Constraint.h File Reference

This defines the Constraint class, which is used to specify limitations on the mobility of the MobilizedBodies in a MatterSubsystem. More...

#include "SimTKmath.h"
#include "simbody/internal/common.h"
#include <cassert>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Constraint
 This is the base class for all Constraint classes, which is just a handle for the underlying hidden implementation. More...
class  Rod
 This constraint consists of one constriant equation that enforces a constant distance between a point on one body and a point on another body. More...
class  PointInPlane
 One constraint equation. More...
class  PointOnLine
 Two constraint equations. More...
class  ConstantAngle
 This constraint consists of a single constraint equation that enforces that a unit vector v1 fixed to one body (the "base body") must maintain a fixed angle theta with respect to a unit vector v2 fixed on the other body (the "follower body"). More...
class  Ball
 Three constraint equations. More...
class  ConstantOrientation
 Three constraint equations. More...
class  Weld
 Six constraint equations. More...
class  NoSlip1D
 One non-holonomic constraint equation. More...
class  ConstantSpeed
 One non-holonomic constraint equation. More...
class  ConstantAcceleration
 One acceleration-only constraint equation. More...
class  Custom
 The handle class Constraint::Custom (dataless) and its companion class Constraint::Custom::Implementation can be used together to define new Constraint types with arbitrary properties. More...
class  Implementation
class  CoordinateCoupler
 This is a subclass of Constraint::Custom which uses a Function object to define a holonomic (position) constraint. More...
class  SpeedCoupler
 This is a subclass of Constraint::Custom which uses a Function object to define a nonholonomic (velocity) constraint. More...
class  PrescribedMotion
 This is a subclass of Constraint::Custom which uses a Function to prescribe the behavior of a single generalized coordinate as a function of time. More...


namespace  SimTK

This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with other symbols.

Detailed Description

This defines the Constraint class, which is used to specify limitations on the mobility of the MobilizedBodies in a MatterSubsystem.

Constraint is a PIMPL-style abstract base class, with concrete classes defined for each kind of constraint. There are a set of built-in constraints and a generic "Custom" constraint (an abstract base class) from which advanced users may derive their own constraints.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:39 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1