SymMat< M, ELT, RS > Class Template Reference

RS is total spacing between rows in memory (default 1). More...

#include <SymMat.h>

List of all members.


struct  EltResult
struct  Result
struct  Substitute

Public Types

enum  {
  NRows = M, NCols = M, NDiagElements = M, NLowerElements = (M*(M-1))/2,
  NPackedElements = NDiagElements+NLowerElements, NActualElements = RS * NPackedElements, NActualScalars = CNT<E>::NActualScalars * NActualElements, RowSpacing = RS,
  ColSpacing = NActualElements, ImagOffset = NTraits<ENumber>::ImagOffset, RealStrideFactor = 1, ArgDepth,
  IsScalar = 0, IsULessScalar = 0, IsNumber = 0, IsStdNumber = 0,
  IsPrecision = 0, SignInterpretation = CNT<E>::SignInterpretation
typedef SymMat< M, E, RS > T
typedef SymMat< M, ENeg, RS > TNeg
typedef SymMat< M,
EWithoutNegator, RS > 
typedef SymMat< M, EReal, RS
*CNT< E >::RealStrideFactor > 
typedef SymMat< M, EImag, RS
*CNT< E >::RealStrideFactor > 
typedef SymMat< M, EComplex, RS > TComplex
typedef T THerm
typedef SymMat< M, EHerm, RS > TPosTrans
typedef E TElement
typedef Vec< M, E, RS > TDiag
typedef Vec<(M *(M-1))/2, E, RS TLower )
typedef Vec<(M *(M-1))/2, EHerm, RS TUpper )
typedef Vec<(M *(M+1))/2, E, RS TAsVec )
typedef Row< M, E, 1 > TRow
typedef Vec< M, E, 1 > TCol
typedef SymMat< M, ESqrt, 1 > TSqrt
typedef SymMat< M, EAbs, 1 > TAbs
typedef SymMat< M, EStandard, 1 > TStandard
typedef SymMat< M, EInvert, 1 > TInvert
typedef SymMat< M, ENormalize, 1 > TNormalize
typedef SymMat< M, ESqHermT, 1 > TSqHermT
typedef SymMat< M, ESqTHerm, 1 > TSqTHerm
typedef SymMat< M, E, 1 > TPacked
typedef EScalar Scalar
typedef EULessScalar ULessScalar
typedef ENumber Number
typedef EStdNumber StdNumber
typedef EPrecision Precision
typedef EScalarNormSq ScalarNormSq

