High precision mathematical and physical constants. More...
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Macros | |
#define | SimTK_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592L |
The ratio pi of a circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry. More... | |
#define | SimTK_E 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967628L |
e, or exp(1). More... | |
#define | SimTK_LN2 6.931471805599453094172321214581765680755001343602552541206800095e-1L |
The natural (base e) logarithm of 2. More... | |
#define | SimTK_LN10 2.302585092994045684017991454684364207601101488628772976033327901L |
The natural (base e) logarithm of 10. More... | |
#define | SimTK_LOG2E 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137426645954152985934135449407L |
log2(e). More... | |
#define | SimTK_LOG10E 4.342944819032518276511289189166050822943970058036665661144537832e-1L |
log10(e). More... | |
#define | SimTK_SQRT2 1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948073176679738L |
The square root of 2. More... | |
#define | SimTK_OOSQRT2 .7071067811865475244008443621048490392848359376884740365883398690L |
One over the square root of 2; also half the square root of 2 since 1/sqrt(2) == 2^(-1/2) == sqrt(2)/2. More... | |
#define | SimTK_CBRT2 1.259921049894873164767210607278228350570251464701507980081975112L |
The cube root of 2, 2^(1/3). More... | |
#define | SimTK_OOCBRT2 .7937005259840997373758528196361541301957466639499265049041428810L |
One over the cube root of 2, 2^(-1/3). More... | |
#define | SimTK_SIXRT2 1.122462048309372981433533049679179516232411110613986753440409546L |
The sixth root of 2, 2^(1/6). More... | |
#define | SimTK_OOSIXRT2 .8908987181403393047402262055905125079872126158781604033837569922L |
One over the sixth root of 2, 2^(-1/6). More... | |
#define | SimTK_SQRT3 1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810380628055806979L |
The square root of 3. More... | |
#define | SimTK_CBRT3 1.442249570307408382321638310780109588391869253499350577546416195L |
The cube root of 3. More... | |
#define | SimTK_AVOGADROS_NUMBER 6.0221415e23L |
Avogadro's number (NA) is defined as the number of atoms in 12g of pure Carbon-12 in its unbound, rest state. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MASS_OF_PROTON_IN_MD 1.00727646688L |
Mass of a proton in MD units. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MASS_OF_NEUTRON_IN_MD 1.00866491560L |
Mass of a neutron in MD units. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MASS_OF_ELECTRON_IN_MD 5.4857990945e-4L |
Mass of an electron in MD units. More... | |
#define | SimTK_CHARGE_OF_PROTON_IN_SI 1.60217653e-19L |
Atomic charge unit e expressed in MKS unit of Coulombs. More... | |
#define | SimTK_CHARGE_OF_PROTON_IN_MD 1.L |
Atomic charge unit e expressed in MD units, which uses e as its charge unit! The charge on an electron is just the negative of this value. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MOLAR_CHARGE_IN_SI 9.6485338e+4L |
The charge of 1 mole of protons, expressed in Coulombs. More... | |
The charge of 1 mole of protons, expressed in MD units where the unit of charge is just the charge on one proton. More... | |
#define | SimTK_LIGHTSPEED_IN_SI 2.99792458e+8L |
Speed of light c is exact in MKS units of m/s. More... | |
#define | SimTK_LIGHTSPEED_IN_MD 2.99792458e+5L |
Speed of light c is exact in MD units of nm/ps. More... | |
#define | SimTK_GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT_IN_SI 6.6742e-11L |
Newton's gravitational constant G in N-m^2/kg^2 = m^3 kg^-1 s^-2. More... | |
#define | SimTK_GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT_IN_MD 1.10827e-34L |
Newton's gravitational constant G in (kJ/mol)-nm^2/u^2 = nm^3 u^-1 ps^-2. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MAGNETIC_PERMEABILITY_IN_SI 1.256637061435917295385057353311801153678867759750042328389977837e-6L |
Free space magnetic permeability constant mu0 in SI units (exact). More... | |
#define | SimTK_MAGNETIC_PERMEABILITY_IN_MD 1.94259179e-8L |
Free space magnetic permeability constant mu0 in MD units (not exact). More... | |
#define | SimTK_ELECTRIC_PERMITTIVITY_IN_SI 8.854187817620389850536563031710750260608370166599449808102417149e-12L /* approx of exact */ |
Free space permittivity constant e0 = 1/(mu0*c^2) Farad/m = Coulomb^2/(N-m^2) (exact in SI units). More... | |
#define | SimTK_ELECTRIC_PERMITTIVITY_IN_MD 5.7276575e-4L |
Free space permittivity constant e0=1/(mu0*c^2) e^2/(kN-nm^2) using MD permeability and MD lightspeed. More... | |
#define | SimTK_COULOMB_CONSTANT_IN_SI 8.9875517873681764e+9L |
Coulomb's constant kappa = 1/(4pi*e0)=1e-7*c^2 N-m^2/Coulomb^2 (exact in SI units). More... | |
#define | SimTK_COULOMB_CONSTANT_IN_MD 1.38935456e+2L |
Coulomb's constant kappa = 1/(4*pi*e0) in MD units. More... | |
#define | SimTK_COULOMB_CONSTANT_IN_KCAL_ANGSTROM 3.32063711e+2L |
Coulomb's constant kappa = 1/(4*pi*e0) in kcal-Angstroms/e^2. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_SI 8.314472L |
This is the gas constant R in (J/mol)/K. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_MD 8.314472e-3L |
This is the gas constant R in (kJ/mol)/K. More... | |
#define | SimTK_MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_KCAL_ANGSTROM 1.9872065e-3L |
This is the gas constant R in (kcal/mol)/K. More... | |
#define | SimTK_BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT_SI 1.3806505e-23L |
Boltzmann's constant in SI units of joules/kelvin; just divide R by NA. More... | |
Boltzmann's constant in MD units of (kJ/mol)/kelvin; same as R. More... | |
Boltzmann's constant in Kcal-Angstrom units of (kcal/mol)/kelvin; same as R. More... | |
#define | SimTK_RADIAN_TO_DEGREE 5.729577951308232087679815481410517033240547246656432154916024386e+1L |
Convert radians to degrees. More... | |
#define | SimTK_DEGREE_TO_RADIAN 1.745329251994329576923690768488612713442871888541725456097191440e-2L |
Convert degrees to radians. More... | |
#define | SimTK_NS_TO_S 1e-9L |
Convert nanoseconds to seconds. More... | |
#define | SimTK_S_TO_NS 1e9L |
Convert seconds to nanoseconds. More... | |
#define | SimTK_KCAL_TO_KJOULE 4.184L /* exact */ |
Convert Kcal to Kjoule (also Kcal/mol to Kjoule/mol). More... | |
#define | SimTK_KJOULE_TO_KCAL 2.390057361376673040152963671128107074569789674952198852772466539e-1L |
Convert Kjoule to Kcal (also Kjoule/mol to Kcal/mol). More... | |
#define | SimTK_DALTON_TO_GRAM 1.66053886e-24L |
Convert atomic mass unit (amu, Dalton) to g. More... | |
Convert proton charge units to Coulombs. More... | |
Convert electron volts to Joules. More... | |
High precision mathematical and physical constants.
This file is self-contained and can be included in ANSI C programs as well as C++.