ida.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define IDA_SS   1
#define IDA_SV   2
#define IDA_WF   3
#define IDA_NORMAL   1
#define IDA_ONE_STEP   2
#define IDA_NORMAL_TSTOP   3
#define IDA_ONE_STEP_TSTOP   4
#define IDA_YA_YDP_INIT   1
#define IDA_Y_INIT   2
#define IDA_SUCCESS   0
#define IDA_TSTOP_RETURN   1
#define IDA_ROOT_RETURN   2
#define IDA_WARNING   99
#define IDA_MEM_NULL   -1
#define IDA_ILL_INPUT   -2
#define IDA_NO_MALLOC   -3
#define IDA_TOO_MUCH_WORK   -4
#define IDA_TOO_MUCH_ACC   -5
#define IDA_ERR_FAIL   -6
#define IDA_CONV_FAIL   -7
#define IDA_LINIT_FAIL   -8
#define IDA_LSETUP_FAIL   -9
#define IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL   -10
#define IDA_RES_FAIL   -11
#define IDA_CONSTR_FAIL   -12
#define IDA_REP_RES_ERR   -13
#define IDA_MEM_FAIL   -14
#define IDA_BAD_T   -15
#define IDA_BAD_EWT   -16
#define IDA_FIRST_RES_FAIL   -17
#define IDA_NO_RECOVERY   -19
#define IDA_RTFUNC_FAIL   -20


typedef int(* IDAResFn )(realtype tt, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, void *res_data)
typedef int(* IDARootFn )(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, realtype *gout, void *g_data)
typedef int(* IDAEwtFn )(N_Vector y, N_Vector ewt, void *e_data)
typedef void(* IDAErrHandlerFn )(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function, char *msg, void *eh_data)


SUNDIALS_EXPORT void * IDACreate (void)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetErrHandlerFn (void *ida_mem, IDAErrHandlerFn ehfun, void *eh_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetErrFile (void *ida_mem, FILE *errfp)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetRdata (void *ida_mem, void *res_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetEwtFn (void *ida_mem, IDAEwtFn efun, void *edata)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxOrd (void *ida_mem, int maxord)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumSteps (void *ida_mem, long int mxsteps)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetInitStep (void *ida_mem, realtype hin)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxStep (void *ida_mem, realtype hmax)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetStopTime (void *ida_mem, realtype tstop)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetNonlinConvCoef (void *ida_mem, realtype epcon)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxErrTestFails (void *ida_mem, int maxnef)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNonlinIters (void *ida_mem, int maxcor)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxConvFails (void *ida_mem, int maxncf)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetSuppressAlg (void *ida_mem, booleantype suppressalg)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetId (void *ida_mem, N_Vector id)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetConstraints (void *ida_mem, N_Vector constraints)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetTolerances (void *ida_mem, int itol, realtype rtol, void *atol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAMalloc (void *ida_mem, IDAResFn res, realtype t0, N_Vector yy0, N_Vector yp0, int itol, realtype rtol, void *atol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAReInit (void *ida_mem, IDAResFn res, realtype t0, N_Vector yy0, N_Vector yp0, int itol, realtype rtol, void *atol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetNonlinConvCoefIC (void *ida_mem, realtype epiccon)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumStepsIC (void *ida_mem, int maxnh)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumJacsIC (void *ida_mem, int maxnj)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumItersIC (void *ida_mem, int maxnit)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetLineSearchOffIC (void *ida_mem, booleantype lsoff)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetStepToleranceIC (void *ida_mem, realtype steptol)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDARootInit (void *ida_mem, int nrtfn, IDARootFn g, void *g_data)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDACalcIC (void *ida_mem, int icopt, realtype tout1)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASolve (void *ida_mem, realtype tout, realtype *tret, N_Vector yret, N_Vector ypret, int itask)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetSolution (void *ida_mem, realtype t, N_Vector yret, N_Vector ypret)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetWorkSpace (void *ida_mem, long int *lenrw, long int *leniw)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumSteps (void *ida_mem, long int *nsteps)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumResEvals (void *ida_mem, long int *nrevals)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumLinSolvSetups (void *ida_mem, long int *nlinsetups)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumErrTestFails (void *ida_mem, long int *netfails)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumBacktrackOps (void *ida_mem, long int *nbacktr)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetConsistentIC (void *ida_mem, N_Vector yy0_mod, N_Vector yp0_mod)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetLastOrder (void *ida_mem, int *klast)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetCurrentOrder (void *ida_mem, int *kcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetActualInitStep (void *ida_mem, realtype *hinused)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetLastStep (void *ida_mem, realtype *hlast)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetCurrentStep (void *ida_mem, realtype *hcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetCurrentTime (void *ida_mem, realtype *tcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetTolScaleFactor (void *ida_mem, realtype *tolsfact)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetErrWeights (void *ida_mem, N_Vector eweight)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetEstLocalErrors (void *ida_mem, N_Vector ele)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumGEvals (void *ida_mem, long int *ngevals)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetRootInfo (void *ida_mem, int *rootsfound)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetIntegratorStats (void *ida_mem, long int *nsteps, long int *nrevals, long int *nlinsetups, long int *netfails, int *qlast, int *qcur, realtype *hinused, realtype *hlast, realtype *hcur, realtype *tcur)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters (void *ida_mem, long int *nniters)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails (void *ida_mem, long int *nncfails)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNonlinSolvStats (void *ida_mem, long int *nniters, long int *nncfails)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT char * IDAGetReturnFlagName (int flag)
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void IDAFree (void **ida_mem)