Public Member Functions

int size () const
int nrow () const
int ncol () const
ScalarNormSq scalarNormSqr () const
TSqrt sqrt () const
TAbs abs () const
TStandard standardize () const
EStandard trace () const
 SymMat ()
 Default construction initializes to NaN when debugging but is left uninitialized otherwise.
 SymMat (const SymMat &src)
 Copy constructor.
SymMatoperator= (const SymMat &src)
 Copy assignment; no harm if source and this are the same matrix.
template<class EE , int CSS, int RSS>
 SymMat (const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &m)
 This is an explicit conversion from square Mat of right size, assuming that the source matrix is symmetric to within a reasonable numerical tolerance.
template<class EE , int CSS, int RSS>
SymMatsetFromLower (const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &m)
 Create a new SymMat of this type from a square Mat of the right size, looking only at lower elements and the real part of the diagonal.
template<class EE , int CSS, int RSS>
SymMatsetFromUpper (const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &m)
 Create a new SymMat of this type from a square Mat of the right size, looking only at upper elements and the real part of the diagonal.
template<class EE , int CSS, int RSS>
SymMatsetFromSymmetric (const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &m)
 Create a new SymMat of this type from a square Mat of the right size, that is expected to be symmetric (hermitian) to within a tolerance.
template<int RSS>
 SymMat (const SymMat< M, E, RSS > &src)
 This is an implicit conversion from a SymMat of the same length and element type but with different spacing.
template<int RSS>
 SymMat (const SymMat< M, ENeg, RSS > &src)
 This is an implicit conversion from a SymMat of the same length and negated element type, possibly with different spacing.
template<class EE , int RSS>
 SymMat (const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &src)
 Construct a SymMat from a SymMat of the same dimensions, with any element type and spacing.
 SymMat (const E &e)
 SymMat (const ENeg &e)
 SymMat (int i)
 SymMat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2)
 A bevy of constructors from individual exact-match elements IN ROW ORDER, giving the LOWER TRIANGLE, like this:.
 SymMat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5)
 SymMat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9)
 SymMat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11, const E &e12, const E &e13, const E &e14)
 SymMat (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8, const E &e9, const E &e10, const E &e11, const E &e12, const E &e13, const E &e14, const E &e15, const E &e16, const E &e17, const E &e18, const E &e19, const E &e20)
template<class EE >
 SymMat (const EE *p)
template<class EE >
SymMatoperator= (const EE *p)
template<class EE , int RSS>
SymMatoperator= (const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &mm)
template<class EE , int RSS>
SymMatoperator+= (const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &mm)
template<class EE , int RSS>
SymMatoperator+= (const SymMat< M, negator< EE >, RSS > &mm)
template<class EE , int RSS>
SymMatoperator-= (const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &mm)
template<class EE , int RSS>
SymMatoperator-= (const SymMat< M, negator< EE >, RSS > &mm)
template<class EE , int RSS>
SymMatoperator*= (const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &mm)
template<class E2 , int RS2>
Result< SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > >::Add conformingAdd (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &r) const
template<class E2 , int RS2>
Result< SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > >::Sub conformingSubtract (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &r) const
template<class E2 , int RS2>
Result< SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > >::Mul conformingMultiply (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &s) const
const E & operator() (int i, int j) const
E & operator() (int i, int j)
TRow operator[] (int i) const
TCol operator() (int j) const
ScalarNormSq normSqr () const
CNT< ScalarNormSq >::TSqrt norm () const
TNormalize normalize () const
 There is no conventional meaning for normalize() applied to a matrix.
TInvert invert () const
const SymMatoperator+ () const
const TNegoperator- () const
TNegoperator- ()
const THermoperator~ () const
THermoperator~ ()
const TNegnegate () const
TNegupdNegate ()
const THermtranspose () const
THermupdTranspose ()
const TPosTranspositionalTranspose () const
TPosTransupdPositionalTranspose ()
const TRealreal () const
TRealreal ()
const TImagimag () const
TImagimag ()
const TWithoutNegatorcastAwayNegatorIfAny () const
TWithoutNegatorupdCastAwayNegatorIfAny ()
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Mul > 
scalarMultiply (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< EE >
::template Result< E >::Mul > 
scalarMultiplyFromLeft (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Dvd > 
scalarDivide (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< EE >
::template Result< E >::Dvd > 
scalarDivideFromLeft (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Add > 
scalarAdd (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< E >
::template Result< EE >::Sub > 
scalarSubtract (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMat< M, typename CNT< EE >
::template Result< E >::Sub > 
scalarSubtractFromLeft (const EE &e) const
template<class EE >
SymMatoperator= (const EE &e)
template<class EE >
SymMatoperator+= (const EE &e)
template<class EE >
SymMatoperator-= (const EE &e)
template<class EE >
SymMatoperator*= (const EE &e)
template<class EE >
SymMatoperator/= (const EE &e)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarEq (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarPlusEq (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarMinusEq (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarMinusEqFromLeft (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarTimesEq (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarTimesEqFromLeft (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarDivideEq (const EE &ee)
template<class EE >
SymMatscalarDivideEqFromLeft (const EE &ee)
void setToNaN ()
void setToZero ()
bool isNaN () const
 Return true if any element of this SymMat contains a NaN anywhere.
bool isInf () const
 Return true if any element of this SymMat contains a +Inf or -Inf somewhere but no element contains a NaN anywhere.
bool isFinite () const
 Return true if no element contains an Infinity or a NaN.
template<class E2 , int RS2>
bool isNumericallyEqual (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &m, double tol) const
 Test whether this matrix is numerically equal to some other matrix with the same shape, using a specified tolerance.
template<class E2 , int RS2>
bool isNumericallyEqual (const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &m) const
 Test whether this matrix is numerically equal to some other matrix with the same shape, using a default tolerance which is the looser of the default tolerances of the two objects being compared.
bool isNumericallyEqual (const ELT &e, double tol=getDefaultTolerance()) const
 Test whether this is numerically a "scalar" matrix, meaning that it is a diagonal matrix in which each diagonal element is numerically equal to the same scalar, using either a specified tolerance or the matrix's default tolerance (which is always the same or looser than the default tolerance for one of its elements).
TRow row (int i) const
TCol col (int j) const
elt (int i, int j) const
 Return a value for any element of a symmetric matrix, even those in the upper triangle which aren't actually stored anywhere.
const TDiaggetDiag () const
TDiagupdDiag ()
const TDiagdiag () const
TDiagdiag ()
const TLowergetLower () const
TLowerupdLower ()
const TUppergetUpper () const
TUpperupdUpper ()
const TAsVecgetAsVec () const
TAsVecupdAsVec ()
const E & getEltDiag (int i) const
E & updEltDiag (int i)
const E & getEltLower (int i, int j) const
E & updEltLower (int i, int j)
const EHerm & getEltUpper (int i, int j) const
EHerm & updEltUpper (int i, int j)
TRow sum () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const SymMatgetAs (const ELT *p)
static SymMatupdAs (ELT *p)
static TPacked getNaN ()
static double getDefaultTolerance ()
 For approximate comparisions, the default tolerance to use for a matrix is its shortest dimension times its elements' default tolerance.


