Classes | |
class | UndefinedPdbChainId |
class | DuplicatePdbResidue |
class | UndefinedAminoAcidResidue |
class | OptimizerFailed |
class | UnrecognizedParameter |
class | IllegalLapackArg |
class | IncorrectArrayLength |
class | SingularMatrix |
class | ConvergedFailed |
class | NotPositiveDefinite |
class | Base |
class | Assert |
This is for reporting internally-detected bugs only, not problems induced by confused users (that is, it is for confused developers instead). More... | |
class | ErrorCheck |
This is for reporting errors occurring during execution of SimTK core methods, beyond those caused by mere improper API arguments, which should be reported with APIArgcheck instead. More... | |
class | APIArgcheckFailed |
This is for reporting problems detected by checking the caller's supplied arguments to a SimTK API method. More... | |
class | IndexOutOfRange |
class | SizeOutOfRange |
class | SizeWasNegative |
class | ValueOutOfRange |
class | ValueWasNegative |
class | UnimplementedVirtualMethod |
class | IncompatibleValues |
class | OperationNotAllowedOnView |
class | OperationNotAllowedOnOwner |
class | OperationNotAllowedOnNonconstReadOnlyView |
class | Cant |
class | RealizeTopologyMustBeCalledFirst |
class | StageTooLow |
class | StageIsWrong |
class | StageTooHigh |
class | StageOutOfRange |
class | CacheEntryOutOfDate |
class | RealizeCheckFailed |