cpodes.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define CP_ADAMS   1
#define CP_BDF   2
#define CP_FUNCTIONAL   1
#define CP_NEWTON   2
#define CP_EXPL   1
#define CP_IMPL   2
#define CP_SS   1
#define CP_SV   2
#define CP_WF   3
#define CP_PROJ_USER   1
#define CP_PROJ_INTERNAL   2
#define CP_PROJ_L2NORM   1
#define CP_PROJ_ERRNORM   2
#define CP_CNSTR_LIN   1
#define CP_CNSTR_NONLIN   2
#define CP_NORMAL   1
#define CP_ONE_STEP   2
#define CP_NORMAL_TSTOP   3
#define CP_ONE_STEP_TSTOP   4
#define CP_SUCCESS   0
#define CP_TSTOP_RETURN   1
#define CP_ROOT_RETURN   2
#define CP_WARNING   99
#define CP_TOO_MUCH_WORK   -1
#define CP_TOO_MUCH_ACC   -2
#define CP_ERR_FAILURE   -3
#define CP_CONV_FAILURE   -4
#define CP_LINIT_FAIL   -5
#define CP_LSETUP_FAIL   -6
#define CP_LSOLVE_FAIL   -7
#define CP_ODEFUNC_FAIL   -8
#define CP_REPTD_ODEFUNC_ERR   -10
#define CP_UNREC_ODEFUNC_ERR   -11
#define CP_RTFUNC_FAIL   -12
#define CP_MEM_FAIL   -20
#define CP_MEM_NULL   -21
#define CP_ILL_INPUT   -22
#define CP_NO_MALLOC   -23
#define CP_BAD_K   -24
#define CP_BAD_T   -25
#define CP_BAD_DKY   -26
#define CP_TOO_CLOSE   -27
#define CP_NO_QUAD   -30
#define CP_QUADFUNC_FAIL   -31
#define CP_BAD_IS   -40
#define CP_NO_SENS   -41
#define CP_SENSFUNC_FAIL   -42
#define CP_PLINIT_FAIL   -50
#define CP_PLSETUP_FAIL   -51
#define CP_PLSOLVE_FAIL   -52
#define CP_CNSTRFUNC_FAIL   -53
#define CP_PROJFUNC_FAIL   -54
#define CP_PROJ_FAILURE   -55
#define CP_NO_RECOVERY   -61
#define CP_LINESEARCH_FAIL   -62


typedef int(* CPRhsFn )(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fout, void *f_data)
typedef int(* CPResFn )(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector fout, void *f_data)
typedef int(* CPCnstrFn )(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector cout, void *c_data)
typedef int(* CPProjFn )(realtype t, N_Vector ycur, N_Vector corr, realtype epsProj, N_Vector err, void *pdata)
typedef int(* CPQuadFn )(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector qout, void *q_data)
typedef int(* CPRootFn )(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, realtype *gout, void *g_data)
typedef int(* CPEwtFn )(N_Vector y, N_Vector ewt, void *e_data)
typedef void(* CPErrHandlerFn )(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function, char *msg, void *eh_data)


