Study Class Reference

#include <Study.h>

Inheritance diagram for Study:
Assembler MultibodyDynamicsStudy

List of all members.


class  Guts
 This is the declaration for the Study::Guts class, the abstract object to which a Study handle points. More...

Public Member Functions

 Study ()
 Study (const Study &)
Studyoperator= (const Study &)
 ~Study ()
 Study (const System &sys)
const StringgetName () const
const StringgetVersion () const
const SystemgetSystem () const
const StategetState () const
StateupdState ()
bool isOwnerHandle () const
 Is this handle the owner of this rep? This is true if the handle is empty or if its rep points back here.
bool isEmptyHandle () const
bool isSameStudy (const Study &otherStudy) const
const Study::GutsgetStudyGuts () const
Study::GutsupdStudyGuts ()
void adoptStudyGuts (Study::Guts *g)
 Study (Study::Guts *g)
bool hasGuts () const


class Guts

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Study (  )  [inline]
Study ( const Study  ) 
~Study (  ) 
Study ( const System sys  )  [explicit]
Study ( Study::Guts g  )  [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

void adoptStudyGuts ( Study::Guts g  ) 
const String& getName (  )  const
const State& getState (  )  const
const Study::Guts& getStudyGuts (  )  const [inline]
const System& getSystem (  )  const
const String& getVersion (  )  const
bool hasGuts (  )  const [inline]
bool isEmptyHandle (  )  const
bool isOwnerHandle (  )  const

Is this handle the owner of this rep? This is true if the handle is empty or if its rep points back here.

bool isSameStudy ( const Study otherStudy  )  const
Study& operator= ( const Study  ) 

Reimplemented in MultibodyDynamicsStudy.

State& updState (  ) 
Study::Guts& updStudyGuts (  )  [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Guts [friend]

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