Define Documentation

#define IDA_BAD_EWT   -16
#define IDA_BAD_T   -15
#define IDA_CONSTR_FAIL   -12
#define IDA_CONV_FAIL   -7
#define IDA_ERR_FAIL   -6
#define IDA_FIRST_RES_FAIL   -17
#define IDA_ILL_INPUT   -2
#define IDA_LINIT_FAIL   -8
#define IDA_LSETUP_FAIL   -9
#define IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL   -10
#define IDA_MEM_FAIL   -14
#define IDA_MEM_NULL   -1
#define IDA_NO_MALLOC   -3
#define IDA_NO_RECOVERY   -19
#define IDA_NORMAL   1
#define IDA_NORMAL_TSTOP   3
#define IDA_ONE_STEP   2
#define IDA_ONE_STEP_TSTOP   4
#define IDA_REP_RES_ERR   -13
#define IDA_RES_FAIL   -11
#define IDA_ROOT_RETURN   2
#define IDA_RTFUNC_FAIL   -20
#define IDA_SS   1
#define IDA_SUCCESS   0
#define IDA_SV   2
#define IDA_TOO_MUCH_ACC   -5
#define IDA_TOO_MUCH_WORK   -4
#define IDA_TSTOP_RETURN   1
#define IDA_WARNING   99
#define IDA_WF   3
#define IDA_Y_INIT   2
#define IDA_YA_YDP_INIT   1

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* IDAErrHandlerFn)(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function, char *msg, void *eh_data)
typedef int(* IDAEwtFn)(N_Vector y, N_Vector ewt, void *e_data)
typedef int(* IDAResFn)(realtype tt, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, void *res_data)
typedef int(* IDARootFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, realtype *gout, void *g_data)

Function Documentation

SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDACalcIC ( void *  ida_mem,
int  icopt,
realtype  tout1 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void* IDACreate ( void   ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT void IDAFree ( void **  ida_mem  ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetActualInitStep ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype hinused 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetConsistentIC ( void *  ida_mem,
N_Vector  yy0_mod,
N_Vector  yp0_mod 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetCurrentOrder ( void *  ida_mem,
int *  kcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetCurrentStep ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype hcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetCurrentTime ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype tcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetErrWeights ( void *  ida_mem,
N_Vector  eweight 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetEstLocalErrors ( void *  ida_mem,
N_Vector  ele 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetIntegratorStats ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nsteps,
long int *  nrevals,
long int *  nlinsetups,
long int *  netfails,
int *  qlast,
int *  qcur,
realtype hinused,
realtype hlast,
realtype hcur,
realtype tcur 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetLastOrder ( void *  ida_mem,
int *  klast 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetLastStep ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype hlast 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNonlinSolvStats ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nniters,
long int *  nncfails 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumBacktrackOps ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nbacktr 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumErrTestFails ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  netfails 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumGEvals ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  ngevals 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumLinSolvSetups ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nlinsetups 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nncfails 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nniters 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumResEvals ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nrevals 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetNumSteps ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  nsteps 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT char* IDAGetReturnFlagName ( int  flag  ) 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetRootInfo ( void *  ida_mem,
int *  rootsfound 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetSolution ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  t,
N_Vector  yret,
N_Vector  ypret 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetTolScaleFactor ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype tolsfact 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAGetWorkSpace ( void *  ida_mem,
long int *  lenrw,
long int *  leniw 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAMalloc ( void *  ida_mem,
IDAResFn  res,
realtype  t0,
N_Vector  yy0,
N_Vector  yp0,
int  itol,
realtype  rtol,
void *  atol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDAReInit ( void *  ida_mem,
IDAResFn  res,
realtype  t0,
N_Vector  yy0,
N_Vector  yp0,
int  itol,
realtype  rtol,
void *  atol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDARootInit ( void *  ida_mem,
int  nrtfn,
IDARootFn  g,
void *  g_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetConstraints ( void *  ida_mem,
N_Vector  constraints 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetErrFile ( void *  ida_mem,
FILE *  errfp 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetErrHandlerFn ( void *  ida_mem,
IDAErrHandlerFn  ehfun,
void *  eh_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetEwtFn ( void *  ida_mem,
IDAEwtFn  efun,
void *  edata 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetId ( void *  ida_mem,
N_Vector  id 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetInitStep ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  hin 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetLineSearchOffIC ( void *  ida_mem,
booleantype  lsoff 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxConvFails ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxncf 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxErrTestFails ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxnef 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNonlinIters ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxcor 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumItersIC ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxnit 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumJacsIC ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxnj 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumSteps ( void *  ida_mem,
long int  mxsteps 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxNumStepsIC ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxnh 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxOrd ( void *  ida_mem,
int  maxord 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetMaxStep ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  hmax 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetNonlinConvCoef ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  epcon 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetNonlinConvCoefIC ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  epiccon 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetRdata ( void *  ida_mem,
void *  res_data 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetStepToleranceIC ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  steptol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetStopTime ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  tstop 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetSuppressAlg ( void *  ida_mem,
booleantype  suppressalg 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASetTolerances ( void *  ida_mem,
int  itol,
realtype  rtol,
void *  atol 
SUNDIALS_EXPORT int IDASolve ( void *  ida_mem,
realtype  tout,
realtype tret,
N_Vector  yret,
N_Vector  ypret,
int  itask 

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:37:40 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1