36 class SimbodyMatterSubsystem;
45 extern template class PIMPLHandle<Motion, MotionImpl, true>;
121 static const char* nameOfLevel(Level);
137 static const char* nameOfMethod(Method);
146 Level getLevel(
const State&)
150 Method getLevelMethod(
const State&)
173 void disable(
State& state)
184 void enable(
State& state)
187 bool isDisabled(
const State& state)
193 void setDisabledByDefault(
bool shouldBeDisabled);
198 bool isDisabledByDefault()
212 void calcAllMethods(
const State& s, Method& qMethod, Method& uMethod,
213 Method& udotMethod)
225 class PolynomialImpl;
260 Real amplitude, Real rate, Real phase);
298 Steady& setDefaultRate(Real u);
306 Steady& setDefaultRates(
const Vec<N>& u);
313 void setRate(
State& state, Real u)
382 const Implementation& getImplementation()
383 Implementation& updImplementation();
401 "Motion::Custom::Implementation::clone()",
402 "Concrete Implementation did not supply a clone() method, "
403 "but a copy operation was attempted.");
434 virtual void calcPrescribedPosition
435 (
const State& s,
int nq, Real* q)
448 virtual void calcPrescribedPositionDot
449 (
const State& s,
int nq, Real* qdot)
463 virtual void calcPrescribedPositionDotDot
464 (
const State& s,
int nq, Real* qdotdot)
480 virtual void calcPrescribedVelocity
481 (
const State& s,
int nu, Real* u)
493 virtual void calcPrescribedVelocityDot
494 (
const State& s,
int nu, Real* udot)
510 virtual void calcPrescribedAcceleration
511 (
const State& s,
int nu, Real* udot)
535 #endif // SimTK_SIMBODY_MOTION_H_
virtual void realizeDynamics(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:526
This non-holonomic Motion object imposes a constant rate on all mobilities.
Definition: Motion.h:277
Motion(MotionImpl *r)
For internal use: construct a new Motion handle referencing a particular implementation object...
Definition: Motion.h:231
virtual void realizeVelocity(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:525
Default constructor creates an empty handle than can be assigned to reference any Motion::Steady obje...
Definition: Motion.h:294
This class can be used to define new motions.
Definition: Motion.h:362
A Motion object belongs to a particular MobilizedBody and prescribes how the associated motion is to ...
Definition: Motion.h:107
Prescribe position, velocity, or acceleration motion as a sinusoidal function of time, m(t) = a * sin( w*t + p ).
Definition: Motion.h:240
Every Simbody header and source file should include this header before any other Simbody header...
Default constructor creates an empty Motion handle that can be assigned to reference any kind of Moti...
Definition: Motion.h:141
This is the handle class for the hidden State implementation.
Definition: State.h:264
This is the abstract base class for Custom Motion implementations.
Definition: Motion.h:392
virtual void realizeInstance(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:522
virtual Motion::Method getLevelMethod(const State &) const
Override this if the method is not Motion::Prescribed.
Definition: Motion.h:419
Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes, including Simmatrix.
What is the highest level of motion that is driven? Lower levels are also driven; higher levels are d...
Definition: Motion.h:112
#define SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(cond, whereChecked, msg)
Definition: ExceptionMacros.h:281
Definition: PrivateImplementation.h:343
virtual void realizePosition(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:524
virtual void realizeReport(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:528
Default constructor creates an empty handle that can be assigned to reference any Motion::Custom obje...
Definition: Motion.h:376
motion is function of time and state; <level is derivative
Definition: Motion.h:130
virtual Implementation * clone() const
Override this if you want your Motion objects to be copyable.
Definition: Motion.h:399
Definition: Simbody/include/simbody/internal/common.h:72
A MobilizedBody is Simbody's fundamental body-and-joint object used to parameterize a system's motion...
Definition: MobilizedBody.h:167
virtual void realizeTopology(State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:520
There are several ways to specify the motion at this Level, and the selected method also determines l...
Definition: Motion.h:126
virtual void realizeModel(State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:521
virtual void realizeAcceleration(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:527
Default constructor creates an empty handle that can be assigned to reference any Motion::Sinusoid ob...
Definition: Motion.h:264
virtual void realizeTime(const State &state) const
Definition: Motion.h:523
The Mobilizer associated with each MobilizedBody, once modeled, has a specific number of generalized ...
virtual ~Implementation()
Destructor is virtual; be sure to provide one in you concrete class if there is anything to destruct...
Definition: Motion.h:396