SUNDIALS_EXPORT void * CPodeCreate (int ode_type, int lmm_type, int nls_type)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeInit (void *cpode_mem, void *fun, void *f_data, realtype t0, N_Vector y0, N_Vector yp0, int tol_type, realtype reltol, void *abstol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeReInit (void *cpode_mem, void *fun, void *f_data, realtype t0, N_Vector y0, N_Vector yp0, int tol_type, realtype reltol, void *abstol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeProjInit (void *cpode_mem, int proj_norm, int cnstr_type, CPCnstrFn cfun, void *c_data, N_Vector ctol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeProjDefine (void *cpode_mem, CPProjFn pfun, void *p_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeQuadInit (void *cpode_mem, CPQuadFn qfun, void *q_data, N_Vector q0)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeQuadReInit (void *cpode_mem, CPQuadFn qfun, void *q_data, N_Vector q0)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeRootInit (void *cpode_mem, int nrtfn, CPRootFn gfun, void *g_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeCalcIC (void *cpode_mem)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetErrHandlerFn (void *cpode_mem, CPErrHandlerFn ehfun, void *eh_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetErrFile (void *cpode_mem, FILE *errfp)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetEwtFn (void *cpode_mem, CPEwtFn efun, void *e_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxOrd (void *cpode_mem, int maxord)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxNumSteps (void *cpode_mem, long int mxsteps)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxHnilWarns (void *cpode_mem, int mxhnil)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetStabLimDet (void *cpode_mem, booleantype stldet)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetInitStep (void *cpode_mem, realtype hin)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMinStep (void *cpode_mem, realtype hmin)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxStep (void *cpode_mem, realtype hmax)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetStopTime (void *cpode_mem, realtype tstop)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxErrTestFails (void *cpode_mem, int maxnef)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxNonlinIters (void *cpode_mem, int maxcor)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxConvFails (void *cpode_mem, int maxncf)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetNonlinConvCoef (void *cpode_mem, realtype nlscoef)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjUpdateErrEst (void *cpode_mem, booleantype proj_err)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjFrequency (void *cpode_mem, long int proj_freq)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjTestCnstr (void *cpode_mem, booleantype test_cnstr)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjLsetupFreq (void *cpode_mem, long int proj_lset_freq)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjNonlinConvCoef (void *cpode_mem, realtype prjcoef)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetQuadErrCon (void *cpode_mem, booleantype errconQ, int tol_typeQ, realtype reltolQ, void *abstolQ)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetTolerances (void *cpode_mem, int tol_type, realtype reltol, void *abstol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetRootDirection (void *cpode_mem, int *rootdir)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPode (void *cpode_mem, realtype tout, realtype *tret, N_Vector yout, N_Vector ypout, int mode)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetDky (void *cpode_mem, realtype t, int k, N_Vector dky)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuad (void *cpode_mem, realtype t, N_Vector yQout)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuadDky (void *cpode_mem, realtype t, int k, N_Vector dky)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetConsistentIC (void *cpode_mem, N_Vector yy0, N_Vector yp0)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetWorkSpace (void *cpode_mem, long int *lenrw, long int *leniw)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumSteps (void *cpode_mem, long int *nsteps)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumFctEvals (void *cpode_mem, long int *nfevals)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumLinSolvSetups (void *cpode_mem, long int *nlinsetups)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumErrTestFails (void *cpode_mem, long int *netfails)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetLastOrder (void *cpode_mem, int *qlast)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetCurrentOrder (void *cpode_mem, int *qcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumStabLimOrderReds (void *cpode_mem, long int *nslred)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetActualInitStep (void *cpode_mem, realtype *hinused)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetLastStep (void *cpode_mem, realtype *hlast)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetCurrentStep (void *cpode_mem, realtype *hcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetCurrentTime (void *cpode_mem, realtype *tcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetTolScaleFactor (void *cpode_mem, realtype *tolsfac)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetErrWeights (void *cpode_mem, N_Vector eweight)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetEstLocalErrors (void *cpode_mem, N_Vector ele)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumGEvals (void *cpode_mem, long int *ngevals)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetRootInfo (void *cpode_mem, int *rootsfound)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetIntegratorStats (void *cpode_mem, long int *nsteps, long int *nfevals, long int *nlinsetups, long int *netfails, int *qlast, int *qcur, realtype *hinused, realtype *hlast, realtype *hcur, realtype *tcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters (void *cpode_mem, long int *nniters)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails (void *cpode_mem, long int *nncfails)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNonlinSolvStats (void *cpode_mem, long int *nniters, long int *nncfails)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumProj (void *cpode_mem, long int *nproj)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumCnstrEvals (void *cpode_mem, long int *nce)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumLinSolvSetups (void *cpode_mem, long int *nsetupsP)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumFailures (void *cpode_mem, long int *nprf)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjStats (void *cpode_mem, long int *nproj, long int *nce, long int *nsetupsP, long int *nprf)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuadNumFunEvals (void *cpode_mem, long int *nqevals)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuadErrWeights (void *cpode_mem, N_Vector eQweight)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT char * CPodeGetReturnFlagName (int flag)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void CPodeFree (void **cpode_mem)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void CPodeQuadFree (void *cpode_mem)