class SymMat

Detailed Description

template<int M, class ELT, int RS>
class SimTK::SymMat< M, ELT, RS >

RS is total spacing between rows in memory (default 1).

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef ENumber Number
typedef EPrecision Precision
typedef EScalar Scalar
typedef EScalarNormSq ScalarNormSq
typedef EStdNumber StdNumber
typedef SymMat<M,E,RS> T
typedef SymMat<M,EAbs,1> TAbs
typedef Vec<(M*(M+1))/2,E,RS TAsVec)
typedef Vec<M,E,1> TCol
typedef SymMat<M,EComplex,RS> TComplex
typedef Vec<M,E,RS> TDiag
typedef E TElement
typedef T THerm
typedef SymMat<M,EImag,RS*CNT<E>::RealStrideFactor> TImag
typedef SymMat<M,EInvert,1> TInvert
typedef Vec<(M*(M-1))/2,E,RS TLower)
typedef SymMat<M,ENeg,RS> TNeg
typedef SymMat<M,ENormalize,1> TNormalize
typedef SymMat<M,E,1> TPacked
typedef SymMat<M,EHerm,RS> TPosTrans
typedef SymMat<M,EReal,RS*CNT<E>::RealStrideFactor> TReal
typedef Row<M,E,1> TRow
typedef SymMat<M,ESqHermT,1> TSqHermT
typedef SymMat<M,ESqrt,1> TSqrt
typedef SymMat<M,ESqTHerm,1> TSqTHerm
typedef SymMat<M,EStandard,1> TStandard
typedef Vec<(M*(M-1))/2,EHerm,RS TUpper)
typedef SymMat<M,EWithoutNegator,RS> TWithoutNegator
typedef EULessScalar ULessScalar

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SymMat (  )  [inline]

Default construction initializes to NaN when debugging but is left uninitialized otherwise.

SymMat ( const SymMat< M, ELT, RS > &  src  )  [inline]

Copy constructor.

SymMat ( const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &  m  )  [inline, explicit]

This is an explicit conversion from square Mat of right size, assuming that the source matrix is symmetric to within a reasonable numerical tolerance.

In Debug mode we'll test that assumption and throw an exception if it is wrong. In Release mode you're on your own. All the elements of the source Mat are used; off-diagonal elements (i,j) are averaged with their corresponding element (j,i); the imaginary part of the diagonal is set exactly to zero. If you don't want to spend the flops to average the off-diagonals, and you're sure the source is symmetric, use either setFromLower() or setFromUpper() which will just copy the elements.

See also:
setFromLower(), setFromUpper()
SymMat ( const SymMat< M, E, RSS > &  src  )  [inline]

This is an implicit conversion from a SymMat of the same length and element type but with different spacing.

SymMat ( const SymMat< M, ENeg, RSS > &  src  )  [inline]

This is an implicit conversion from a SymMat of the same length and negated element type, possibly with different spacing.

SymMat ( const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &  src  )  [inline, explicit]

Construct a SymMat from a SymMat of the same dimensions, with any element type and spacing.

Works as long as the element types are assignment compatible.

SymMat ( const E &  e  )  [inline, explicit]
SymMat ( const ENeg &  e  )  [inline, explicit]
SymMat ( int  i  )  [inline, explicit]

Referenced by SymMat< 3, P >::SymMat().

