API  4.5
For C++ developers
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
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 API Guide
 MocoMoco is a part of OpenSim for solving optimal control problems for musculoskeletal systems defined as OpenSim models
 Moco User Guide
 Getting started with Moco
 MocoTrack: motion tracking
For some research applications in musculoskeletal biomechanics, it is not sufficient to perform a simulation where model kinematics are prescribed directly from experimental data
 MocoInverse: solving muscle and actuator redundancy
A common goal in musculoskeletal biomechanics is to estimate muscle and actuator behavior that drove an observed motion; this is often called the muscle redundancy problem
 MocoStudy: custom optimal control problems
MocoStudy allows one to solve a generic optimal control problem, where the costs, constraints, and solver settings are fully defined by the user
 Moco frequently asked questions
 Moco Theory Guide
This guide explains the type of optimal control problems Moco can solve, in mathematical form, and how these problems are transcribed into nonlinear optimization problems
 Moco Developer Guide
This guide explains the organization of code in Moco and how direct collocation schemes are implemented using an OpenSim model
 Moco Interface ReferenceThis is the landing page for the reference for Moco's interface, or Application Programming Interface
 Moco ExamplesMoco's examples are categorized as beginner, intermediate, and advanced
 OpenSim Copyright and License