Sinusoid Class Reference

Prescribe position, velocity, or acceleration motion as a sinusoidal function of time, m(t) = a * sin( w*t + p ). More...

#include <Motion.h>

Inheritance diagram for Sinusoid:
Motion PIMPLHandle< Motion, MotionImpl, true >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Sinusoid (MobilizedBody &mobod, Motion::Level level, Real amplitude, Real rate, Real phase)
 Create a sinusoidal prescribed motion.

Detailed Description

Prescribe position, velocity, or acceleration motion as a sinusoidal function of time, m(t) = a * sin( w*t + p ).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Sinusoid ( MobilizedBody mobod,
Motion::Level  level,
Real  amplitude,
Real  rate,
Real  phase 

Create a sinusoidal prescribed motion.

[in,out] mobod The MobilizedBody to which this Motion should be added.
[in] level The Motion level that is being prescribed: Motion::Position, Motion::Velocity, or Motion::Acceleration.
[in] amplitude Scaling factor mapping the -1..1 sin() result to your desired units; output values will range between -amplitude and +amplitude.
[in] rate Angular rate in radians/unit time; e.g. if time is in seconds then rate=2*Pi would be 1 Hz (1 rotation per second).
[in] phase Phase angle in radians.

Member Function Documentation

SinusoidImpl  ,

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