Questions about OpenSim, Beginner

Provide easy-to-use, extensible software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system.
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Breanne Woods
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Joined: Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:25 pm

Questions about OpenSim, Beginner

Post by Breanne Woods » Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:40 pm

I'm looking at downloading OpenSim for a personal project of mine, but I have a few questions to ensure it's suitable for my needs. I'm looking at experimenting with a human diagram (preferably a head, neck, and shoulders one) to see if I can create a functional model for a condition called Noxacusis, a very rare condition where ear pain is induced by low level sound. The most common theory is the tensor tympani muscle, responsible for dampening sound, becomes overactive and starts creating a trigger point in the tensor veli palatini muscle, thereby creating pain from sound.

I wanted to know if I can replicate certain conditions, such as TMJ disorder, and if the program would create a domino reaction in the diagram that's similar to how TMJ disorder affects the body. I also wanted to ask if I can alter any part of the diagram to see what happens, such as changing something that makes it foreign to a normal functioning body, and if the diagram would respond accordingly, accounting for that change. Additionally, I wanted to know if this program is able to show muscle tension?

Please let me know if these questions would be better suited for somewhere else. Thank you for your time.