Define Documentation

#define CP_ADAMS   1
#define CP_BAD_DKY   -26
#define CP_BAD_IS   -40
#define CP_BAD_K   -24
#define CP_BAD_T   -25
#define CP_BDF   2
#define CP_CNSTR_LIN   1
#define CP_CNSTR_NONLIN   2
#define CP_CNSTRFUNC_FAIL   -53
#define CP_CONV_FAILURE   -4
#define CP_ERR_FAILURE   -3
#define CP_EXPL   1
#define CP_FUNCTIONAL   1
#define CP_ILL_INPUT   -22
#define CP_IMPL   2
#define CP_LINESEARCH_FAIL   -62
#define CP_LINIT_FAIL   -5
#define CP_LSETUP_FAIL   -6
#define CP_LSOLVE_FAIL   -7
#define CP_MEM_FAIL   -20
#define CP_MEM_NULL   -21
#define CP_NEWTON   2
#define CP_NO_MALLOC   -23
#define CP_NO_QUAD   -30
#define CP_NO_RECOVERY   -61
#define CP_NO_SENS   -41
#define CP_NORMAL   1
#define CP_NORMAL_TSTOP   3
#define CP_ODEFUNC_FAIL   -8
#define CP_ONE_STEP   2
#define CP_ONE_STEP_TSTOP   4
#define CP_PLINIT_FAIL   -50
#define CP_PLSETUP_FAIL   -51
#define CP_PLSOLVE_FAIL   -52
#define CP_PROJ_ERRNORM   2
#define CP_PROJ_FAILURE   -55
#define CP_PROJ_INTERNAL   2
#define CP_PROJ_L2NORM   1
#define CP_PROJ_USER   1
#define CP_PROJFUNC_FAIL   -54
#define CP_QUADFUNC_FAIL   -31
#define CP_REPTD_ODEFUNC_ERR   -10
#define CP_ROOT_RETURN   2
#define CP_RTFUNC_FAIL   -12
#define CP_SENSFUNC_FAIL   -42
#define CP_SS   1
#define CP_SUCCESS   0
#define CP_SV   2
#define CP_TOO_CLOSE   -27
#define CP_TOO_MUCH_ACC   -2
#define CP_TOO_MUCH_WORK   -1
#define CP_TSTOP_RETURN   1
#define CP_UNREC_ODEFUNC_ERR   -11
#define CP_WARNING   99
#define CP_WF   3

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* CPCnstrFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector cout, void *c_data)
typedef void(* CPErrHandlerFn)(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function, char *msg, void *eh_data)
typedef int(* CPEwtFn)(N_Vector y, N_Vector ewt, void *e_data)
typedef int(* CPProjFn)(realtype t, N_Vector ycur, N_Vector corr, realtype epsProj, N_Vector err, void *pdata)
typedef int(* CPQuadFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector qout, void *q_data)
typedef int(* CPResFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector fout, void *f_data)
typedef int(* CPRhsFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fout, void *f_data)
typedef int(* CPRootFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, realtype *gout, void *g_data)

