Trending Projects
Dynamic Musculoskeletal Model of the Masticatory System
The purpose of this project is to provide adynamic jaw model to the OpenSim community for
analyzing jaw biomechanics and the action of jaw
New followers: 1
OpenGRF: free OpenSim API tool for Ground Reaction Forces prediction
OpenGRF is a free OpenSim tool built on the MATLABAPI, designed to predict ground reaction forces
(GRFs). The tool accepts as input a scaled or
subject-specific musculoskeletal (MSK) model
(.osim) and a kinematics file (.mot) containing
the generalized c
Forum posts last week: 3
Reproducibility in simulation-based prediction of natural knee mechanics
This project aims for understanding the influenceof modelers’ approaches and decisions
(essentially their art) throughout the lifecycle
of modeling and simulation. It will demonstrate
the uncertainty of delivering consistent
simulation predictions when the founding data to
feed into models remain the same. The project site
also aims to be a hub to provide an overview of
resources for modeling & simulation of the knee
joint. Funding is provided by the National
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering, National Institutes of Health
(Grant No. R01EB024573).
Downloads last week: 62
Total downloads: 27,442
OpenSim Moco
OpenSim Moco solves optimal control problems withmusculoskeletal models defined in OpenSim, using
direct collocation.
Forum posts last week: 4
Simbody: Multibody Physics API
Simbody is useful for internal coordinate andcoarse grained molecule modeling, large scale
mechanical models like skeletons, and anything
else that can be modeled as bodies interconnected
by joints, acted upon by forces, and restricted by
Forum posts last week: 1
Full Body Model for use in Dynamic Simulations of Human Gait
Full body musculoskeletal model withmuscle-actuated lower extremity and
torque-actuated torso/upper extremity for use in
dynamic simulations of human movement.
Downloads last week: 42
Total followers: 35
Total downloads: 13,536
Multi-segment Foot and ankle model validated using biplanar videoradiography
A multi-segment foot and ankle model consisting ofthe tibia, talus, calcaneus, midfoot, forefoot and
toes, with a total of 7 degrees of freedom. Motion
between segments were constrained such that all
joints except for the ankle were modelled as a
Downloads last week: 72
SCONE: Open Source Software for Predictive Simulation
quot; alt="SCONE">SCONE is free and
open-source software for <b>predictive
simulation</b> of human and animal
motion. With SCONE, you can define and optimize
<b>neuromuscular controllers</b> to
optimally perform a specific task, according to
<b>high-level objectives</b> such as
walking speed and energy efficiency. Please
visit the <a
homepage</a> for more information, or check
ges">what's new</a> in the latest
Downloads last week: 42
Total followers: 34
Upper Extremity Kinematic Model
Upper-extremity available for download along withaccompanying publications.
Total followers: 27
Total downloads: 11,103
SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation
Provides a platform for patient-specificcardiovascular modeling and simulation.
Downloads last week: 114
Forum posts last week: 6
Total followers: 79
Total downloads: 49,481
SimVascular: Examples and Clinical Cases
Download examples and clinical case files forcardiovascular modeling and simulation compatible
with SimVascular
Downloads last week: 37
Total downloads: 14,654
Platform for Dynamic Simulation and Control of Movement based on OpenSim&MATLAB
This project overcomes neuromusculoskeletalsystems limitations of MATLAB®/Simulink® and
robust design & control limitations of OpenSim
through an interface between these two software
packages that combines relevant strengths of each
individual package.
Total followers: 73
Whole-Cell Computational Model of Mycoplasma genitalium
This project provides all code and data for thefirst "whole-cell" model of the entire life cycle
of a living organism, Mycoplasma
Downloads last week: 1,832
Total downloads: 279,682
Upper Extremity Dynamic Model
Provides the files associated with a dynamic modelof the upper limb for use in SIMM or OpenSim.
Total followers: 45
By Category
Biological applications
PhD Position in Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling
Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab
Jul 20, 2024
Jul 20, 2024
The Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab directed by B.J. Fregly is seeking to hire a new PhD student with the appointment beginning as soon as possible.