self  ) 

Iterate over all Residues in the Topology.

def setUnitCellDimensions (   self,

Set the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell.

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