Function Documentation

SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPode ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  tout,
realtype tret,
N_Vector  yout,
N_Vector  ypout,
int  mode 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeCalcIC ( void *  cpode_mem  ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void* CPodeCreate ( int  ode_type,
int  lmm_type,
int  nls_type 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void CPodeFree ( void **  cpode_mem  ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetActualInitStep ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype hinused 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetConsistentIC ( void *  cpode_mem,
N_Vector  yy0,
N_Vector  yp0 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetCurrentOrder ( void *  cpode_mem,
int *  qcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetCurrentStep ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype hcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetCurrentTime ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype tcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetDky ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  t,
int  k,
N_Vector  dky 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetErrWeights ( void *  cpode_mem,
N_Vector  eweight 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetEstLocalErrors ( void *  cpode_mem,
N_Vector  ele 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetIntegratorStats ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nsteps,
long int *  nfevals,
long int *  nlinsetups,
long int *  netfails,
int *  qlast,
int *  qcur,
realtype hinused,
realtype hlast,
realtype hcur,
realtype tcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetLastOrder ( void *  cpode_mem,
int *  qlast 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetLastStep ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype hlast 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNonlinSolvStats ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nniters,
long int *  nncfails 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumErrTestFails ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  netfails 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumFctEvals ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nfevals 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumGEvals ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  ngevals 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumLinSolvSetups ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nlinsetups 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nncfails 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nniters 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumStabLimOrderReds ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nslred 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetNumSteps ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nsteps 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumCnstrEvals ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nce 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumFailures ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nprf 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumLinSolvSetups ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nsetupsP 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjNumProj ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nproj 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetProjStats ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nproj,
long int *  nce,
long int *  nsetupsP,
long int *  nprf 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuad ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  t,
N_Vector  yQout 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuadDky ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  t,
int  k,
N_Vector  dky 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuadErrWeights ( void *  cpode_mem,
N_Vector  eQweight 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetQuadNumFunEvals ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  nqevals 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT char* CPodeGetReturnFlagName ( int  flag  ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetRootInfo ( void *  cpode_mem,
int *  rootsfound 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetTolScaleFactor ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype tolsfac 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeGetWorkSpace ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int *  lenrw,
long int *  leniw 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeInit ( void *  cpode_mem,
void *  fun,
void *  f_data,
realtype  t0,
N_Vector  y0,
N_Vector  yp0,
int  tol_type,
realtype  reltol,
void *  abstol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeProjDefine ( void *  cpode_mem,
CPProjFn  pfun,
void *  p_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeProjInit ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  proj_norm,
int  cnstr_type,
CPCnstrFn  cfun,
void *  c_data,
N_Vector  ctol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void CPodeQuadFree ( void *  cpode_mem  ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeQuadInit ( void *  cpode_mem,
CPQuadFn  qfun,
void *  q_data,
N_Vector  q0 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeQuadReInit ( void *  cpode_mem,
CPQuadFn  qfun,
void *  q_data,
N_Vector  q0 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeReInit ( void *  cpode_mem,
void *  fun,
void *  f_data,
realtype  t0,
N_Vector  y0,
N_Vector  yp0,
int  tol_type,
realtype  reltol,
void *  abstol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeRootInit ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  nrtfn,
CPRootFn  gfun,
void *  g_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetErrFile ( void *  cpode_mem,
FILE *  errfp 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetErrHandlerFn ( void *  cpode_mem,
CPErrHandlerFn  ehfun,
void *  eh_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetEwtFn ( void *  cpode_mem,
CPEwtFn  efun,
void *  e_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetInitStep ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  hin 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxConvFails ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  maxncf 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxErrTestFails ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  maxnef 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxHnilWarns ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  mxhnil 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxNonlinIters ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  maxcor 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxNumSteps ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int  mxsteps 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxOrd ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  maxord 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMaxStep ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  hmax 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetMinStep ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  hmin 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetNonlinConvCoef ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  nlscoef 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjFrequency ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int  proj_freq 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjLsetupFreq ( void *  cpode_mem,
long int  proj_lset_freq 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjNonlinConvCoef ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  prjcoef 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjTestCnstr ( void *  cpode_mem,
booleantype  test_cnstr 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetProjUpdateErrEst ( void *  cpode_mem,
booleantype  proj_err 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetQuadErrCon ( void *  cpode_mem,
booleantype  errconQ,
int  tol_typeQ,
realtype  reltolQ,
void *  abstolQ 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetRootDirection ( void *  cpode_mem,
int *  rootdir 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetStabLimDet ( void *  cpode_mem,
booleantype  stldet 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetStopTime ( void *  cpode_mem,
realtype  tstop 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CPodeSetTolerances ( void *  cpode_mem,
int  tol_type,
realtype  reltol,
void *  abstol 

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:39 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1