Global Functions in the SimTK namespace

These are functions at the top level of the SimTK namespace, meaning that a function named funcName() is invoked as SimTK::funcName(), or just funcName() if there is a "using namespace SimTK;" statement in effect. More...


 Scalar Functions

These functions are overloaded to act on SimTK scalar types and C++ built-in types, including integral types when appropriate.

 Bit-twiddling Functions

These functions perform highly optimized bit-twiddling operations on the built-in integral types, and sometimes on the representations of floating point types as well.

Detailed Description

These are functions at the top level of the SimTK namespace, meaning that a function named funcName() is invoked as SimTK::funcName(), or just funcName() if there is a "using namespace SimTK;" statement in effect.

Generated on Wed Dec 30 11:05:08 2009 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1