SimTK::Exception Namespace Reference


class  UndefinedPdbChainId
class  DuplicatePdbResidue
class  UndefinedAminoAcidResidue
class  OptimizerFailed
class  UnrecognizedParameter
class  IllegalLapackArg
class  IncorrectArrayLength
class  SingularMatrix
class  ConvergedFailed
class  NotPositiveDefinite
class  Base
class  Assert
 This is for reporting internally-detected bugs only, not problems induced by confused users (that is, it is for confused developers instead). More...
class  ErrorCheck
 This is for reporting errors occurring during execution of SimTK core methods, beyond those caused by mere improper API arguments, which should be reported with APIArgcheck instead. More...
class  APIArgcheckFailed
 This is for reporting problems detected by checking the caller's supplied arguments to a SimTK API method. More...
class  IndexOutOfRange
class  SizeOutOfRange
class  SizeWasNegative
class  ValueOutOfRange
class  ValueWasNegative
class  UnimplementedVirtualMethod
class  IncompatibleValues
class  OperationNotAllowedOnView
class  OperationNotAllowedOnOwner
class  OperationNotAllowedOnNonconstReadOnlyView
class  Cant
class  RealizeTopologyMustBeCalledFirst
class  StageTooLow
class  StageIsWrong
class  StageTooHigh
class  StageOutOfRange
class  CacheEntryOutOfDate
class  RealizeCheckFailed

Generated on Thu Aug 12 16:38:33 2010 for SimTKcore by  doxygen 1.6.1