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OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe Class Reference

MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe is a ModelComponent probe for computing an operation on the active fiber power of a muscle. More...

#include <MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe:
OpenSim::Probe OpenSim::ModelComponent OpenSim::Object

Property declarations

These are the serializable properties associated with this class.

 OpenSim_DECLARE_LIST_PROPERTY (muscle_names, std::string,"Specify a list of muscles whose work should be calculated. ""If multiple muscles are given, the probe value will be the summation"" of all actuator powers.")
 List of Muscles to probe. More...
 MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe ()
 Default constructor. More...
 MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe (const Array< std::string > muscle_names)
 Convenience constructor. More...
const Property< std::string > & getMuscleNames () const
 Returns the names of the Actuators being probed. More...
void setMuscleNames (const Array< std::string > &muscleNames)
 Sets the names of the Actuators being probed. More...
SimTK::Vector computeProbeInputs (const SimTK::State &state) const override
 Compute the Actuator power upon which the Probe operation will be based. More...
int getNumProbeInputs () const override
 Returns the number of probe inputs in the vector returned by computeProbeInputs(). More...
virtual OpenSim::Array
< std::string > 
getProbeOutputLabels () const override
 Returns the column labels of the probe values for reporting. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Probe
 Probe ()
void reset (SimTK::State &s)
 Reset (initialize) the underlying Probe SimTK::Measure. More...
int getNumInternalMeasureStates () const
 Get the number of states in the underlying SimTK::Measure. More...
bool isDisabled () const
 Returns true if the Probe is disabled or false if the probe is enabled. More...
void setDisabled (bool isDisabled)
 Set the Probe as disabled (true) or enabled (false). More...
std::string getOperation () const
 Return the operation being performed on the probe value. More...
void setOperation (std::string probe_operation)
 Set the operation being performed on the probe value. More...
SimTK::Vector getInitialConditions () const
 Return the initial conditions (when the probe_operation is set to 'integrate'). More...
void setInitialConditions (SimTK::Vector initial_conditions_for_integration)
 Set the initial conditions (when the probe_operation is set to 'integrate'). More...
double getGain () const
 Return the gain to apply to the probe output. More...
void setGain (double gain)
 Set the gain to apply to the probe output. More...
SimTK::Vector getProbeOutputs (const SimTK::State &state) const
 Returns the values of the probe after the operation has been performed. More...
 OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY (isDisabled, bool,"Flag indicating whether the Probe is disabled or not.")
 Enabled by default. More...
 OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY (probe_operation, std::string,"The operation to perform on the probe input value: ""'value'(no operation, just return the probe value), 'integrate', ""'differentiate', 'minimum', 'minabs', 'maximum', 'maxabs'.")
 OpenSim_DECLARE_LIST_PROPERTY (initial_conditions_for_integration, double,"Array of initial conditions to be specified if the 'integrate' operation is ""selected. Note that the size of initial conditions must be the same size as ""the data being integrated, otherwise an exception will be thrown.")
 OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY (gain, double,"Constant gain to scale the probe output by.")
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Object
static void registerType (const Object &defaultObject)
 Register an instance of a class; if the class is already registered it will be replaced. More...
static void renameType (const std::string &oldTypeName, const std::string &newTypeName)
 Support versioning by associating the current Object type with an old name. More...
static const ObjectgetDefaultInstanceOfType (const std::string &concreteClassName)
 Return a pointer to the default instance of the registered (concrete) Object whose class name is given, or NULL if the type is not registered. More...
template<class T >
static bool isObjectTypeDerivedFrom (const std::string &concreteClassName)
 Return true if the given concrete object type represents a subclass of the template object type T, and thus could be referenced with a T*. More...
static ObjectnewInstanceOfType (const std::string &concreteClassName)
 Create a new instance of the concrete Object type whose class name is given as concreteClassName. More...
static void getRegisteredTypenames (Array< std::string > &typeNames)
 Retrieve all the typenames registered so far. More...
template<class T >
static void getRegisteredObjectsOfGivenType (ArrayPtrs< T > &rArray)
 Return an array of pointers to the default instances of all registered (concrete) Object types that derive from a given Object-derived type that does not have to be concrete. More...
static void PrintPropertyInfo (std::ostream &os, const std::string &classNameDotPropertyName)
 Dump formatted property information to a given output stream, useful for creating a "help" facility for registered objects. More...
static void PrintPropertyInfo (std::ostream &os, const std::string &className, const std::string &propertyName)
 Same as the other signature but the class name and property name are provided as two separate strings. More...
static ObjectmakeObjectFromFile (const std::string &fileName)
 Create an OpenSim object whose type is based on the tag at the root node of the XML file passed in. More...
static const std::string & getClassName ()
 Return the name of this class as a string; i.e., "Object". More...
static void setSerializeAllDefaults (bool shouldSerializeDefaults)
 Static function to control whether all registered objects and their properties are written to the defaults section of output files rather than only those values for which the default was explicitly overwritten when read in from an input file or set programmatically. More...
static bool getSerializeAllDefaults ()
 Report the value of the "serialize all defaults" flag. More...
static bool isKindOf (const char *type)
 Returns true if the passed-in string is "Object"; each Object-derived class defines a method of this name for its own class name. More...
static void setDebugLevel (int newLevel)
 Set the debug level to get verbose output. More...
static int getDebugLevel ()
 Get current setting of debug level. More...
static ObjectSafeCopy (const Object *aObject)
 Use the clone() method to duplicate the given object unless the pointer is null in which case null is returned. More...
static void RegisterType (const Object &defaultObject)
 OBSOLETE alternate name for registerType(). More...
static void RenameType (const std::string &oldName, const std::string &newName)
 OBSOLETE alternate name for renameType(). More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from OpenSim::Object
static const std::string DEFAULT_NAME
 Name used for default objects when they are serialized. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Probe
void connectToModel (Model &model) override
 Concrete probes may override; be sure to invoke Super::connectToModel() at the beginning of the overriding method. More...
void addToSystem (SimTK::MultibodySystem &system) const override
 Concrete probes may override; be sure to invoke Super::addToSystem() at the beginning of the overriding method. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from OpenSim::ModelComponent
 The model this component belongs to. More...

Detailed Description

MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe is a ModelComponent probe for computing an operation on the active fiber power of a muscle.

Matt Millard

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe ( )

Default constructor.

OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe ( const Array< std::string >  muscle_names)

Convenience constructor.

Member Function Documentation

SimTK::Vector OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::computeProbeInputs ( const SimTK::State &  state) const

Compute the Actuator power upon which the Probe operation will be based.

Implements OpenSim::Probe.

const Property<std::string>& OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::getMuscleNames ( ) const

Returns the names of the Actuators being probed.

int OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::getNumProbeInputs ( ) const

Returns the number of probe inputs in the vector returned by computeProbeInputs().

Implements OpenSim::Probe.

virtual OpenSim::Array<std::string> OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::getProbeOutputLabels ( ) const

Returns the column labels of the probe values for reporting.

Currently uses the Probe name as the column label, so be sure to name your probe appropiately!

Implements OpenSim::Probe.

OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::OpenSim_DECLARE_LIST_PROPERTY ( muscle_names  ,
std::string  ,
"Specify a list of muscles whose work should be calculated. ""If multiple muscles are  given,
the probe value will be the summation""of all actuator powers."   

List of Muscles to probe.

void OpenSim::MuscleActiveFiberPowerProbe::setMuscleNames ( const Array< std::string > &  muscleNames)

Sets the names of the Actuators being probed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: