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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsSaveAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunCurrentScriptAction
add(String) - Method in class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
Adds a command to this command history manager.
addAnalysisCurve(JPlotterPanel, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Create a new curve by running the MuscleAnalysis to plot built in quantities.
addCurve(JPlotterPanel, PlotterSourceFile, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Create a new curve on the passed in Plotter panel, using domain and range specified as column labels in the passed in data source.
addDataSource(JPlotterPanel, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Add data source (File) to the lis of sources available to the passed in Plotter Panel This allows for reusing the same data source to recreate multiple curves rather than loading it anew for every curve.
addFile(String) - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
addFunctionCurve(JPlotterPanel, Function) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Create a new curve representing an arbitrary OpenSim::Function and add it to the passed in plotter panel If panel contains plots then first one is used to obtain domain bounds, otherwise getMinX()-getMaxX is assumed.
addModel(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
addModel() creates a new OpenSim model from the passed in fileName and loads this model into the OpenSim application.
addMomentArmCurve(JPlotterPanel, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Create a curve representing momentArm of passed in PathActuator relative to a specific Coordinate
addMotionCurve(JPlotterPanel, String, String, PlotterSourceMotion) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Create a new curve by running the MuscleAnalysis to plot built quantity against passed in motion file
addMotionSource(JPlotterPanel, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Add notion source (.mot) to the list of sources available to the passed in Plotter Panel This allows for reusing the same data source to create multiple curves rather than loading files anew for every curve.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
addText(String) - Method in class org.opensim.console.ConsoleInputStream
asynchronous() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsAction
asynchronous() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunBrowseAction
asynchronous() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction
asynchronous() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsOpenScriptAction
asynchronous() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction


close() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ConsoleInputStream
close() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ConsoleOutputStream
CommandHistory - Class in org.opensim.console
CommandHistory to support retrieving old commands
CommandHistory() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
Creates a CommandHistory with the default capacity of 64
CommandHistory(int) - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
Creates a CommandHistory with a specified capacity
componentClosed() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptingShellTopComponent
componentOpened() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptingShellTopComponent
ConsoleInputStream - Class in org.opensim.console
ConsoleInputStream(JConsole) - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ConsoleInputStream
ConsoleListener - Interface in org.opensim.console
Listener interface for all scripting shell console actions
ConsoleOutputStream - Class in org.opensim.console
Data written to this will be displayed into the console
ConsoleOutputStream(JConsole) - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ConsoleOutputStream
createInstructionsWindow(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
createInstructionsWindow Creates and open a window for Instructions, the window is a singleton type (1 per application) and is normally docked.
createParametersWindow() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
createParametersWindow Creates and open a window for custom GUI, the window is a singleton type (1 per application) and is normally docked.
createPlotterPanel(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Create a blank PlotterPanel with specified title


DEFAULT_NODE_NAME - Static variable in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
dumpModelState(Model) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
dumpModelState() dumps the vector of continuous state variables that backs aModel as a String (SimTK::State.getY())


err - Variable in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
The error stream from the script engine
executeCommand(String) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
executeFile(String) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
exportData(JPlotterPanel, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Export all the data on the plotter window to an sto file


finalize() - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
findObject(Model, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
findObject locates an Object in the model and returns a reference to it.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
flush() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ConsoleOutputStream


getCapacity() - Method in class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
getClassName(Object) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getClassName() returns the full qualified name of the Class that obj is an instance of
getConsole() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptingShellTopComponent
getCoordinate(Model, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getCoordinate ()
getCurrentModel() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getCurrentModel() gets a reference to the model that is current in the OpenSim application.
getCurrentMotion() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getCurrentMotion() gets a reference to the motion that is current in the OpenSim application.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptingShellTopComponent
getHelpCtx() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsAction
getHelpCtx() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunBrowseAction
getHelpCtx() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction
getHelpCtx() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsOpenScriptAction
getHelpCtx() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction
getInstallDir() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Get the full name of the directory used as a root for OpenSim installation.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
Returns the single instance, creating one if it's the first time this method is called.
getLastPlotterPanel() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Get a handle to the last opened plotter window to modify it.
getLength() - Method in class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
getMenuPresenter() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsAction
Overide to provide SubMenu for MRUFiles (Most Recently Used Files)
getMenuPresenter() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction
Overide to provide SubMenu for MRUFiles (Most Recently Used Files)
getMenuPresenter() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction
getMRUFileList() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
getName() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsAction
getName() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunBrowseAction
getName() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction
getName() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsSaveAction
getName() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsOpenScriptAction
getName() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction
getNextCommand() - Method in class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
getOpenModels() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getPreferences() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
Return the backing store Preferences
getPrevCommand() - Method in class org.opensim.console.CommandHistory
getResourcesDir() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getScriptsDir() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Get the full name of the directory used as a root for the Scripts.
getStateRef(Model) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
getStateRef() returns a reference to the instance of SimTK::State that backs aModel
gfxWindowSendKey(char) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Perform operation in current graphics window equivalent to pressing c while the window has focus
gui - Class in org.opensim.console
gui is an implementation of the Facade design pattern to 1.
gui() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.gui


in - Variable in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
The input stream that will pass data to the script engine
initialize() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunBrowseAction
initialize() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsOpenScriptAction
initialize() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction
Installer - Class in org.opensim.console
Installer() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.Installer
installResources() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Invoke method to install resources to user directory


JConsole - Class in org.opensim.console
JConsole() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.JConsole


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole


ListMethods - Class in org.opensim.console
ListMethods() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ListMethods
listMethodsForClass(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.ListMethods
listMethodsForObject(Object) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.ListMethods
loadModel(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
loadModel() creates a new OpenSim model from the passed in fileName and loads this model into the OpenSim application.
loadModel(Model) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
loadModel() loads the passed in model into the OpenSim application.
loadMotion(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
loadMotion constructs a motion out of the passed in fileName and loads it into the application, associating it with the current model if possible.


methodsview(Object) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
methodsview() Shows in a standalone modal dialog the methods available for the passed in object
methodsview(Class) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Show in a standalone modal dialog the methods available for the passed in class Class name is fully qualified with package name etc.
MRU_SCRIPT_LIST_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
MRUScriptsAction - Class in org.opensim.console
MRUScriptsAction() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsAction
MRUScriptsOptions - Class in org.opensim.console
MRUScriptsOptions() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions


nodeName - Variable in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions


onExecution(String) - Method in interface org.opensim.console.ConsoleListener
onKeyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in interface org.opensim.console.ConsoleListener
OpenSimPlotter - Class in org.opensim.console
OpenSimPlotter() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
org.opensim.console - package org.opensim.console
out - Variable in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
The output stream from the script engine


performAction(String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Generic method to invoke commands available from the menu bar.
performAction() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsAction
do nothing
performAction() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunBrowseAction
performAction() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction
do nothing
performAction() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsOpenScriptAction
performAction() - Method in class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction


read(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.opensim.console.ConsoleInputStream
registerConsoleListener(ConsoleListener) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
restored() - Method in class org.opensim.console.Installer
retrieve() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions


ScriptingShellTopComponent - Class in org.opensim.console
Top component which displays something.
ScriptingShellTopComponent() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ScriptingShellTopComponent
ScriptsRunBrowseAction - Class in org.opensim.console
ScriptsRunBrowseAction() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunBrowseAction
ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction - Class in org.opensim.console
ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ScriptsRunMRUScriptsAction
ScriptsSaveAction - Class in org.opensim.console
ScriptsSaveAction(DataObject) - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ScriptsSaveAction
selectObject(OpenSimObject) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
sleectObject marks the passed in object as selected in the application if it has a visual representation
setCoordinateValue(Coordinate, double) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
setCoordinateValue() allows the user to set the value of the passed in Coordinate to the specified newValue This call, also updates the Graphics window if needed.
setCoordinateValueDegrees(Coordinate, double) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
setCoordinateValueDegrees allows the user to set the value of the passed in Coordinate to the specified newValue This call, also updates the Graphics window if needed.
setCurrentModel(Model) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
setCurrentModel, makes a model that is loaded in the OpenSim application current.
setCurveColor(JPlotterPanel, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Set the color to use for the passed in curve as RGB
setCurveLegend(PlotCurve, String) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.OpenSimPlotter
Set the Legend for the passed in curve
setMRUFileList(List<String>) - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions
setObjectColor(OpenSimObject, double[]) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
setObjectColor marks the passed in object if it has a visual representation with passed in color
setObjectOpacity(OpenSimObject, double) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Set the opacity of an object.
setSimulationToolBarVisibility(boolean) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
setText(String) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class org.opensim.console.JConsole
store() - Method in class org.opensim.console.MRUScriptsOptions


toggleObjectDisplay(OpenSimObject, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
Turn on/off the display of the passed in object according to the passed in flag Valid only for objects can be shown/hidden from the navigator
ToolsOpenScriptAction - Class in org.opensim.console
ToolsOpenScriptAction() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ToolsOpenScriptAction
ToolsRunCurrentScriptAction - Class in org.opensim.console
ToolsRunCurrentScriptAction(DataObject) - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunCurrentScriptAction
ToolsRunScriptAction - Class in org.opensim.console
ToolsRunScriptAction() - Constructor for class org.opensim.console.ToolsRunScriptAction


updateDisplay() - Static method in class org.opensim.console.gui
updateDisplay to be in sync.


write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.opensim.console.ConsoleOutputStream
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org.opensim.console 3.209