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Problems in scaling the Mouse Opensim model

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:11 am
by kmukherjee
Hello everybody,

I am working with the mouse hindlimb model of Charles et al. (2016) available at It should be noted that the vtp files of the four body segments of the hindlimb (pelvis, femur, tibia_febula and foot) are always required to be placed in the geometry folder in order to have the segments in the OpenSim software. If the vtp files are not kept in the geometry folder, the mouse body segments are replaced by the human body segments which are probably stored in the OpenSim Library. Therefore, it seems that those vtp files are working as reference files for the OpenSim model segments.

Now whenever, I am trying to scale down the model by a global factor of 0.5, my scaled down OpenSim model is not getting the required reference scaled down vtp files and consequently, the scaled down OpenSim model is having a scaled down version of the human body segments.

I was wondering whether there is any way to solve this issue with the scaling of this OpenSim model.

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

With kind regards,

Re: Problems in scaling the Mouse Opensim model

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:00 pm
by jimmy
Why don't you change the names of the mouse .vtp files and the corresponding names in the model.

Re: Problems in scaling the Mouse Opensim model

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:17 am
by kmukherjee
Thanks James for the suggestion. It worked!!
With kind regards,