SimTK::DuMM Namespace Reference
[Molecular Mechanics in Molmodel]

This namespace is used for symbols which are useful in conjunction with Molmodel's DuMMForceFieldSubsystem. More...


class  CustomBondStretch
 Abstract base class for custom bond stretch terms, that is, functional forms that apply a distance-based force along a 1-2 bond between a pair of atoms. More...
class  CustomBondBend
 Abstract base class for custom bond bend functions, that is, functional forms that apply an angle-based torque between the two lines formed by a 1-2-3 triple of bonded atoms. More...
class  CustomBondTorsion
 Abstract base class for custom torsion functions, that is, functional forms that apply a dihedral-angle based torque about the middle bond of a 1-2-3-4 quadruple of bonded atoms. More...



Detailed Description

This namespace is used for symbols which are useful in conjunction with Molmodel's DuMMForceFieldSubsystem.

Function Documentation


Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:38:33 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1