SymMat ( const E &  e0,
const E &  e1,
const E &  e2 
) [inline]

A bevy of constructors from individual exact-match elements IN ROW ORDER, giving the LOWER TRIANGLE, like this:.

            b c
            d e f
            g h i j

Note that this will be mapped to our diagonal/lower layout, which in the above example would be:

            [a c f j][b d g e h i]
SymMat ( const E &  e0,
const E &  e1,
const E &  e2,
const E &  e3,
const E &  e4,
const E &  e5 
) [inline]
SymMat ( const E &  e0,
const E &  e1,
const E &  e2,
const E &  e3,
const E &  e4,
const E &  e5,
const E &  e6,
const E &  e7,
const E &  e8,
const E &  e9 
) [inline]
SymMat ( const E &  e0,
const E &  e1,
const E &  e2,
const E &  e3,
const E &  e4,
const E &  e5,
const E &  e6,
const E &  e7,
const E &  e8,
const E &  e9,
const E &  e10,
const E &  e11,
const E &  e12,
const E &  e13,
const E &  e14 
) [inline]
SymMat ( const E &  e0,
const E &  e1,
const E &  e2,
const E &  e3,
const E &  e4,
const E &  e5,
const E &  e6,
const E &  e7,
const E &  e8,
const E &  e9,
const E &  e10,
const E &  e11,
const E &  e12,
const E &  e13,
const E &  e14,
const E &  e15,
const E &  e16,
const E &  e17,
const E &  e18,
const E &  e19,
const E &  e20 
) [inline]
SymMat ( const EE *  p  )  [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

TAbs abs (  )  const [inline]

Referenced by SimTK::abs(), and SymMat< 3, P >::abs().

const TWithoutNegator& castAwayNegatorIfAny (  )  const [inline]
TCol col ( int  j  )  const [inline]
Result<SymMat<M,E2,RS2> >::Add conformingAdd ( const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &  r  )  const [inline]
Result<SymMat<M,E2,RS2> >::Mul conformingMultiply ( const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &  s  )  const [inline]
Result<SymMat<M,E2,RS2> >::Sub conformingSubtract ( const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &  r  )  const [inline]
TDiag& diag (  )  [inline]
const TDiag& diag (  )  const [inline]
E elt ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline]

Return a value for any element of a symmetric matrix, even those in the upper triangle which aren't actually stored anywhere.

For elements whose underlying numeric types are complex, this will require computation in order to return the conjugates. So we always have to copy out the element, and may also have to conjugate it (one flop per complex number).

static const SymMat& getAs ( const ELT *  p  )  [inline, static]
const TAsVec& getAsVec (  )  const [inline]
static double getDefaultTolerance (  )  [inline, static]

For approximate comparisions, the default tolerance to use for a matrix is its shortest dimension times its elements' default tolerance.

Referenced by SymMat< 3, P >::getDefaultTolerance(), and SymMat< 3, P >::isNumericallyEqual().

const TDiag& getDiag (  )  const [inline]
const E& getEltDiag ( int  i  )  const [inline]
const E& getEltLower ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline]
const EHerm& getEltUpper ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline]
const TLower& getLower (  )  const [inline]
static TPacked getNaN (  )  [inline, static]
const TUpper& getUpper (  )  const [inline]
TImag& imag (  )  [inline]
const TImag& imag (  )  const [inline]
TInvert invert (  )  const [inline]
bool isFinite (  )  const [inline]

Return true if no element contains an Infinity or a NaN.

bool isInf (  )  const [inline]

Return true if any element of this SymMat contains a +Inf or -Inf somewhere but no element contains a NaN anywhere.

bool isNaN (  )  const [inline]

Return true if any element of this SymMat contains a NaN anywhere.

Referenced by Inertia_< Real >::isValidInertiaMatrix().

bool isNumericallyEqual ( const ELT &  e,
double  tol = getDefaultTolerance() 
) const [inline]

Test whether this is numerically a "scalar" matrix, meaning that it is a diagonal matrix in which each diagonal element is numerically equal to the same scalar, using either a specified tolerance or the matrix's default tolerance (which is always the same or looser than the default tolerance for one of its elements).

bool isNumericallyEqual ( const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &  m  )  const [inline]

Test whether this matrix is numerically equal to some other matrix with the same shape, using a default tolerance which is the looser of the default tolerances of the two objects being compared.

bool isNumericallyEqual ( const SymMat< M, E2, RS2 > &  m,
double  tol 
) const [inline]

Test whether this matrix is numerically equal to some other matrix with the same shape, using a specified tolerance.

Referenced by SymMat< 3, P >::isNumericallyEqual().

int ncol (  )  const [inline]
const TNeg& negate (  )  const [inline]
CNT<ScalarNormSq>::TSqrt norm (  )  const [inline]
TNormalize normalize (  )  const [inline]

There is no conventional meaning for normalize() applied to a matrix.

We choose to define it as follows: If the elements of this SymMat are scalars, the result is what you get by dividing each element by the Frobenius norm() calculated above. If the elements are not* scalars, then the elements are *separately* normalized.

Normalize returns a matrix of the same dimension but in new, packed storage and with a return type that does not include negator<> even if the original SymMat<> does, because we can eliminate the negation here almost for free. But we can't standardize (change conjugate to complex) for free, so we'll retain conjugates if there are any.

