VelocityRescalingThermostat Class Reference

This is an event handler that acts as a thermostat for controlling the temperature of a simulation efficiently, and in a qualitatively reasonable manner although not with the correct statistical temperature distribution. More...

#include <VelocityRescalingThermostat.h>

Inheritance diagram for VelocityRescalingThermostat:
PeriodicEventHandler ScheduledEventHandler EventHandler

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VelocityRescalingThermostat (const MolecularMechanicsSystem &system, Real bathTemperature=293.15, Real rescalingInterval=1, int numExcludedDofs=6)
 Create a VelocityRescalingThermostat implemented as a periodic event handler.
Real getBathTemperature () const
 Get the temperature this thermostat is set to maintain.
VelocityRescalingThermostatsetBathTemperature (Real bathTemperature)
 Set the bath temperature Tb that this thermostat is set to maintain.
int getNumExcludedDofs () const
 Obtain the current setting for the number of rigid body degrees of freedom to be excluded when determining the number of thermal degrees of freedom used in calculating system temperature.
VelocityRescalingThermostatsetNumExcludedDofs (int numExcludedDofs)
 Set the number of rigid body degrees of freedom to be excluded from the count of thermal degrees of freedom used in temperature calculation.
Real calcCurrentTemperature (const State &state) const
 Calculate the current system temperature in the same manner as this event handler will use when adjusting the temperature, taking account of the number of excluded degrees of freedom.
int calcNumThermalDofs (const State &state) const
 Calculate the number of thermal degrees of freedom currently possessed by the system, as the total number of mobilities minus the number of non-redundant constraint equations, minus the number of excluded rigid body degrees of freedom.
void rescale (State &state) const
 Rescale the system velocities to adjust the system temperature T to be equal to the specified bath temperature Tb.
 ~VelocityRescalingThermostat ()

Detailed Description

This is an event handler that acts as a thermostat for controlling the temperature of a simulation efficiently, and in a qualitatively reasonable manner although not with the correct statistical temperature distribution.

For thermodynamically correct temperature control, use the Nose'-Hoover thermostat instead. All values are assumed to be in MD units.

The system being simulated is assumed to be embedded in a bath of infinite heat capacity that is at a constant temperature Tb. This thermostat will periodically adjust the system temperature T so that T=Tb. The system temperature T is defined here as follows:

    T = 2*KE/(N*kB)     

where KE is the total system kinetic energy, kB is Boltzmann's constant, and N is the number of thermal degrees of freedom. By "thermal" degrees of freedom we mean the total number of mobilities, minus non-redundant constraints, minus the overall rigid body degrees of freedom for the system as a whole. By default, we assume there are 6 rigid body degrees of freedom for the system as a whole that are conserved and hence not part of the degrees of freedom available for temperature control. This will be true when no part of the system is tethered to ground, and all forces are conservative, in which case the system linear momentum and angular momentum are conserved and should remain zero at all times. This thermostat does not attempt to manage the system momentum; it is scaled along with everything else so it is up to you to ensure that it stays zero if it should be. The number of conserved rigid body degrees of freedom is almost always 6; set it to 3 if your system will conserve only linear momentum and to zero if there is no conservation expected, such as when a system is tethered to ground.

This thermostat works by velocity rescaling. At regular intervals, it calculates the total kinetic energy KE of the system, then rescales all the velocities so the total kinetic energy will exactly equal N*kB*T/2 ensuring an average energy of kB*T/2 per thermal degree of freedom.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VelocityRescalingThermostat ( const MolecularMechanicsSystem system,
Real  bathTemperature = 293.15,
Real  rescalingInterval = 1,
int  numExcludedDofs = 6 
) [explicit]

Create a VelocityRescalingThermostat implemented as a periodic event handler.

[in] system The MolecularMechanicsSystem containing the bodies to be affected. Typically this will be a Molmodel CompoundSystem (which is a kind of MolecularMechanicsSystem).
[in] bathTemperature The temperature Tb to which the system temperature T is to be periodically adjusted. The default value is 293.15 Kelvin (20 C). Note that the definition of system temperature T is influenced by the numExcludedDofs parameter.
[in] rescalingInterval The time interval (in ps) at which to rescale velocities. The default value is 1ps. Velocity will be rescaled to match the bath temperature whenever this much simulated time has elapsed; it is free to drift uncontrolled in between. This parameter is used to construct the PeriodicEventHandler that is the base class for the VelocityRescalingThermostat.
[in] numExcludedDofs This is the number of rigid body degrees of freedom that will be conserved during a simulation, in the range 0-6. The default is 6, meaning that the system as a whole is going to conserve angular and linear momentum. The degrees of freedom here are not included when calculating temperature.
See also:
class MassCenterMotionRemover

Member Function Documentation

Real calcCurrentTemperature ( const State state  )  const

Calculate the current system temperature in the same manner as this event handler will use when adjusting the temperature, taking account of the number of excluded degrees of freedom.

[in] state The State from which the system's current velocities are to be obtained for use in calculating the temperature.
The instantaneous system temperature T calculated using the equation T=2*KE/(N*kB) where KE is the total kinetic energy, kB is Boltzmann's constant, and N is the number of available degrees of freedom as defined above.
See also:
int calcNumThermalDofs ( const State state  )  const

Calculate the number of thermal degrees of freedom currently possessed by the system, as the total number of mobilities minus the number of non-redundant constraint equations, minus the number of excluded rigid body degrees of freedom.

This is the number N that is used in calculation of the current system temperature.

[in] state The State from which the count of mobilities and constraint equations is obtained.
The net number of thermal degrees of freedom available.
See also:
Real getBathTemperature (  )  const

Get the temperature this thermostat is set to maintain.

The currently set bath temperture Tb, in Kelvins.
int getNumExcludedDofs (  )  const

Obtain the current setting for the number of rigid body degrees of freedom to be excluded when determining the number of thermal degrees of freedom used in calculating system temperature.

The currently set number of excluded dofs, 0-6.
void rescale ( State state  )  const

Rescale the system velocities to adjust the system temperature T to be equal to the specified bath temperature Tb.

This provides the same functionality as the event handler but is intended to be invoked directly rather than from a TimeStepper.

If the current temperature is exactly zero (meaning all the generalized speeds u in the system are zero) then rescaling would have no effect. In that case, and assuming the desired temperature is greater than zero and there are some thermal degrees of freedom available, this method will generate a set of random velocities with the appropriate temperature.
[in,out] state The State from which the current velocities are obtained to calculate the current temperature, and to which the revised velocities are written.
See also:
VelocityRescalingThermostat& setBathTemperature ( Real  bathTemperature  ) 

Set the bath temperature Tb that this thermostat is set to maintain.

This may be changed during a simulation to effect an annealing scheduled.

[in] bathTemperature The bath temperature Tb to which the system temperature T is periodically adjusted.
A writable reference to the current VelocityRescalingThermostat object that was just modified.
VelocityRescalingThermostat& setNumExcludedDofs ( int  numExcludedDofs  ) 

Set the number of rigid body degrees of freedom to be excluded from the count of thermal degrees of freedom used in temperature calculation.

[in] numExcludedDofs The number of rigid body dofs to be excluded at the next rescaling request.
A writable reference to the current VelocityRescalingThermostat object that was just modified.

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