SimTK::BondMobility Namespace Reference

Namespace for description of allowed bond motions. More...


enum  Mobility { Free = 1, Torsion = 2, Rigid = 3 }

Which motions are allowed for a particular covalent bond.


Detailed Description

Namespace for description of allowed bond motions.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum Mobility

Which motions are allowed for a particular covalent bond.

An enum applied to each covalent bond in a Compound. Used to specify the degrees of freedom of that bond during subsequent construction of a multibody model in simbody.


Unrestricted bond, permitting changes in stretch, bend, and torsion modes.


Bond has fixed length and angles, but permits rotation about the bond axis.


Bond links both atoms to the same rigid unit.

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:38:33 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1