Bit-twiddling Functions
[Global Functions in the SimTK namespace]

These functions perform highly optimized bit-twiddling operations on the built-in integral types, and sometimes on the representations of floating point types as well. More...



atMostOneBitIsSet(i) provides an extremely fast way to determine whether an integral type is either zero or consists of a single set bit.


exactlyOneBitIsSet(i) provides a very fast way to determine whether an integral type has exactly one bit set.


signBit(i) provides a fast way to determine the value of the sign bit (as a bool) for integral and floating types.

Detailed Description

These functions perform highly optimized bit-twiddling operations on the built-in integral types, and sometimes on the representations of floating point types as well.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:47 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1