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Now What? How to start building/modeling

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:02 am
by bkajeger
Hi, I have an approved project, have downloaded and extracted what I think is the building SW, but don't know where/how to begin. Is there an executable file somewhere? Thanks!

Re: Now What? How to start building/modeling

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:14 pm
by joyku
Hi Kris -

What software are you trying to use? Our SimTK website hosts hundreds of different projects, so you should contact the administrators of the project you're interested in. We can help direct you if you let us know what software you downloaded.

Also, note that you don't need to have a project to use the software that is shared on the site.


Re: Now What? How to start building/modeling

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:20 pm
by joyku
From your profile, I am guessing you're interested in using OpenSim. There are executables available for both Windows and Mac, so you shouldn't need to build the software from scratch. You should be able to download and install the executables. On the download page (, if you click the arrow next to "Documentation Links," you'll also find a number of tutorials and guides for getting started. If you have additional questions, you can post them to the OpenSim forum: indexPhpbb.php?group_id=91&pluginname=phpBB.

And if you were trying to use a different software, just let me know and we can direct you to similar resources.


How to start building/modeling

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:25 pm
by bkajeger
Hi Joy,

Thank you for your reply!

What I am trying to do is build a human model that can be moved/manipulated. I *think* I was hoping to do this with SimTK.
Am I missing something? I'd just like to open an interface, find a body to build on or customize and go from there.

There is clearly a gap in my information that I am sure can be filled with someone more knowledgeable in the software accessibility.
So your question about what software I am trying to use is confusing to me.

Thank you for helping to get me started!


Re: Now What? How to start building/modeling

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:19 pm
by joyku
Hi Kris,

There is often confusion between this SimTK webportal and the software & models that are shared on it. If you have downloaded the SimTK software, that will provide you with a website, which doesn't sound like what you're looking for.

I think what you really want is the OpenSim software. OpenSim provides a user interface where you can load in different human and animal musculoskeletal models. You then use the interface to adjust coordinates, maximal muscle forces, etc. There's a nice introductory video about OpenSim here: You can download the OpenSim program here: And they have a short "getting started" page here:

Let me know if that gets you going!
