Global Functions in the SimTK namespace

These are functions at the top level of the SimTK namespace, meaning that a function named funcName() is invoked as SimTK::funcName(), or just funcName() if there is a "using namespace SimTK;" statement in effect. More...


 Scalar Functions

These functions are overloaded to act on SimTK scalar types and C++ built-in types, including integral types when appropriate.

 Bit-twiddling Functions

These functions perform highly optimized bit-twiddling operations on the built-in integral types, and sometimes on the representations of floating point types as well.

 Spatial Algebra Utilities

These utility functions are used for manipulation of spatial quantities that are contained in SpatialVec or SpatialMat objects.

Detailed Description

These are functions at the top level of the SimTK namespace, meaning that a function named funcName() is invoked as SimTK::funcName(), or just funcName() if there is a "using namespace SimTK;" statement in effect.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:47 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1