ScalarNormSq normSqr (  )  const [inline]
int nrow (  )  const [inline]
TCol operator() ( int  j  )  const [inline]
E& operator() ( int  i,
int  j 
) [inline]
const E& operator() ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline]
SymMat& operator*= ( const EE &  e  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator*= ( const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &  mm  )  [inline]
const SymMat& operator+ (  )  const [inline]
SymMat& operator+= ( const EE &  e  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator+= ( const SymMat< M, negator< EE >, RSS > &  mm  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator+= ( const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &  mm  )  [inline]
TNeg& operator- (  )  [inline]
const TNeg& operator- (  )  const [inline]
SymMat& operator-= ( const EE &  e  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator-= ( const SymMat< M, negator< EE >, RSS > &  mm  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator-= ( const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &  mm  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator/= ( const EE &  e  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator= ( const EE &  e  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator= ( const SymMat< M, EE, RSS > &  mm  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator= ( const EE *  p  )  [inline]
SymMat& operator= ( const SymMat< M, ELT, RS > &  src  )  [inline]

Copy assignment; no harm if source and this are the same matrix.

TRow operator[] ( int  i  )  const [inline]
THerm& operator~ (  )  [inline]
const THerm& operator~ (  )  const [inline]
const TPosTrans& positionalTranspose (  )  const [inline]
TReal& real (  )  [inline]
const TReal& real (  )  const [inline]
TRow row ( int  i  )  const [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<E>::template Result<EE>::Add> scalarAdd ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<E>::template Result<EE>::Dvd> scalarDivide ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
SymMat& scalarDivideEq ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat& scalarDivideEqFromLeft ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<EE>::template Result<E>::Dvd> scalarDivideFromLeft ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
SymMat& scalarEq ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat& scalarMinusEq ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat& scalarMinusEqFromLeft ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<E>::template Result<EE>::Mul> scalarMultiply ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<EE>::template Result<E>::Mul> scalarMultiplyFromLeft ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
ScalarNormSq scalarNormSqr (  )  const [inline]
SymMat& scalarPlusEq ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<E>::template Result<EE>::Sub> scalarSubtract ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
SymMat<M, typename CNT<EE>::template Result<E>::Sub> scalarSubtractFromLeft ( const EE &  e  )  const [inline]
SymMat& scalarTimesEq ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat& scalarTimesEqFromLeft ( const EE &  ee  )  [inline]
SymMat& setFromLower ( const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &  m  )  [inline]

Create a new SymMat of this type from a square Mat of the right size, looking only at lower elements and the real part of the diagonal.

SymMat& setFromSymmetric ( const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &  m  )  [inline]

Create a new SymMat of this type from a square Mat of the right size, that is expected to be symmetric (hermitian) to within a tolerance.

All elements are used; we average the upper and lower elements of the Mat to produce the corresponding element of the SymMat.

Referenced by SymMat< 3, P >::SymMat().

SymMat& setFromUpper ( const Mat< M, M, EE, CSS, RSS > &  m  )  [inline]

Create a new SymMat of this type from a square Mat of the right size, looking only at upper elements and the real part of the diagonal.

Note that the SymMat's stored elements are still in its lower triangle; they are just initialized from the Mat's upper triangle. There is no transposing of elements here; we simply copy the upper elements of the Mat to the corresponding lower elements of the SymMat.

void setToNaN (  )  [inline]

Referenced by SymMat< 3, P >::SymMat().

void setToZero (  )  [inline]
int size (  )  const [inline]
TSqrt sqrt (  )  const [inline]
TStandard standardize (  )  const [inline]
TRow sum (  )  const [inline]

Referenced by SimTK::sum().

EStandard trace (  )  const [inline]
const THerm& transpose (  )  const [inline]
static SymMat& updAs ( ELT *  p  )  [inline, static]
TAsVec& updAsVec (  )  [inline]
TWithoutNegator& updCastAwayNegatorIfAny (  )  [inline]
TDiag& updDiag (  )  [inline]
E& updEltDiag ( int  i  )  [inline]
E& updEltLower ( int  i,
int  j 
) [inline]
EHerm& updEltUpper ( int  i,
int  j 
) [inline]
TLower& updLower (  )  [inline]
TNeg& updNegate (  )  [inline]
TPosTrans& updPositionalTranspose (  )  [inline]
THerm& updTranspose (  )  [inline]
TUpper& updUpper (  )  [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SymMat [friend]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:38:32 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1