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Simulation Class Reference

Simulation provides a simplified API for running simulations with OpenMM and reporting results. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Simulation:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Create a Simulation.
def minimizeEnergy
 Perform a local energy minimization on the system.
def step
 Advance the simulation by integrating a specified number of time steps.

Public Attributes

 The Topology describing the system being simulated.
 The System being simulated.
 The Integrator used to advance the simulation.
 The index of the current time step.
 A list of reporters to invoke during the simulation.
 The Context containing the current state of the simulation.

Detailed Description

Simulation provides a simplified API for running simulations with OpenMM and reporting results.

A Simulation ties together various objects used for running a simulation: a Topology, System, Integrator, and Context. To use it, you provide the Topology, System, and Integrator, and it creates the Context automatically.

Simulation also maintains a list of "reporter" objects that record or analyze data as the simulation runs, such as writing coordinates to files or displaying structures on the screen. For example, the following line will cause a file called "output.pdb" to be created, and a structure written to it every 1000 time steps:

simulation.reporters.append(PDBReporter('output.pdb', 1000))

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,
  platform = None,
  platformProperties = None 

Create a Simulation.

topology(Topology) A Topology describing the the system to simulate
system(System) The OpenMM System object to simulate
integrator(Integrator) The OpenMM Integrator to use for simulating the System
platform(Platform=None) If not None, the OpenMM Platform to use
platformProperties(map=None) If not None, a set of platform-specific properties to pass to the Context's constructor

Member Function Documentation

def minimizeEnergy (   self,
  tolerance = 1*unit.kilojoule/unit.mole,
  maxIterations = 0 

Perform a local energy minimization on the system.

tolerance(energy=1*kilojoule/mole) The energy tolerance to which the system should be minimized
maxIterations(int=0) The maximum number of iterations to perform. If this is 0, minimization is continued until the results converge without regard to how many iterations it takes.
def step (   self,

Advance the simulation by integrating a specified number of time steps.

Member Data Documentation


The Context containing the current state of the simulation.


The index of the current time step.


The Integrator used to advance the simulation.


A list of reporters to invoke during the simulation.


The System being simulated.


The Topology describing the system being simulated.

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