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online marker data

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 2:33 am
by sjullien
Hi everyone!

I am working on a body simulation, only coding with cpp (not using the GUI.) I am currently trying to compute the inverse kinematics solver, so I need marker files (.trc).
I wish to use a kinnect to get those coordinates. Is it possible to directly give the solver the coordinates of all markers at a time t, without using a marker file? It would allow me to have an online IK computation, and faster if I don't need to use a file.

I hope you guys can help me !
Thanks in advance,


Re: online marker data

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 5:16 am
by jimmy
The IKSolver takes a marker reference so if you had some data source that could be internally converted to a marker reference, you wouldn't need to write it file. There are no streaming data classes in OpenSim so you would have to write your own or use code from other public projects

Re: online marker data

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 5:19 am
by sjullien
Unfortunately this code needs files (marker files, IK files..) so it's not really online coding anymore.
But thank you for your help!