LocalEnergyMinimizer Class Reference

This class performs local potential energy minimization of a MultibodySystem. More...

#include <LocalEnergyMinimizer.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void minimizeEnergy (const MultibodySystem &system, State &state, Real tolerance)
 Find the local potential energy minimum of a MultibodySystem.

Detailed Description

This class performs local potential energy minimization of a MultibodySystem.

Only positions (generalized coordinates q) are changed; velocities are ignored.

Member Function Documentation

static void minimizeEnergy ( const MultibodySystem system,
State state,
Real  tolerance 
) [static]

Find the local potential energy minimum of a MultibodySystem.

system the system whose energy should be minimized
state on entry, this should contain the starting state from which to begin the search. On exit, it contains a (usually nearby) state with revised generalized coordinate values q at which the energy is a local minimum.
tolerance a tolerance for the energy minimization. The search ends when no component of the energy gradient is larger than this.

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