Trending Projects
OpenMM has moved to This siteis no longer used.
Downloads last week: 1,776
Total followers: 66
Total downloads: 867,001
OpenCap Marker Enhancer
This project contains public data associated withour publication "Marker Data Enhancement for
Markerless Motion Capture"
Forum posts last week: 1
Practical Annotation and Exchange of Virtual Anatomy
This site serves for dissemination of aeva and itsuse cases. aeva is a free and open source software
for annotation and exchange of virtual anatomy.
The use cases drive design and testing of aeva
features and demonstrate various workflows that
rely on virtual anatomy.
Downloads last week: 80
Total downloads: 11,103
OpenMM Zephyr
OpenMM Zephyr provides a visual application forrunning GPU-accelerated molecular simulations.
Downloads last week: 15,769
Total downloads: 1,242,727
Finite Element Mesh Overclosure Reduction and Slicing (FEMORS)
This code contains functions to slice and removeoverclosures of 2D and 3D meshes using RBF
Networks, as well as conventional nodal
adjustment. It also contains helper functions,
that can slice and load STL geometries and
manipulate and view 3D hexahedral meshes.
New download files: 1
Upper Extremity Dynamic Model
Provides the files associated with a dynamic modelof the upper limb for use in SIMM or OpenSim.
Downloads last week: 50
Total followers: 45
Validation of Subject-Specific Knee Models from In Vivo Measurements
Working models, data, code, and results for workto validate that in vivo methods for measuring
laxity and obtaining knee geometry are comparable
to methods previously standard for knee modeling
of in vitro specimens.
New download files: 2
Musculoskeletal model of the mouse (Mus musculus) hindlimb and pelvis
Three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of themouse hindlimb
New followers: 1
SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation
Provides a platform for patient-specificcardiovascular modeling and simulation.
Downloads last week: 140
Forum posts last week: 16
Total followers: 80
Total downloads: 51,963
Thoracolumbar spine and rib cage model in OpenSim
The aim of this project is to provide detailed andwell-validated musculoskeletal models of the
thoracolumbar spine and rib cage, particularly for
investigators with an interest studying
musculoskeletal loading in the trunk.
Total followers: 39
Open Knee(s): Virtual Biomechanical Representations of the Knee Joint
Open Knee(s) goals have been to provide freeaccess to three-dimensional finite element
representations of the knee joint and promote open
development of knee models for collaborative
testing and use. <B>Definitive Guide to
Project and Its Outcomes</B> Open Knee(s): A
Free and Open Source Library of Specimen-Specific
Models and Related Digital Assets for Finite
Element Analysis of the Knee Joint. Chokhandre S,
Schwartz A, Klonowski E, Landis B, Erdemir A. Ann
Biomed Eng. 2023 Jan;51(1):10-23. (<A
074-0</A>) <B>Definitive Guide to
Open Knee(s) Data</B> Specimen specific
imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next
generation virtual knees. Chokhandre S, Neumann
EE, Nagle TF, Colbrunn RW, Flask CA, Colak C,
Halloran J, Erdemir A. Data Brief. 2021 Jan
30;35:106824. (<A
824</A>) <B>Database of Open
Knee(s) Models</B> Under Downloads ->
Data Share -> View -> OKS_models and at
<B>Database of Open Knee(s)
Data</B> Growing version under Downloads
-> Data Share -> View -> Open Knees Data;
permanent static version at (<A
Downloads last week: 542
Total followers: 47
Total downloads: 151,494
Platform for Dynamic Simulation and Control of Movement based on OpenSim&MATLAB
This project overcomes neuromusculoskeletalsystems limitations of MATLAB®/Simulink® and
robust design & control limitations of OpenSim
through an interface between these two software
packages that combines relevant strengths of each
individual package.
Total followers: 75
New followers: 1
Real-time OpenSim via IMUs for Full Body Kinematics
A dataset with optical and inertial measurementsfrom 22 subjects performing 9 activities,
including kinematics and real-time videos.
New download files: 2
By Category
Biological applications