BiopolymerResidue Class Reference

#include <Compound.h>

Inheritance diagram for BiopolymerResidue:
Compound PIMPLHandle< Compound, CompoundRep > AcetylResidue AminoAcidResidue FivePrimeRnaHydroxylGroup FivePrimeRnaPhosphateGroup NMethylAmideResidue RiboseCore RnaPhosphodiesterLinkage ThreePrimeRnaHydroxylGroup ThreePrimeRnaPhosphateGroup

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BiopolymerResidue (const Compound::Name &residueTypeName, const String &threeLetterCode, char oneLetterCode)
 Constructor for BiopolymerResidue.
BiopolymerResiduesetOneLetterCode (char olc)
BiopolymerResiduesetThreeLetterCode (const String &tlc)
BiopolymerResiduesetResidueTypeName (const String &name)
char getOneLetterCode () const
const StringgetThreeLetterCode () const
const StringgetResidueTypeName () const
bool assignBiotypes (Ordinality::Residue ordinality=Ordinality::Any)
 Attempt to automatically assign a Biotype to each atom.
Compound::AtomIndex getParentCompoundAtomIndex (AtomIndex residueAtomIndex) const
 SimTK_INSERT_DERIVED_HANDLE_DECLARATIONS (BiopolymerResidue, BiopolymerResidueRep, Compound)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BiopolymerResidue ( const Compound::Name residueTypeName,
const String threeLetterCode,
char  oneLetterCode 

Constructor for BiopolymerResidue.

residueTypeName name for the type of BiopolymerResidue, e.g. "glycine"
threeLetterCode three letter code for the type of residue, e.g. "GLY". This name will be used in the ResidueType field when PDB files are created.
oneLetterCode one letter code for the type of residue. e.g 'G'. Use 'X' if the residue type is non-canonical.

Member Function Documentation

bool assignBiotypes ( Ordinality::Residue  ordinality = Ordinality::Any  ) 

Attempt to automatically assign a Biotype to each atom.

Biotype assignments for each atom in a compound are required to match atoms to force field parameters. Residue name and atom name, including synonyms, are used to identify Biotypes. Previous loading of relevant Biotypes from a force field definition may be required for the assignBiotypes() method to work.

true if Biotypes were successfully assigned
ordinality whether this residue is at the beginning, middle, or end of the Biopolymer chain.

Referenced by Protein::initialize(), and RNA::RNA().

char getOneLetterCode (  )  const
Compound::AtomIndex getParentCompoundAtomIndex ( AtomIndex  residueAtomIndex  )  const
const String& getResidueTypeName (  )  const
const String& getThreeLetterCode (  )  const
BiopolymerResidue& setOneLetterCode ( char  olc  ) 
a reference to this BiopolymerResidue
olc The one-letter-code for this type of residue. Currently not used for anything.
BiopolymerResidue& setResidueTypeName ( const String name  ) 
a reference to this BiopolymerResidue
name name for the type of BiopolymerResidue, e.g. "glycine"
BiopolymerResidue& setThreeLetterCode ( const String tlc  ) 
a reference to this BiopolymerResidue
tlc three letter code for the type of residue, e.g. "GLY". This name will be used in the ResidueType field when PDB files are created.
BiopolymerResidueRep  ,

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:54 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1